Why is nobody talking about Hamburg?

After G20, anarchist antifa 'Black Bloc' rioters have been burning and destroying the city for two days, attacking anyone they want.



Other urls found in this thread:


I ran it through archive

>nytimes com/2017/07/08/world/europe/protests-hamburg-germany-group-of-20.html
>youtube com/watch?v=05slPcJ0s0I

Based bot.

CNN reported this on Hamburg. Dafuq.

Today's talk show "Anne Will" invited, of course, only leftist politicians and it ended in a circle jerk about how lefties are the gud bois and dindu nuffin.
People on Twitter were furious yesterday but showed what cucks they are today. 10.000 people of Hamburg united in cleaning the city instead of driving the communists out of the city.
At least people are still upset and are ripping on antifa and SPD, especially Hamburg's mayor Olaf Scholz and the SPD.

>even AlJazeera reported on this
>meanwhile left (((media))) here are playing the victim

Even Fox Newocons said they were peaceful.

Guys! We need your help!
You mounted quite a taskforce to identify the antifa perps from the Berkeley etc. demos. Now we're getting more and more photographic evidence from the G20 riots in Hamburg. What can we do to identify the antifa scum from G20?

German Antifa is different than America. They aren't just a bunch of hippy retards, they're feral maniacs with huge numbers that the media refuses to report on. Watch the video with Lauren and Stefan, the first 10 minutes show how bad it is from a right-wing perspective.

>already making the "never forget" posters

My cunt's commie regime media and private outlets reported that there were several extremeists and some hundred arrested but quickly emphasized that most were peaceful

Must've been reporting from another Hamburg

Sure they are different. But that's no reason to leave them do what they do.
German police is searching for the recordings of the crimes and the perpetrators. I would love if we could help and get at least a couple of these shitheads to the court.

Well they're founded by Soros, ofc (((Neocons))) are on his side.

Any Twitter reactions to Anne Schill?

Yeah it's interesting. About half the Americans here understand this, the other half goes all 'OMG GERMAN KEKS WE WOULDA SHOT THESE GUYS'

If your courts are anything like mine, they would get judged by sheltered marxist feminist judges (female)

are they still fucking doing it?

If they actually are doing this you should make them topics just about that, I'm sure you'd find help and it'd get traction if you do it a few times.

Use this topic for now though obv.

nobody cares, it is the same at every event.
antifas chimp out every first of may, people just accepted it, that is why you must kill them all before they spread in america.

Excellent photo. Supply the Polizei Hamburg with it: hh.hinweisportal.de/


Jesus Christ you plebbit fags need to fuck off back to plebbit or at least stop this autistic line spacing.
Twitter reactions were devestating. I don't even know if i have seen a single "good" post there. They also took down the stream.

I'm sure we can still help unveil some of the most violent ones. Is Fartbook the main social media in Germany as it is here? We can't always navigate the language (though a few of us can I'm sure) but if you give us someone you need ID'd and likely spots to look for more pics and make matches we can help with the grunt work of looking through it all, for sure.


>White people don't chimp out

Fox evening shows did show video of burning and rioting, etc. Hannity, Carlson have covered it.

Any new webms?


It's how I've always typed, I don't even have a reddit account. Fuck you nigger.

New York's mayor used taxpayer money to go to Germany and lead these violent G2 protests.

Why would I? They vote for this shit. No sympathy at all.

>calls out others for using leddit spacing
>uses leddit spacing

Le De FAGGO go live in the ghetto and see how long he is alive ?

why are german police such cucks?

because behind every uniform is german.

"Whoops, nearly threw my new stolen iphone"

how will that fag virtue signal on kikeberg about his brave rioting against the cuck german police without his iphone?

Fuck krautland. Would never visit. Ugly people too. Dont give a fuck about their problems.

Communists aren't human, let alone white. Communism is a mental disorder


Thank God America is mostly Irish. Or Anglo-Celtic

Commies aren't white.

i dont know but we really should keep talking about it, its a great chance to make faggots see that leftists are cancer

Because any injury caused to a protester beating your head in with an iron bar is grounds for them to get sued.

Did you see the police loadouts at the beginning? No clubs, no shields, just helmet wearing groups of unarmed cops in weird, hugging groups having shit thrown at them by effete punks with painted hair.

Germany knew how to handle these commies before, they need to do it again.

This is common in germany and france.
It won't make people upset, in 2 weeks nobody remembers it until the next chimpout, then we have the same for a few days and they forget it again.
those things happen all the time at least since I was born, nothing special.
but let it be a warning america, stop those communists before it becomes normal in the states too.

lmao what cucked faggots

i wish these fags would come to the US. the first molotov thrown would be greeted with live ammunition dumped into the antifags.

>Why is nobody talking about Hamburg?
because no one cares about eurocowards who sit on their ass waiting for America to come save them.
Stop being weak you fucking pussies.

>before it becomes normal in the states too.
if you assault police in the states they will fuck you up without hesitation

god bless america

Original video got shoah'd

I love you norbot

Important to note that if Lauren Southern was telling the truth then the news companies in Germany were in on this from an ideological perspective.

Also ordinary people who had no part in the black bloc were reporting her location constantly via social media.

Just because there are only 20,000 black bloc members doesn't mean their sympathisers aren't everywhere.

You ameritards need to stamp this out NOW.

haha no
their student grants pay for those phones

i cant wait til climate change happends and it gets more hot and these stupid fucks cant wear there winter coats all day

>Sup Forums finally has a chance to play in the 4cc without embarrassing itself
>/mlpol/ - /ptg/ final

I don't really know what's going on over there or what those people really want. I don't trust the media to tell me either. It would not surprise me if the german media is totally misrepresenting those people.

I didn't even notice the phone, I noticed a guy who can't throw further than 25ft.







We'll see how things develop but remember that the nazi party itself was a reaction to communist groups like this. They fought the commies in the streets. There could be another groundswell against them in the future.





blame the faggot civilians who refuse to stand up to them

is this a bottle of robbie bubble?


In CNNVerse, a beautiful place above the sky, where birds sing and reality can't penetrate.

Sup Forums, you are my heroes and I love you


These people don't look very german to me.

everybody thank archivebot

They can't I I'd been the owner of one of the stores which got looted and I'd shot or stabbed an antifag I would have gone to jail.
But even if germans were allowed to defend their property they wouldn't because they are faggots.

we wuz there

we know reddit was there you don't have to show us

Yeah, probably what her daddy always instilled in her throat then stuck up in her butt. Brings up memories

oh fuck off lauren, you walk into a middle of a fucking riot of course you're going to get clobbered.


the fuck you mean with reddit, it´sme and some friends of mine, the pic wasn´t even posted on reddit faggot

They are mostly german, mixed with some kurds.
I think antifag is 80% white 10% kurdish and 10% degenerates from other shitholes.

>Wear black
>Join them and mingle in the crowd.
>Hurt one when the opportunity arises.
>Are they going to call the police and report the person in black.
>Perfect crime.
>Destroy them from within.

>just have the right to bear arms
>just have the right to defend your life and your property
>just shoot the communist when he is a threat to one of those things
will never happen in the socialist caliphate of germanistan

they would not call the police, they would attack you

Worrying about being stabbed in the back by your comrade is far more traumatic.

Lauren may have slightly misrepresented the situation. The doxing journalist in question is not a journalist of Zeit (which is a big respected newspaper), but he runs a blog under the zeit.de. However he is affiliated with Neues Deutschland, a socialist newspaper that is extreme right-wing, and barely qualifies as mainstream.

no those kids from antifa will just run when the first one of them drops dead, they are just larping a civil war.
things will be different though, when the arabs and niggers start their shit.

>be silent
>muh Dishonored strats
>hit one person with bikelock
>hide in shadows
>rinse and repeat

There is a reason police listen to their own common sense and experience instead of random guys on the Internet who just want to see protesters get what they deserve. Officers are unarmed in conflicts like this to avoid unnecessary escalation that could harm not only protesters but also themselves and innocent bystanders. Things can happen very quickly and chaotic in heated moments. Even US police forces have chosen not to bring weapons to similar conflicts. It's totally different from being armed in general.

Communists aren't people

>a socialist newspaper that is extreme right-wing

A right-wing socialist? Man, you guys got everything topsy-turvy and cattywampus over there. What's next? Purple-haired nose-ring hitler-chan?

>A right-wing socialist?
every one in germany is a socialist even the right wingers.

Sorry, I mistyped, meant to say extreme left-wing of course. On the other hand, might've been a freudian slip.

what kind of poilce force doesnt retaliate to this with 5.56 rifle fire? these cucks could learn how to keep law and order from the israelis

where the fuck is a korean shop owner with a 30rd mag when you need one

the eternal german doesn't like guns and property is only granted by the government, but he is proud to pay his taxes, because the police is here to protect law and order so normal citizens don't need guns and that's why they are illegal and that is good.

>not just shouting to the mob "look he had this IDENTITY EUROPA hankerchief in his pocket!!" while you push him onto the mob and hold some piece of cloth that has "far right" logos on it

there are easy ways to destroy them from within

>do we need to get the right wing death squads out?
what did she mean by this Sup Forums?


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Poster arent supposed to be faggots either but here you are

