look,we also have BASED black guys in Poland
Look,we also have BASED black guys in Poland
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Praise Kek!
Poland is shithole.
All poles are subhumans and traitors.
All Slavs countries are
Sawa. Jina langu ni Koffi na napenda ladha.
Yeh, Poland has roughly 8 of them, so you shouldn't be surprised when they grow up actually feeling like real poles, rather than trying to identify themselves with thug culture
he clearly speaks polish, he probably was born in poland
traitors to who?
Remember, we dont define ourselves by being slavs. its just a language group. If we needed to put our nation into some international category... we woudl just call ourselves catholics.
Only russians and germans called us slavs. While they did this in defferent context, they were both bent ou our destruction.
Traitors to everyone, especcially to russia.
We brought everything to you. We made you civilized place. We taught you math, language, culture. Without us you would have been africa-like shithole.
And than you stabbed us...
Where would Poland ever be without the repressive totalitarian communism that you brought them?
On the Somalia level. As it was before our HELP.
well good thing that you didnt bothered to tech us your retarded alphabet, i woudl rather write my language using same symbols as 95% of wester world, thank you very much
Damn, he sounds so civilized when speaking Polish. Why is it that blacks still sound like apes when speaking English?
Okay calm down Vladimir, Poland was civilized way before Russia even existed. And it was OUR ACCOMPLISMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT OF MY POLAND REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
We will destoy your language, when occupy you next time (VERY soon). We know that (((mad polish dog))) bites a nursing hand. We'll not make same errors again.
> yuropean education
Also, Kalingrad is rightful russian city.
Oh and btw, didn't Peter the Great, and Kathrine the Great civilize Russia based on German, Dutch, English and to a minor part POLISH culture? Yeah that's what happened.
>Why is it that blacks still sound like apes when speaking English
Because they choose to, at least in the US. There isn't a historically black community in Poland, so there is no ghetto accent to represent the sub group "African Poles". There are some examples of blacks in the US speaking without any sort of ghetto accent so it IS possible, but they've adopted "how black people talk" (ghetto speak) already in English, so they all just identify with it already.
>Kalingrad rightful russian
nice bait
> yuropean education
Did (((they))) teach you anything but fake history???
They have their own ghettos,they speak mostly between themselves and language degenerates.
This black guy speaks perfect polish, i woudl not be able to tell that he is black if i not saw his face.
Another thing that blacks in poland (how many are there? mostl few thausnds) are much more inteligent compared to avarage american blacks. They are there becuse they have profitable job or they are studying. For taking gibs there is germany or UK.
this is getting to obvious ivan
> nursing hand
> occuppy you next time
Yeah come on and tell me what Russians invented except the awesome music of Tchaikovsky? (Based on western music)
polish women are hot
i wonder what a polish/nordic mix would look like
I bet you ruskies actually believe that
nie pierdol, wiekszosć Polaków gada z Polskim akcenten i bardzo dobrze, chyba ze jacys upośledzeni, a ten nigeryjczyk umie dobrze gadać bo się tu urodził i nie ma co się podniecać.
Vodka. Computer. Radio. Lamp. Robots.
Not much different I'd say. There is a theory that states that slaves who werent raped by mongrels (like most of russians and ukrainians) have genes almost identical to germanics.
>math language and culture
I know russians are thieves, but at least don't steal Czech deeds. And what do you mean by stabbing you? Sliping out of USSR grip? Getting independence after WW1?
> Polish uprising 1830
> Polish uprising 1860
> Polish (((independence))) after WW1 (led by jews)
> Polish (((independence))) after 1991 (led by niggers)
wtf i've never seen a black guy sound so white before
You are kidding right now? Nothing except the Vodka (and I'm just assuming) of the things you mentioned where invented by russians.
ivan, these gulag workers were not actually robots, your comissar lied to you
Latin alphabet looks like shit in any Slav language. it's mind blowingly retarded to insist on using it out of Russophobia
Absolute bullshit like one third of Russia is finno ugrics who speak a slavic shit language. Russia is rightfull finnish clay
makes sense, both nordic and slavics women look alike. but the men are very different, atleast on average. that's why i was curious about the mix.
Oh great he's already created s bunch of mongrels already hasn't he?
You are so delusional, it's pathetic. Don't you realize that Poles maybe just wanted to be indepentend of several types of different Russian empires?
yeah Poles mostly brought it on themselves by constantly ruining their relations with the 2 big neighbours they where locked in betweend; Prussia/Germany and Russia. But saying they are traitors for not wanting to be a part of either of those countries is ridicoulus. Every people strives for independence.
Russians are liars and thieves, its in their blood.
Pls inject more krokodil
> yuopean education
There were no such thing as Gulag in Russia. Jews lie to you.
Who told you so? CNN? Or your master Soros???
>take away somebody's country
>be surprised they don't like it
I just wanted to piss off Ivan, so I mentioned this theory, I don't believe in it.
What are Fins anyways? Just curious. I've heard you are somehow related to Hungarians, at least in language.
differences in looks just came from differences in nutrition
tribe wise South West Germans and Brits should be the same people but they still look a lot different, others look the same
We can call you traitors after you declared ((independence)) from Poland in 1611 as well
Finns and Hungarians (orginal ones at least) came from Uralic regions and are apparently of asiatic origin. Finns are very white on average but some still have asiatic feature (Mike Hakkinen e.g.), Hungarians look like their neighbors basically but speak a completely different language.
Do you see this German flag of mine? I listen to neither CNN nor Soros. Do you actually hate the West so much you are just assuming we are all americans? Fuck off Ivan, drink some Vodka, eat some Mayonnaise and leave us alone with our cars, airplanes, rockets, computers and GET OUT OF OUR INTERNETZ!!!!!!!!!
Calling them based for how they should think is like praising a nigger from the ghetto that doesn't join a gang.
He has to go back. If he truly respected Poland I think he would have already left.
Poland belonged to jews when we took it. We saved you. We civilized you....
> yuropean education
Did (((they))) teach you something but fake history??
Crimea gained independence through democratic referendum. It's path of good guys.
On the other hand, back to those days, Polish people REALLY loved to be part of Russia. If there was referendum, then 100% would have been voted for stay in Russian Empire/USSR/Russian bloc.
But jews...
man he's so based
you should let him fuck your wife
You're some american soldier/cia agent sitting in some american base in occupied germany.
>There were no such thing as Gulag in Russia. Jews lie to you.
he has nowhere to go though
he lived in poland whole life, so where shoudl he live, among getto niggers in us or some cannibals in africa?
Saved? By jewish commies? If both Germans and Poles destroys you in thread, you must be very shitty person.
I'm not talking about this day and age. I Agree that, allthough caused by Stalins Genocides, Crimea today is rightfully Russian, since it's population is 65% Russian.
See Ivan, unlike you I'm not an idiot who mindlessly hates on another people.
You gotta realize that Poles are Poles though, not Russians. Peace out, I gotta go.
Most poles look just like him just with red skin
>Civilising anybody
Dude, just stop. All you have ever done is bringing misery to everybody. You did it to feed your own imperialism and in doing so make others miserable as well.
Back to the cannibals from which he descends, obviously.
Poles are poles.
But Poland is rightful russian territory. Poles must leave it, or die.
nah, he can stay.
he is pretty nice guy, not like thee feral niggers you have.
if along him woudl be another few millions of BASED black man its different story.
The Prussians and then the Germans civilized them, not the Russian Empire nor the USSR.
Can we go to space?
But we have to go on glorious russian Soyuz, so you ill have to lend us few flights.
lmao that's his fucking problem.
If you cuck on this Poland, you deserve your mulatto favela kalergi future.
He is more redpilled than most white eurocucks. Admit it, even our niggers are better.
actually it was czechs
> t. nazi nigger
> yuropean education
Holy shit he speaks fluently, like a native
its s not realistically possible scenario.There is not enought blacks to affect polish population.
As I said, few thausnds at most.There ar emore like tourist attraction.
And still, while people might like him, and even be friends with him... not many woudl be happy having daughter marying back guy. This is another matter.
He probably agrees with you, in the fact that it would be bad if more of his kind were in Poland, but he lives in Poland anyways, and that's blatantly hypocritical. And either way, he still is not Polish, to be concise he takes up room in Poland that shouldn't be taken by someone who isn't Polish.
>fascism is the same as national socialism
So he's a BASED black guy? Sorry, but I don't give a shit. He doesn't belong in Poland.
>fuck you nigger
germany cleansed poland of jews dumb ass. communism was owned by the jews and thats why we kill jews
lmao that's what the Romans thought and now where are they?
Your ancestors fucking despise you.
Put all the based niggers in the world into one African country and expel the current inhabitants. Maybe then there would be a majority black first world nation.
Hitler was a jew puppet, you cuck...
Poles....get the death squads.
Or just get them back in their own countries and working towards improving them instead of running away to some 1st world country for an easier life (what happens when shit gets though in Poland, you think they'll stay?). Then after a few generations people won't even have to run from their African countries, as they'll just have developed.
Your trolling is pure. Shit tier really.
Your situation requires dreastic measures.
Ours not.
I dont think he takes place in any way. I mean, he doesnt takes gibs, he is famous boxer, he has work.
Ther are not any parrels to make there. I mean, comparing poland to roman empire? And my ancestors actually had first multi kulti in europe, dont forget that. Not that i think tht it is best model for country. But they woudlnt despise me for letting one black guy stay in Poland.
The rest of the majority black countries need one successful example from their bunch to follow.
Why's there an (s) if there's only one?
>drastic measures
You said it yourself, there's probably less than a thousand of these negroes, just sterilize them or physically remove them otherwise. I like that you've at least partially admitted you agree with me, but you just think it would be hard. And his existence creates demand, raises the price of things like housing.
>just one black guy
Then a hundred more. Then a few thousand. maybe a thousand asians, turks and arabs too. Who cares though? As long as they speak polish and Catholic, they're based af.
Hell, one day, maybe we'll see Poland become a nog-filled monkey shithole.
Nah, you just hate black people, just admit them. I dont hate them (i have no reason so, and when you think about that you dont have too - there is other (((nation))) responsible for that mess) so i wont advocate hurtin them WITHOUT REASON. We are not at state of civil war.
>Then a hundred more. Then a few thousand.
Not realistic, unless merkel starts throwing them here on parachutes or something.
I don't hate him, but he's an other. Of course I wouldn't want him living off the work of my ancestors, this goes for all others, sorry Vietnamese.
>the West turns brown and mixed
>civil war and societal collapse are guaranteed
>but there's NO REASON to hate niggers
>niggers are based af if they speak polish
No, you need to die. You fifth column cucks are the reason the USA is now
Don't we just have the best niggers folks? /ourniggers/ based best niggers, great guys I tell you.
Because he was born and raised here?
What on earth did you expect?
Pretty ironic coming from a Russhit
Did niggers swam from africa themselves or (((someone))) brought them?
>moral relitivism
No wonder you love this negro so much, you've still got a leftists brain, just with a mild bit of pol sprinkled in.
>don't blame the niggers raping your country
No, they need to fucking disappear from the Earth along with their jewish owners.
It's easy for you to ignore the nigger problem because you're in blissful ignorance in a 99% white country and are fooled like a naive child by by "based negros".
Please explain to me how i am leftist.
I wouldn't say they look alike but slavic men are kinda underrated based on popular perception. No known film actors to cherry pick from I guess.
You're attempting to excuse action based on circumstance, right?