>bio study group
>topic of hormones comes up
>discussing how estrogen and xenoestrogens are everywhere
>causing girls to develop early etc
>feel like the group is pretty redpilled and drop a truth bomb
>bring up the point that there's a ton of estrogen in the water from birth control
>get weird looks then some girl flips out
>wtf user that's sexist birth control is vital to society
>numales look satisfied and the one Chad just pretends he didn't hear anything
I hate normies
Bio study group
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Should have just said being vital to society doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's doing that
Can you even back up your claims though? Estrogen isnt floatinf around in nature forever
There is literally no point in arguing with a group of dipshits. Chad was my only hope but he didn't care enough.
I've felt your pain user
are filters actually not a meme? should you filter all your water?
Well I don't because I'm already tall and muscular enough but yeah, birth control causes a large amount of estrogen to enter the water supply that can't be filtered out.
will boiling water get rid of the estrogen? I boil all my drinking water
I thought Sup Forumss real truthbomb was da joos dumping estrogen in the water to make the whie man docile.
Breathing oxygen makes the frogs gay
Why'd you say ((((jews)))) like that are you some sort of kike
The claim of the estrogen in the water is based on a faulty study by the Vatican.
>birth control in the water
I would have called you a moron too...
Cause it's not just that, the gov is deliberately adding estrogen anyway, even if BC was banned this would still happen.
>should you filter all your water?
depends on where it comes from but usually yes, in big cities especially, in a big city usually tap water drinkers go homo and filtered water drinkers don't
>>bring up the point that there's a ton of estrogen in the water from birth control
>>get weird looks then some girl flips out
wtf reaction
man I'd rage so hard at that holy shit
>The claim of the estrogen in the water is based on a faulty study by the Vatican.
no it isn't, there is so much horse piss in everything you're lucky you weren't born a hermie at this point
>I thought Sup Forumss real truthbomb was da joos dumping estrogen in the water to make the whie man docile.
didn't realize Dow, Dupont, Bayer and IG Farben were owned by jews
yeah. you have to pretend you dont care either though.
Should I buy his water filters?
Well obviously. And take your male vitality like a good goy too!
Similar thing happened to me.
I was foolish and mentioned fluoride and someone berated me for being a conspiracy theorist.
While I didn't capitulate and look weak, I did fail to persuade the group and I looked foolish.
But you're wrong?
You fucking retards believe anything Alex Jones says. He fucking said he's playing a character and his show is just entertainment. It's fake!
Oh it happened in one place!
Surely we must all fear for our lives!
It's almost as if you don't know what the fuck you're talking abou--
>birth control is vital to society
>The legalization of abortion and dramatic increase in the availability of contraception gave women the tools to control the number and timing of their children. Over the ensuing 25 years, however, there have been huge increases in the number of single-parent families headed by unmarried mothers.
wtf the high estrogen levels in teh water has been known about before anyone even knew the name Alex Jones wtf you smoking numbskull
Why are you getting so defensive? What does an anti-semetic image have to do with any of this?
Nice digiyz
You all seriously fall for alarmist sentiment at any given chance.
>article references multiple studies across the world with different species
Americans are quick to denounce other sovereignties without looking at their own.
Frankly, it's the reason your political situation is so fucked
>hides his flag but insults other nationalities
youre not supposed to redpill women, youre supposed to try to fuck them. youre hopeless, user.
>Americans are quick to denounce other sovereignties without looking at their own.
kek are you retarded or just a newfag? This whole board is 99% American politics dipshit.
I bet it's some subhuman turk
>had a meeting with a Pfizer scientist my dad setup with me for help with interviews (Guys a family friend)
>told him about estrogen getting into waterways from birth control
>says Pfizer is aware of the issue but they don't give a shit about fixing it
his team was responsible in making oxycodon that deactivated when you crush the pill to snort it, pharmaceutical companies can fix this but no one significant is bringing it up
>too dumb to make a real argument so he resorts to ad hominem
Color me surprised...
What does being vital to society have to do with it happening?? OP kys
>3rd post with no argument
Wow I'm convinced.
>You all seriously fall for alarmist sentiment at any given chance.
>too dumb to make a real argument so he resorts to ad hominem
Medical industry is paying CIA agents to kill holistic doctors
Look up Han family massacre 2016
It's almost as if they have no sense of self awareness whatsoever.
>a literal character
>still more real than the fake news
Never change, Bill Hicks.
But he's not?
Yada yada yada.
I'm aware, which is why the discourse here is
A. Lowest common denominator
B. Outright authoritarian
C. Terribly chaotic and dire
If this board had been focused on European politics, the tone would certainly feel quite different.
Anyone who uses that flag for any reason is a fucking cunt.
>living some place that can't filter their water
Stay poor.
Seems I've struck a nerve...
M8, almost all cities filter their water, xenoestrogen makes it through the filters as proven by studies time and again.
If only you could strike an argument.
Found your problem.
>American journalistic integrity Is so bad they have to listen to known frauds to get some semblance of Trutg.
pretty much this. teaching normies will almost always get you the fluoride stare, its like showing calculus to a dog. they are goy garbage and need repetitive exposure to break through their dense, fake ego.
Right back at ya', Cletus
>proper leaf bants
Exactly, if this board were focused on EU politics the discussions would be about exactly how open the borders should be, and the best brown cock sizes to shove in your ass/your wife.
just bring up the UN documents saying they are gong to dump chemicals in the water to reduce fertility.
>says Billy-Bob in his mom's basement as Tyrone and Raul gangbang his high school crush
You talk like a faggot and your shit's all retarded. Literally why would you use the EU flag? Why do you support the EU? If you're white it wants you dead and replaced.
just wait til you goys find out how many xenoestrogens are in pesticides
>Snopes says it's fake news
Well at least we know it is not fake news, otherwise it would be a story on CNN and Snopes would have not criticized it
A lot of talk coming from Muhammad Muhammad, the native German.
You have to ask.
"Hey anons have you guys heard about this?...crazy" then walk away
Hey anyone got info on bpa?
I know a family whose entire water supply comes from plastic cranberry juice bottles they kept outside in the sunlight. One kid prematurely balded, all of the kids are furries and at the very least bisexual, the daughter is like 6'2" when the dad is 5'10", etc.
They all have huge anxiety and adhd-like issues.
Actually if you guys know any researchers working on the effects I would love to refer them as a case study.
I only know a handful of people who got a Bachelor's that weren't brainwashed by that Marxist programming by the time they'd earned their degree. Everyone from my graduating class that I've ran into since who went, my brother, my sister, my aunt, I could keep going. It's a fucking nightmare. Only one's who didn't were my uncle and my girlfriend. Glad I went to trade school, I would've lost my mind.
Archive time
>implying there is a German culture
I was gonna say maybe the balding and mental illness were genetic, but that seems improbable if their daughter is four inches taller than her dad. Seems improbable, unless her mom is an amazonian.
>under 30 seconds
Should have told her that her being a slut isn't vital to society
Never appease roasties
What about fluoride. Can you explain whats the issue with it ?
Xenooestrogens are a problem tho.
"Rubber tires are essential for most people to get to work on time, but that doesn't also make them good for the environment."
keep showing them this image and eventually they'll subconciously get it
Just did some googling, turns out that brita filters are somewhat effective if you change them regularly enough, but the only really effective way of removing hormones are reverse osmosis filters.
It's not that he didn't care, he probably just isn't socially autistic and know when to pick his battles.
>this is why you're a virgin user
this is CIA. I'm afraid I can't let you tell the world that
stop spreading fake news goy
this video always stays at 17k views, no matter how often it is postet on Sup Forums
really makes you think, huh?
I said stop it
from now on let this nice man do all your thinking and public appearances for you
Reverse Osmosis master race. I don't trust the shit coming from tap in my area.
> there's a ton of estrogen in the water
Atrazine in fact.
> birth control is vital to society
So is water lol.
distilling water will help
Don't know what's going on in this thread just posting the face I saw in OPs picture
Well how did you respond to her? Did she punk you with that bullshit and you skulked back here to make a comfort and consolation thread where everynody tells you you are right? You should know you are right and keep rubbing the facts into the cunt.
All you need is the facts and yourself to speak them. Facts arent a democracy you weak cunt. Put together a fact sheet about all the BPDs xenos phytos and synthetic estrogen etc affecting the environment and people via water food and PRODUCTS. USE SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AS SOURCES. Print that shit out and hand it to them.
And tell that whore to use a condom instead of fucking up little kids and frogs and fish. Selfish cunt.
I think it's meant to mean the stare people give when they think you're a conspiracy theorist.
Your flag says Europe but its obvious you are a fucking leaf. Only leafs argue like 12 yr old girls.
I always wanted to study the difference in hormone levels between men in cities and men in rural areas to determine if their faggotry was caused by their environment or vice versa.
Too bad I switched to Comp Sci because I hated it (My bio program was a feminist wasteland of wannabe vets).
Maybe someone with more passion for Biochem willing to tolerate the university grad school system will do it someday.
too late for you to start caring now
>I know a family whose entire water supply comes from plastic cranberry juice bottles they kept outside in the sunlight.
WHAT THE FUCK. How? Tell us more about this family.
I'm using this.
Nordbotbro is back