>Israel’s ambassador in Budapest called on Hungary on Saturday to halt a nationwide poster campaign targeting US billionaire George Soros, which Jewish leaders say is stoking anti-Semitic feelings.
>The posters show a large picture of the Hungarian-born Jewish émigré laughing, alongside the text: “Let’s not leave Soros the last laugh,” a reference to government claims that the 86-year-old wants to force Hungary to allow in migrants.
>The campaign is the fourth media blitz by the government this year against Brussels or Soros for their alleged attacks on Hungary’s hard-line anti-immigration stance.
Israel envoy urges Hungary to halt anti-Soros campaign
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Scum of the earth...pests. Cancer. Worse than any type of muzzies.
the memes write themselves now
>Criticize a jew
>Don't mention a single fucking thing about him being jewish
Hungry is shithole and parasite. It would has been shithole without USSR money and it will be shithole without EU money.
How about they ask Soros to stop being a caricature straight out of the protocols?
>retarded ruskies actually believe this
well so is russia so whats your point?
>But Israel hates Soros too XDDDD
Top kek glad we could put this meme to rest
>US Billionaire
is he?
I'm happy this is how my taxes are spent
Did "Israel" forget that soros sold out Jews to Hitler as his first job, and is proud of it to this day? Who really is urging them to take this down?
Are you retarded??? Russia paid for every USSR republic and every country of socialist block.
More fake photos plz. You soros shill.
Russia is like WHITE hard-working american guy.
Hungry is like lazy.
Thw top Jews don't actually believe in the holohoax. It is just a tool for controlling the goyim.
Of course, Soro is a kike after all.
Hungary can do whatever they want, I'll urge my fellow bloodthirsty Americans of this simple fact.
I'm sorry, I didn't choose to be born with blood on my hands, but this is the way it is. There's nothing more I can do but try, regardless of the consequences
yes sure you did that I didnt say you didnt, but youre still a shithole
paid them to starve?
>b-but ur a jew
communists were all jews you retard, and those aren't fake, russians are well known aids ridden subhuman niggers
Filthy kike scum
Their economy is fifty years behind, so is their mindset.
No. Russia is great thanks to Putin. American loosers can't go to space without our rockets.
FUCK I hate Russians now.
yes sure russia is great keep telling yourself that I'd rather live in Somalia then in Russia
Spoiler : jews of ww2 and jews of now are 2 different people : jews of today are not gods chosen people, they are devil worshippers wearing the title of "jew".
>Fund subversive far left terrorist groups
>Get called out on it
It's karma.
>700K judes expelled
>record holder
Spoiler: you know nothing about Jews and need to go back.
You are the delusional one. Russia did at the USSR era what the USA did during cold war: hording money and wealth.
Is this b8? You ruskies basically stole everything of value from Eastern Euro countries when the USSR occupied them. Before WW2 countries like Czechia were more developed than your own starving shithole.
Also, speaking of stealing shit, give back Karafuto!
In more hypocritical Jewish news.
Professional hypocrite and leftist jew George clooney flees back to America.
What a dick.
proof that Russians actually look positively on the USSR
i get that they think it encourages antisemitism, because it does to some degree, but soros openly funds anti-israel programs and pro-arab groups which target israel. how fucking cucked is israel to not want to mossad him? ffs
Hungary is the greatest of allies.~
Checked and agreed.
Surely someone would have though, "hey, this kike is making us look bad, we should try to stop him".
Instead, they choose to side with the guy trying to destroy the west.
Now, is this purely because of antisemitism, or is it because resistance hurts the agenda?
>Russia paid for every USSR republic and every country of jewcommie block.
Jesus, russian education. I can't speak for every country in warsaw pact but Poland had to give USSR coal and crops waaaaay cheaper and sometimes even for free. What did we get in exchange you'd ask. More soviet troops of course.
Go fuck yourself Sasha, your retarded 15% muslim country is the reason half of Europe is backwards.
Both arabs and kikes are semites
this means that Jews are free of criticism because it could encourage anti-Semitism. What nonsense
Considering that this poster campaign is taking place in Hungary and is concerning a Hungarian, maybe Israel can shut the fuck up for once.
That's because you're a nigger.
>B-but right wing jews in israel are based and hate left wing jews from america and Hollywood!
Titally not on the same page. Jews are only on the side of the jew. Gas everything south of greece.
>anti-globalism is anti-Semitism
Just like when they called Trump's closing campaign ad "anti-Semitic".
Really makes me activate my homemade coconut
>pls goyim no more bashings of Soros our greatest goy
A bit rich coming from Israel who tells people to butt out of Palestine.
>but soros openly funds anti-israel programs and pro-arab groups
you're falling for deception. the money never ends in the pockets of those "groups" or the people of palestine. same for all EU funded projects
>US billionaire
Hol up, isnt he Hungarian himself?
THIS. Also checked.
That is weird. I thought soros crossed israel by trying to push his multi culti stuff on israel too? Why defend him now?
it was just a serbian-jew double bluff
He's an international Jew. He's not any nationality, but Jew. And he spends his time using his money to try and wreck other people's nations.
I find it interesting that Soros got his money from stealing property from other Jews during WW2, yet no Jews seem to have a problem with that or ever call him out on it. I guess because he's doing the Chosen's work by savaging Golus.
You shall ovey you filthy goyim!!
this is bait. you're retarded. Hungary was better off without the USSR. You degenerate commies just dragged it backwards.
you cant even spell the country right you absolute degenerate
Ah alright. Now it makes sense. I heard of those in theory, but its the first time i see it in action
C-can I masturbate to this picture?
If a jew jews the jews but jews the goyim harder I bet it gets a pass
just shut up, your such a kike
Doesn't Soros hate Israel?
>muh feelings
By the way, why Hungary is agains some million of arab and afrikans?
>"Not wanting Islamic migration into your country is anti-semetic"
Oy vey!
Open the borders of Israel and they will change their minds really quick.
who told you, Sup Forums?
Oh Sheit
Realistically? Because Orbán has been gradually losing popularity due to his rampant nespotic corruption and as the leader of a christian conservative party he needed some policies to keep his voters. This whole migrant crisis came for him just in time, otherwhise the pendulum would've hit him in the face really hard. People even here got really upset at the terrorist attacks in france and britain so the leftists couldn't pull the "be tolerant :)" blanket over their eyes.
Now with this stunt Orbán guarantees another 4 years for himself. At this point it's not even worth selling out the country for the EU for him because all his family and friends are so deeply rooted in this little domain called Hungary.
Like, this is probably a thing you guys don't understand from looking outside. The prime minister of a 9 mil population country? Who cares right? But to people here he's like some untouchable dragon emperor above the clouds, and he wants to keep it that way.
0 sheckels have been deposited into your account
but you have earned 60 good goy points
Communist cunt
How can a country be so redpilled?
>some imperial hegemonic cunts force themselves upon you
>you bleed them dry until they collapse because they don't care about you
>somehow you end up the bad guy
moral lesson - don't force upon people what they don't want, it'll bit you in the ass
the soviets didn't figure it out quickly enough (oh and they tried playing the good guy at the end of it too), the EU isn't going to figure it out until it's too late either
you either get people to follow you and your ideology on their own free will or you don't it's as simple as that
>B b but muh based nationalist israeli kikes!!!
Zionist shills BTFO
>b-b-but Soros is anti-Israel!!
This, and I'm literally a zionist shill.
Get the fuck out
>Are you retarded??? Russia paid for every USSR republic and every country of socialist block.
LOL fucking delusional you can't first rob someone and then say you're paying for them out of your own pocket
USSR fucking trash tier shithole
theres some fuckery going on
Ok, what happened here.
>Finnish forest goblin monster forces Russians to cannibalize themselves?
That doesn't make any sense. George Soros is the wealthiest anti Zionist on the planet.
George Soros works for the Vatican and the mission he was given by the Jesuits is to create as much hatred against capitalism and jews as possible
Why? Because if people are looking at those things, they aren't paying attention to the Catholic Socialist system that is constantly destroying Protestant ideals
George Soros is the most powerful man in the world to openly call out AIPAC on its bullshit.
More like
>Russians have already eaten all their horses weeks ago and the only supplies they have is frozen bread
>their kike commander tells them to charge at Finnish fortifications just like the 5000 men before them
>they kill their commanders, eat them for the protein their bodies are screaming for, and desert, taking what they can carry with them
>pretend to be
>George Soros works for the Vatican and the mission he was given by the Jesuits
You have it backward, bucko. The lackeys in the Vatican have been working WITH Soros, not directing him.
>wikileaks confirms
>destroying Protestant ideals
Protestant ideals...? Like revolution and revolt, contraception and divorce and remarriage?
Good on you sir.
>creepypasta pic
Would Eastern Europe still be this based if they weren't oppressed by the Soviet Union? Or would they turn out like the rest of Western Europe?
>rused by NWO
its all a scripted farce and the audience are lemmings being led
Oh stfu surrender monkey, win a war first.
Hungary is the only country that has it's shit together in EE. Both economically and ethically.
So no.
Oh Jews. Will your shilling never end baka?
Keep exposing them brother.
Well, doesn't Soros see himself as the Jewish Messiah? If this is his weltanschauung, wouldn't it help him if pro-Israel policies were enacted as the kikentichrist will rule from the rebuilt Jerusalem temple?
>Oh stfu surrender monkey, win a war first.
Who needs to win when losing ends with retaining independence and as much soviet provided fertilizer as you can spread on your fields?
>we were only happy to surrender, lose territories, pay contribution n shiet
Nice attitude, slut.