What are your top 5 most degenerate things?

(in no particular order)

1) (Picrelated)
2) Porn
3) Vidya
4) Marxism
5) Atheism/Nihilism

Communist countries may be poor shitholes but theyre far less degenerate than the capitalist West

what are your top 5 degenerate things, gommie?

By threat of disappearance you larping son of a bitch.
Not much of a great system if you have to make your populace worried that their families will disappear never to have existed on official documentation.
t.former commie block shithead

In order of least to most degenerate.

5)Being gay
4)Being unashamed
3)Having gay sex
2)Afternoon tea
1)That time at the zoo

Nice. What are your top 5, anti-gommie?

>that time at the zoo

What did he mean by this?

Gluttony > obese
Greed > jews and bankers
lust > faggots, porn addicts, whores
Pride > identitarians
Sloth > NEETS and welfare queens
Wrath > stormfags, ignorants
Envy > poor people

in no particular order

Capitalism, cities, the advertising industry, Hollywood and your mom

1-5.) Posting on image boards all day

Will admit cities are preddy kiked out.
>My mom

No trans/gay? You're degenerate, fag.

>Envy > poor people
uhh...can you please elaborate on this?

It's weird how whores are preddy special in Christianity...forgive them user.

>Smoking weed
>Overweight (legit reasons, hurt myself lifting multiple slipped discs in back and Obama care fucked me cant afford insurance xD)
Cannot think of more

1. Masturbation
2. Porn
3. Sloth
4. non-sociable
5. Moral

Yeah cursing...that's an interesting one. I sort of agree--but they can be tactically used.

Highly degenerate: Saw this son curing his own mom, calling her a fucking bitch or something like that. Made me ultra-cringe

Maybe not: When a real situation arises.

I couldn't came up with anything better while writing the post, poor people often envy achievements of rich people without wanting to go through the same sacrifices.
whores both males and females btw

In no particular order

Bar/hook up """culture"""

Meh re: poor people--I'm not sure you can paint with that broad a brush. Many great artists died poor as fugg.

I've noticed that I don't really care that much about money. Maybe I'm not jewish enough.

you are right, the fact is most sins overlap and Catholics were retarded. (envy has to be based on one of the other sins for example and most of the time wrath too)

I just didn't want to left out a sin for the sake of autism.

Cursing, like any of use of language, has its place.
