Why are these states, out of all fucking 50 of them, the most narcissistic and state-nationalist? Theres LITERALLY NOTHING for them to be proud of. Nothing goes on there. So why the hell do the posters from these states always shitpost so hard that they put balkan niggers to shame? I would be complaining if it were a state like Texas or California, but these three states are so irrelevant but so proud of themselves I'm just dumbfounded.
Kevin Gonzalez
Bentley Sanchez
Jack Walker
KYS faggot. Indiana deserves to be there >home of Mike"putting fags in body bags" Pence >Inventor of the gas pump was a Hoosier >low taxes >everything is cheap af >we have actual anti gay laws >legal for bakers to tell a couple of faggots that want to make a sodomite cake for them to fuck off >all you need to buy a gun is ID >we have nigger quarantine zones >racism amongst white population is socially acceptable >first state to MAGA on election night >muh corn >Indy 500 >rural and suburban areas are white af
Luis Gomez
>Ohio produced the most Presidents >Indiana is the real Heartland >Pennsylvania was the keystones of the Revolution
Stay mad butthurt West Coast faggot.
Nathan Perez
we need to stop Ameribro on Ameribo hate
all states are beautiful and deserve love and respect!!!
Aaron Carter
>a state like Texas or California >Both are Spic strongholds
Yes goyim these states are the best in the country
Grayson Wood
>Ohio is filled with dumb hicks >Indiana is filled with dumb hicks >Pennsylvania is filled with dumb hicks
Tyler Rodriguez
William Perry
listen here bub
Cameron Wood
At least try to come up with funny banter...
Nathaniel Lee
This is officially a hoosier thread.
David Reed
>I wouldn't be complaining if it was TX or CA because they aren't dumb hicks Ummm sorry sweetie, they're actually dumb as fuck.
Thomas Ramirez
calicucks btffooooooo
Asher Price
> Nothing goes on there. Pretty damn good achievement if you ask me.
Camden Roberts
812 reporting in.
Andrew Nelson
>Texas is filled with dumb spics >California is filled with dumb spics
Leo Cook
>ultra liberal always democratic voting California >avg iq less than 100 fucking kek
Feels good to be a Pennsylvanian btw
Mason Fisher
Can't speak for the other central confederacy bros, but in Pennsylvania it's the fact that the rural, sub-rural, and even a lot of the suburbs fight really hard to keep Philly from dominating them, and have basically been radicalized against becoming a perma-blue state.
>nothing goes on there
Actually this is more of a point of pride than one of shame. We know that in general this is a generally quiet place to live. It was founded by German farmers and Quakers, both of which more or less just wanted to be left alone. After constant expansion of federal power throughout the modern era, that spirit is more alive than ever.
Aaron Nelson
>paying $5000/month in rent to live in a city that smells like piss
coasties please explain
Isaiah Rivera
California is the greatest state in the country.
Benjamin Campbell
Matthew Thomas
Pennsylvania is the greatest god damned state in the union you little shit
Ian Turner
Jaxon Roberts
>Indiana is bad >Illinois gets a pass This is empirically wrong
Hudson Edwards
*california is the gayest state in the country*
Jack Russell
Philadelphia is full of assholes, dickheads & niggers. The rest of PA is awesome. The most beautiful women in the USA come from The Pittsburgh & WV area.
The amount of atrocities in the Civil War at the hands of Ohioans is staggering. Fuck Ohio.
Indiana is full of hicks, but there's nothing really wrong with that. Indiana (and Wisconsin) still have the highest rates of incest, so they need to work on that. Indiana (had) the largest number of Triple-K, but that's long-gone. Suffice to say, the values were passed down. Indiana votes conservative, so the get a pass.
In summery, Western PA women are gorgeous.
Fuck Ohio
Alabama can rest easier now.
John Brooks
>People I don't like are dumb Wew
Gabriel Campbell
I drove through Indianapolis once. Stopped to fill up on gas. North of downtown. Lots of nogs.
Zachary Perry
Indy is a nigger quarantine zone like I said, but it atleast has the Indy 500
Tyler Miller
Vermont looks nice
Jace Carter
I made a trip to Indy once and stayed on the east side of downtown. It was pretty desolate and depressing desu senpai Indy Speedway museum was cool. Having White Castle from the actual restaurant was cool. Other than that the locals couldn't really tell me any good places to eat or things to do.
Xavier Sanchez
Noah Lewis
>pissed because hes from a western state with no history and its filled with cookie cutter neighborhoods and people with no personality.
Adam Perez
>muh Armstrong >muh presidents Ohio stronk
David Gonzalez
Whatever. Enjoy being an irrelevant backward gay hating hick shithole while California is the most advanced loved and admired American state.
Jordan Adams
Illinois fag here. The entire midwest is a "fly over" region. There's no good reason to live anywhere in the middle of the country. The middle of the country should only zoned for farming and storage, nothing else. It has zero use otherwise.
Nicholas Davis
California is the laughing stock of the country. Almost Florida tier
Christopher Barnes
Muh Wright brothers
Xavier Howard
Fuck that. The South will rise again.
Charles Powell
>Pennsylvania >Cornerstone of the revolution >Iron, Coal, other plentiful resources >Massive tracts of difficult terrain making invasion almost impossible >Best farmers, plus the Amish >Nearly every citizen here is well-prepared to fight and kill to protect what's theirs.
God how I wish for us to become independent nations some day so that I can laugh as New York tries to invade and gets slaughtered.
Also fuck you, California.
Joseph Morales
Hick states like the three are the reason why we're the laughing stock of the world. The Californian master race will purge em all.
Jordan Kelly
Please keep spreading this ideology. You faggots can stay in your liberal metropolis. I'd rather be able to own a gun than deal with BLM faggots blocking my way to work every other week.
Jace Baker
sounds about right. glad i'm moving out of Indy in 3 weeks
Parker Davis
They hate us cause they ain't us
Kevin Brown
fuck philly
Charles Robinson
Juan Lee
Ohio sucks but it's not irrelevant, the NE anyways. Lots of food and steel manufacturing. I live 10 minutes away from one of the busiest shopping districts in the country.
James Morales
Dominic Rodriguez
Jason Nelson
>I live 10 minutes away from one of the busiest shopping districts in the country.
And that makes your life better how?
Joshua Ortiz
Columbus would like a word. Top 10 city for growth this decade.
Jordan Parker
pic related is you
Carter Moore
Best football team
Dylan Butler
Jaxon Jackson
Jayden Miller
Came here to post this
Luis Moore
>How does living in an area with economic growth improve your life?
Wow, a lot of good that city education did you.
Isaac Carter
140 in California here, your averages are misleading
Owen Gonzalez
Connor Edwards
Let's see what PA has done >Discovered electricity >Discovered oil >Single-handedly BTFO the south in a war
We're basically the ones you should be thanking for modern civilization
Adam Howard
I could easily firebomb everything south of the mason-dixon line and then salt the earth. It would be like Dresden but this tine no one could move back.
Sherman's and Lincoln's mistake needs to be fixed. They were weak men that thought humans lived in those parts when there are only animals ripe for the slaughter.
Alexander Williams
top jej
Hudson Campbell
the only reason to go to ohio is for that little pocket of area that isnt flat.
Owen Jones
>whitest states have highest IQ
Nathan White
California is irrelevant, massive deficit, unchecked spic migration, shitty stoner culture, known nationally as our equivalent of Sweden but at least Sweden is self sustaining, then califags go about acting smug and intellectual as if their opinions valid.
I wish they would secede and fuck off via calexit, absolutely worthless garbage and more so they migrate to Texas cause our economy is better and shit it up by voting and behaving the same way as they did in California. Literal white niggers roaming and trashing whomever might be unfortunate enough to settle them, if I were in a room with the most kosher of shlomos you see on talmudvision and your run of the mill California "bro" and two bullets, I'd shoot the Californian twice. We do indeed need to sort out our Jewish problem but first we need a solution for the lowliest of human form, the Californian.
Nathaniel Morris
No Shit.
Noah Martinez
>Indiana >81% white >Texas >45% white >only tops Texas by 1.5 percentage point >calls Texas the dumbfucks topkek
Kevin Flores
>I'd rather be able to own a gun than deal with BLM faggots blocking my way to work every other week.
If you died today, 99% of the world wouldn't know or care. You don't need to own a gun.
Adam Nelson
Columbus is turning into one of the gayest cities in the Midwest–literally. Time to get out t. born and raised /614/
Ayden Parker
>everyone who's measurably superior to me is just DUMB
Dylan Adams
>Jew York laughingwhores.jpg
Jackson Cook
Why wouldn't you take more coastline you dumb idiot
Juan Long
PA drivers are the worst
James Brown
Sherman Married His Sister
David Hernandez
I agree but youre a namefag so fuck you
Landon Carter
o-hi-o is high in the middle and round on both ends
Connor Barnes
Pic related is you
Adam Taylor
Columbus is great. I wouldn't mind moving there. Also Thurmans Cafe.
Adrian Robinson
I know for a fact a lot of Russians want to nuke us just because you exist.
The Russians sent a man into space, have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world, and produce top of the line military hardware. Your GDP is inflated with all the cuck movies your Jew overlords make and inefficient "trendy" products that get traded back and forth between hipsters and fags. You're going to go the way of Sodom and Gomorrah when the tectonic plates running through your state literally rip it in half. Even fucking nature hates you and considers you an abomination.
Joshua Miller
Divide every state's average IQ by 1-percentage of non whites and make your own map then.
Dylan Richardson
Jordan Bennett
Daniel Wilson
Stay mad yank.
Matthew Ramirez
While I will not argue against that, I beg that you are forgiving, as we do not have roads here to practice on.
Caleb Green
Oh my...
I think you guys triggered OP...
Chase Peterson
The biggest assholes I've ever met in my life come from Columbus, OH ... and Buffalo, NY.
Eli Mitchell
we the best states deal with it.
Mason Mitchell
I'm from Indiana. I miss it's trees. I'm on the west coast now, and everything is evergreens, or maybe a birch here and there. I miss the forests during fall and winter, when the leaves are all down, and it's just a forest of sticks. I miss seeing the trees change color, and seeing the corn dry out. I miss my home. It's just not the same here.
Levi Sanders
The short north is kinda gay but it's really not that bad unless you're throwing yourself into one of the like 2 gay clubs in the city.
Brody Morales
Anthony Parker
You think I give a shit about the man himself? The act was more than the man.
How many monuments are left standing again? I hear more are coming down every day. Any new ones going up? I know its the only thing you losers have these days and I just want to make sure you are being take care of.
Hunter Reed
Forget something?
Luke Green
I love living in Indiana. Best state
Dominic Collins
I was there a few months ago. Bearded guy walking around in a dress seemed offended that I was staring at him.
Aaron Bell
>>rural and suburban areas are white af
You do realize that all those other white people don't give a shit about you personally?
Kevin Davis
Mason Richardson
New England here.
Pennsylvania is beautiful as fuck even though the urban areas are infested with niggers. I say we cut out New York and make PA honorary New England territory. Ohio and Indiana and go fuck themselves though. Fucking shit tier states.
Robert Jenkins
>state-nationalist This what happens when you dont have a real national state.
Carter Young
>oh no! A state housing 11 million people had 700 of its dumbest residents die Hahahahahahahahahaha
You see, when you live in the civilized world, 700 annual deaths is actually noteworthy.