Sagrada Familia will finally have liturgies in the main hall

Sagrada Familia will finally have liturgies in the main hall
All those lefties and commies that wanted to make it a mulitreligious temple BTFO
Gaudi, a catholic extremist is finally resting in peace
The mass will be each sunday at 9 and it will be free.
They will be in catalan, castillan, english, french and italian.
If you are european I welcome you to migrate to Barcelona to counterbalance all the pakis and nigs we are geting.

Please come

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Naaaaaah I'm not gonna do that.

Thanks for the info. I'm french living in BCN and i'll attend a mass in the sagrada familia.

Didn't even know some people wanted to do a multireligious temple, I'm not even surprised.

Went to a church yesterday and prayed, for the first time since I'm in Spain. Felt good man.

Makes sense though. Lefties love nothing more than hijacking somebody elses show. The church spent decades and decades working on that and mostly built it with money from christian donors, its their right to host their own religion in the wonder they built.

Leave it to lefties to show up as soon as the hard work is nearing completion and demand that they be included in something they normally activley criticize and take no part in.

>The mass will be each sunday at 9 and it will be free.
It generally is, no?

That is a good news. Any Source?

I went to Barcelona once and didn't saw it.

Another reason to go.

Absolutely this. Based OP.

Please, fellow Europeans, come and live here. Help us fight the eternal moor and his leftist allies.

Would you say BCN is a good place to live in the long term?

I started working here, and I might have an opportunity to get another job with a good salary for here (60k euros/yr). But it means I'll have to stay here a few more years.
At this place in my life, I also want to build a family. I'm wondering if BCN is good place for that, it seems there are lots of transient people and everyone is here temporarily isn't it?

Learn catalan and you will be alright. Seriously.

How bout burgers? Im in germany and france a lot, havent been to spain before but I might take a look some day.

Great news to hear!

Go visit Spain. Apart from my own, Spain is my favourite country to visit

If you are getting good jobs you should be fine.

My main concern are leftists (like the current mayor) and shitty immigration (Africans, Pakis, far—eastern/balkanic europe...)

Those are the ones that could ruin this place.

I agree with this fellow. Learning Catalan might get you in good social circles.

I'm an independantist christian, but it's comforting to see that organized christian religion can still get their shit together, even if it is rarer these days.

I ended up deciding I wanted to go there after reading orwells homage to catalonia. Seemed like a really awesome place full of great people stuck with incredibly shitty politics.

the entrance to the church is not because it's under construction so tourists pay to enter
the mass will be free and because it's in the main hall wich you have to pay it's relevant that's free

Do you understand catalan? XD

the cup is down at half in the last poll (arran bullshit is finally biting their ass) and I think comu will go down too cause not all of their voters are for the referendum

I'm in Barcelona next week
How moorish is it?

What's the point of Catalan? What's the point of any small European language, while we're at it?

Depends on the neighbourhood but we do have lots of moors and pakis
In the 90's there were a 1000 muslims in the whole catalonia
now they are 250000 out of a 7'5 milion, it's been so fast people have not realize it til it was too late
Barcelona have the most migrants of all spanish cities, we have all, chinese, pakis, southamericans, moors, blacks...
it's a fucking shithole in some places but it's ok in the others
the main zone, the eixample, they say the most common migrant is italian but you don't know it them cause they look like us
I believe this is bullshit to calm the population saying "hey the most common migrants are still europeans"
because if they are the ones with the more people, the rest combined outnumber them 10 to 1

It's our fucking language you fucking genocidal globalist moron

>Barcelona have the most migrants of all spanish cities
the big ones I mean
there are small cities with up to half the citizen being migrants
like Salt, the worst of all Catalonia

Sure mate. You are welcome to visit.

If you are thinking of migrating, I woulda consider, for your own good, if you are very 'Europeanized'. If you are not, you might find it harder to integrate. (Many Americans, for example, feel overwhelmed with European 'bitterness' or even with honesty)

>Many Americans, for example, feel overwhelmed with European 'bitterness' or even with honesty)
they do? why? cause we don't allow them to put their music at high volume for the whole square to hear?

They just don't understand that it is not a good thing to fake—smile and be nice all the time even if you don't like something/someone.

It's some sort of extreme positivity.

Did they get that from USA? cause those are the fakest people of all

I'm talking about 'muricans, yes.

Oh sorry I though you mean hispanoamericans not USA people
I agree with you

Salt delenda est.

It should be destroyed and covered in salt.

It's a pity that he died, freezing his design process forever.
(I guess the journalist does not know that stone statues where colored once, I wonder if that applies to churches too?)

Archived that

All cathedrals or big churches of europe have had diferent architects cause their constructions last centuries
There's no cathedral with only one architect in the whole europe
These architects that wanted to stop the construction were nothing but commies I know of them
Look at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church of Berlin to know how these fucking commies would've completed the cathedral

>(I guess the journalist does not know that stone statues where colored once, I wonder if that applies to churches too?)
In the middle ages the statues were colored like the greek and roman temples were and even those teracotta soldiers of Xian
But after the neoclassical movement the white marble statues became the norm so any church built after had white statues in the exterior yet colored ones in the interior cause being inside they could be made of wood and the colors would last while in the exterior the picments would faid away
all sagrada familia statues are white though
if that's how gaudi wanted it to be I don't know
he oversaw the construction of the first facade and those statue were white

Barcelona is lost m8, it's paki central, Catalonia is full of muslims and the independentist movement sadly is SJW nigger loving so the new country would be utter garbage belgium 2.0.

you can always change the sculptures btw

the whole migrant thing we have is because half our nation is andalucian and vote leftists every time so the other parties had to turn left to appease these poor bastards
and the sjwness is no diferent than madrid