Isn't it funny how modern law surrounding human rights is far more compassionate and considerate than anything offered...

Isn't it funny how modern law surrounding human rights is far more compassionate and considerate than anything offered up by Christian teachings? It makes me wonder: why are humans able to be more moral and ethical than God?


gtfo liberal beta cuck.

Don't stoop to the level of a leaf, Australia. You're better than that.

its my opinion that God keeps laws to the minimum necessary amount, to reduce the quantity of transgression, and avoid empowering evil people (like Satan) who use rules to their advantage

Modern law will always be more considerate than any religion whose spreading was based almost solely on crusading and missionaries.

me on the right, you ok with being the left australibro?

No fucking way, I just finished the first season of Spice and Wolf the other day, is that her daughter or something? That is just too god damn adorable, I need to watch the rest now

But I thought Christ was supposed to be big on compassion and consideration. You sound like a terrible Christian.

Fine with me.

Her daughter with Lawrence.

ITT: An OP who just found out that Biblical law forms the basis of Western law in another thread.


How is "modern law" more compassionate than biblical law? In the way it forces everyone to give to charity even if they don't have the means, or is it that those charities are all government run shit shows that do little except for murder 50% of all black children? Sure seems super compassionate to me.

Charity in its original context doesn't mean "organizations that help the poor" or "giving money." It's the Greek word Charitas which means "the love between brothers."

They never had a daughter, that's some fan art non-canon nonsense.

What do you mean? God's law is universal law, Christianity simply teaches people how to act within it so that they don't suffer, telling people that they're perfect and that they don't need to change anything in themselves whatsoever because the world will just magically provide for them is not compassion, it's murder.

>the prophet of "live and let live, but I understand nobody's perfect, you're forgiven dude"
>lacking compassion


spice and wolf season 3 when?

Is it now?

This is now a Korbo thread

Isn't it funny how cute 2D girls have become a memetic dog-whistle for populist politics and anti-media sentiment?

These jews stole my book as well

The hell do you think modern law is descended from? I'll give you a hint: it's not fucking Islam

You're an idiot with no understanding of the first 200 years of Christianity.

All of Asia minor eventually became Christian - that's modern day Turkey. All of North Africa was Christian. After Constantine, all of Europe became Christian. Well before the "muh Crusades".

Once the Protestant Reformation took hold, Christianity helped create the modern world, the one you enjoy with the values you apparently embrace - "charity", tolerance, freedom of conscience and expression.

But hey, reject it. Reject one of the primary pillars of Western Civilization you retard. Won't end well I can promise you that.

this is actually legit, well that made this day a lot better

To be honest a lot of western enlightenment happened despite Christianity, not because of it. Don't get me wrong im not a "all religions are evil and held humanity back, Christianity is the same as Islam!" cuck but you can't just rewrite history.

Notice I said "one of the pillars". And, we saw how the Enlightenment turned out in a Christ-less France.

Like you said, can't deny history......

Can foxes eat chocolate?

Because theyre modern and not a product of violent times

good taste in juicy anime apples but you're still a tremendous faggot.

What the fuck, Holo got kids now?