You can call them names & say horrible xenophobic things about them but the truth remains; the only difference between you & them is luck.
You can call them names & say horrible xenophobic things about them but the truth remains; the only difference between...
Maybe but they can still stay where they came from
You just posted this. It's not our fault they have an 85 IQ
I know how to swim
And smell
And being civilized enough not to go on rape sprees
And being civilized in general
And an education
shall I go on?
Sure, lottery of birth. I'll admit it freely. But that's only because my cultural ancestors built something that everyone wants a piece of.
Theirs didnt. Western culture and society is superior to every culture and society on Earth. Period.
Fuck off leaf.
The photographers definitely were lucky to capture all the female and child refugees in one picture
They throw of other people from those boats if they find out they're Christians. Some guy's I know have worked in those rescue missions in the region and they could find the bodies.
yep, you're actually right OP but not in the way you think. I was lucky to be born white and not shitskin subhuman. Others who have been so lucky ought not to take their luck for granted and preserve what we have inherited from our intelligent and hard-working ancestors.
Does it have to do with luck? Absolutely, but that doesn't change anything and that doesn't give license for foreign invaders to encroach upon our soil.
This looks photoshopped....
>the only difference between you & them is luck.
oh really, because I am consciously choosing not to be an rapist, drug pusher social welfare abuser and general nuisance going to foreign countries demanding they change to become like the country I've fled from
because those are not things you do because of "luck"
you do this things willingly
muslims are scum
Yes I am lucky. I am choosing to continue that luck and pass it down to the next generation, rather than fall to the degeneracy of importing Islam because then my children won't have the same luck.
>life is supposed to be fair
Why do brown people smell so bad. Why did the women mate with the smelly men? Serious question. Is it a male or female sexually selected trait
Indeed. My cultural ancestors, too - not yours, feathered leaf!
Now, make your PM proud by falling down the stairs.
>Thinking all of us would be spineless enough to leave our nations to be a golddigging nigger
and about 20 IQ points but lets not talk about genetics because we are all da samees!
Nice fallacy, except their shitty countries have been like that forever, no luck there, just plain savagery.
poor people exist in all countries as do homeless people. most of the "syrian" refugees are not from syria or iraq and do not have any claim to refugee status
same goes for mexical illegals or african migrants. we dont owe them anything just because they exist and failing to help those in need in our own countries is worse when you help random people who are simply looking for greener pastures
Explain why 80% of those refugees are men then.
Explain why most of them don't come from Syria or other war-torn country but from shitty african failed states.
They're not refugees, they're invaders.
You could say the same thing about poor people here. Do you invite every homeless person you meet to live with you?
Why the fuck would I support my government taking my money to do the same thing on a larger scale?
>1 post by this id
Sage this bullshit if you reply.
>The photographers definitely were lucky to capture all the female and child refugees in one picture
Right? It could easily be a staged photo op. Holding the baby up for extra sympathy points.
No, it's birthright.
It was also fortunate of them to capture one with a NY hat. What are the odds of that?
>This thread has been repeated
>This is probably JIDF or REDDIT larper.
>Don't give you's
>It's a leaf
Even if that were true, LIFE ISNT FAIR.
And shitting up our countries with them will not make it any better
This. We descended from common ancestors but at one point part of the group said "we should go north to see if there's a better place to live" whereas the others decided to stay in the shithole Middle East forever. It's genetics, not luck. Our ancestors walked continents and sailed oceans so that we don't have to, and now the Syrians are trying the same thing.
Post this drivel, get btfo, thread gets archived, post a thread right away expecting different response.
Proof of previous thread
Reported, sage, hide.
this can be solved with 9mm aspirin
You had me st it's a leaf. Most likely Jewish tricks.
>France in a nutshell.
I'm french, i was full leftist 2 years ago but hell, living in a city 80% black and 15% sandniggers got me 14/88 so quickly.
my ancestors were better at life
There was a good chance that I came out a termite.. But instead, I was born a human, and a privileged human at that.
I live HERE.. They live THERE. I've never seen one of them; they don't exist, essentially. If they existed, then there's an appropriate time to make a decision. But because they don't exist to me, I don't care about them.
There are hypothetically billions of commie aliens starving on their planets. Why do people not mourn for them? If alien life exists, then they surely would have suffered at least once.
What a leaf faggot
Based POSEIDON needs sacrifices.
Sink the boats!
Sure nignog, history is based on luck.
Pure 100% kek.
>grandparents come over here after the war
>Broke as hell, just $5 to their name
>Don't speak English
>Manage to start a shoe factory and speak fluent English within a year
>Become relatively successful and raise my aunts and uncles who all become relatively successful as well
>It was all just luck
I'm aware of this.
nature is brutal.wolf mothers smother their cubs by accident; at random. it's unfortunate, but it's not an excuse to irreversively replace wolves with retarded weed-smoking nappy chimp-wolves, or to destroy anything worthwile wolves have ever done.
if thats the only diffrence it would mean they would be against me seekign refuge in their countries. therefor its ok to be agaisnt them seekign refuge in my country.
They sure like to fuck a lot in war.
Luck and not being a fucking nigger.