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>muh vidya
>muh japanese pedophilia cartoons
Oop do deep be da tum muhfugen ooga booga
Really nice
I don't condone doxxing CNN employees, but really CNN brought this shit on themselves by blackmailing some guy just for making a dumb meme. I don't support the act of finding them, but really, I just don't care about what happens to CNN employees, I'd just love to see them bankrupt soon for this shit, their ratings have already majorly tanked.
I forgive you
inb4 Brianna Wu self-inserts her way into the spotlight again
>gamurgate playbook
> Muh harassment
Good. Can't think of any group of people more deserving of being driven to suicide than the liberal media.
I hope they get worse than harassment. Fuck them.
>Katherine Cross
can't wait for the Wu campaign next year. GG part 2, this time with the whole country watching.
>Brianna Wu supports CNN's actions
>It's campaign for getting into congress is destroyed as they don't want some mentally ill fucker who supports corporations doxxing private citizens in congress
>CNN fucking up bigtime, look like bullies
>suddenly a huge push out of (((somewhere))) to doxx cnn journalists and make them out to ne victims just as they're caught red handed
> I don't condone doxxing CNN employees
That is because you are a pussy little bitch.
Yeah, it's just being honest and calling out lying, unethical scumbags.
Blacks founded North America
Blacks founded Europe
Blacks founded Australia
Blacks founded Asia
Blacks founded South America
Blacks founded Africa
Your move whyte boi
>calling out
Hi shill
"Call outs" are a staple of SJW lexicon
They were already being dragged through the mud over this before the journalists got doxxed
i need some source of this
Trump face nigga, trump face
But Jim is retired.
....or is he?
>Brianna Wu
It's gonna be so much fun :^)
He'll have to start seeking media attention again to ramp up to the campaign. Only a matter of time.
"We're allowed to collude and dox you. When you do it you're anti-semitic monsters cause we're right and stuff."
When one side doxxes they do it to prove a point "we can play at your level". When another does they do it as the first step of a joint assault on someone's career.
>stir up a wasp's nest
>oh no, wasps!
every time
>this response to media misconduct looks just like that response to media misconduct
nope. He put up a video on CNN last week.
>i fought the alt right gamergate
>I don't condone doxxing CNN employees
Pretty much this.
To dox is now politics. We are through the looking glass.
Hmmm, I wonder when there is no comment section, on such an opinionated article
The Daily Beast shut down their comment section back in 2015 because of us
This is a war and they are a terrorist group.
Trying to start race wars, trying to undermine an American election, trying to cause a war between Russia and America on the false pretence that Russia undermined an American election etc...
Seriously dangerous organisation.
If you work for them, you know the risk, if you don't agree with this organisation then quit.
They are getting what is coming to them.
Same goes for their sponsors. If you don't want to be punished for being terrorist collaborators then stop arming terrorists.
Attacking their resources and exposing them should be done, but people should make it clear that further steps can be taken against them if required.
in the past the right would never stoop down to the level of the left. we have changed the game
GamerGate's biggest success was colonizing the minds of all journalists as an eternal boogeyman.
One of the left's advantages has been a dinosaur-era right-wing party acting like doormats to everything the left does. Always apologizing, acquiescing, allowing themselves to be shamed when they should be holding to their principles and firing back. The left makes consistent use of alinsky's rules for radicals; defining and setting the terms of the engagement with republicans, and until Trump, Republicans constantly fucked up and let themselves be played.
Trump and his supporters singlehandedly saved the Republican party, and way too many career criminal republicans refuse to accept it.
It's kind of surreal to watch these media dumbfucks creating spooks out of their own imaginations and propaganda.
They seem to honestly believe the lies they tell; I think it may actually be a jewish thing - "It was real in my mind." - Like a collective schizophrenic paranoia.
This might actually be true.
>Trump and his supporters singlehandedly saved the Republican party
I wish the republican party had just died. The left will have the advantage in years to come because their party is dying. It will be replaced with a new guard of radical leftists which will overtake a decaying republican party on Trump life support.
Absolutely. Before this election, I truly thought that the Republican party was finished, and that there would be a Democratic party ruling for the next 10-20 years, doing irreversible damage to the United States along the way. I truly believe that Trump has stopped (for now) the nefarious globalist takeover of the USA. If we can win 2020 I will feel much better though. It may only be a four year reprieve.
Chelsea Clinton is on the board of directors of IAC which owns the daily beast
If the Democrats collapse, that will make room for a multitude of smaller parties. Real right-wing parties will be useful for exerting pressure on the Republicans even if they don't get a huge number of seats.
Get the Work out before it happens!
Jewish Crash Coming.
It wasn't that hard. Journalism started on the bologna, turn of the 20th century socialism.
Look at Upton Sinclair, an "Investigative Journalist" who:
1) Never worked in a meat plant
2) Never really truly knew anyone who did
3) Never toured or went inside one
4) Was an avowed socialist and anti-business
5) Regretted writing his book because all it did was consolidate the meat-packing industry into a few firms. In essence, regulation made it much harder for small firms to compete or to even open in the first place (barriers to entry).
Yet, how many Left-leaning people run and tout this book as "the great government fighting against poisonous food and drugs"? I've seen it everywhere. It's what I like to call "High School mythology". The myth of the small guy taking down the big meat packers as well as "I learned this in high school from an authority (my teacher), because the teacher agrees with me politically, the book MUST be true."
No further research is required because the book goes in line with my narrative.
Many of the "big stories" of the early 1900s follow that theme. Anti-business, pro-socialism. And so it remains to this day, although today it's more anti-White, it remains a rotten industry of liars who will lie to move an agenda across. Disgusting. The only difference between then and now is that it is pointed out now.
Wu actually CONDEMNED CNN.
My bet is a massive splintering of the democrats, accompanied by factionalization of republicans.
Democrats will become 30 different special snowflake parties all the way from far-left anarchists and communists, to almost center classical liberals. Whereas Republicans will split into Trump supporters, conservacucks, and criminals.
Gamergate was a bunch of virgin losers.
3 years later, The highly successful elite special forces from gamergate are back again.
You might not be far off the mark with this.
Jewish mental illness is well documented, and it may not actually be that they are always lying, but simply have profound logical dyslexia when it comes to fairness and can't really keep track of their own lies.
It seems that they can't really do the "world view" thing, which will allow them to see how double standards and contradictions in logic can cause problems for them and others.
Take the Russian hacking case for example:
Accusing Russia of manipulating an election was seen as wrong because it undermined an American election.
The principle is thus "it is wrong to try and undermine elections".
When they are caught admitting that they have no proof of a Russia-Trump collaboration, they are ultimately admitting that they are trying to undermine an American election result.
This means that they are ultimately, on principle, doing the very thing they were complaining about.
This makes them "bad people" even by their own standards...
This seems to be completely lost on them.
>dangerous soldiers who have protected their minds from the temptations of flesh
That's bone.
Weaponized Wizards n' Autists
Considering we wrote the fucking playbook, why wouldn't we reserve the right to use it again depending on how the opposition acts?
All they have to do is apologize and promise to not make any more pro-liberal posts in the future.
a a
not until they do for all the fake news, sedition, defamation and demonising of Whites
fucking kikes
stop acquiescing the enemy with their stupid fucking pronouns bullshit. Stop validating it.
HIS real name is John Walker, and he is a retarded faggot, not a woman
but that's wrong you nigger
this is just as credible as your post:
Whites founded the entire universe and all the thoughts or all people in this universe during their lunch break.
link it then?
I love the way these dumb libfags always try to tu quoque their way out of things. "OOOH, BUT HEY DID SOMETHING TOOOO"
fucking reatrds
He needs to make another Am I Being Detained.
And cnn is using the anti gg playbook and failing even harder than the last time. Aaahahaha
"founded" like grass huts and banana skirts.
You laugh yet you have a crusader banner?
Very suspicious....
Being a virgin loser, at least for a while, is an extremely good thing for men.