ITT we proclaim the truth... Post "Jesus is LORD" to affirm that truth

>ITT we proclaim the truth... Post "Jesus is LORD" to affirm that truth.

As we face the just chastisement of God for our iniquity and sins, let us appreciate the greatness of Gods creation and right order...

For the degeneracy and evil we face today is the direct opposite of the nature of God almighty, who is infinitely good and worthy of our love.

We should cling to God then, seeking reconciliation with Him, as conformity to the natural law and a love of what is good should be the prime animator of our life.

When will YOU repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour? When will YOU return to The Holy Roman Catholic Church that Christ founded?

Our ancestors were Christian. Christian culture is European culture; so let us see the error of our ways and repent!

The world can be a dark and confusing place, but it doesn't have to be. There is one light, one person you can trust, that will never lie to you or let you down; that person is Jesus Christ.

God bless you all

>Questions and debate from all denominations/beliefs welcomed...

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Jesus is Lord.

Kek is his chief of chaos.

>ITT we proclaim the truth
La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah

Jesus is Lord

>makes thread about the truth
>spreads lies
That's just shameful.

Muhammad thought he was possessed by demons when he received his "revelation"

>he was

Jesus thought he was forsaken by Allah when he died on the cross.
>he was for lying about being His son

We judge things based on it's fruit, we see the fruit of your creed is evil.

Plus it is contradictory, like you calling Jesus the Son of God a liar; yet your book affirms He is a great prophet.

Your book (which is a terrible plagarism) claims to be a continuation of the bible, yet it contradicts the bible. You say the bible was corrupted, yet you say the bible was the word of God.

You are simply falling pray to a materialistic doctrine of Devils.

Jesus Christ is LORD and every tongue will confess it on judgement day.

Get right with God before then

Jesus is LORD!

Ave Christus Rex!

>>ITT we proclaim the truth... Post "Jesus is LORD" to affirm that truth
fuck off lying christcuck

stupid cuck

Don't let this kike lead you astray.

>sodomite flag
>doesn't like Jesus Christ

Make straight your ways before judgement because God is watching.

Jesus is LORD

>Make straight your ways before judgement because God is watching.
LOL you stupid sinning cuck
>Jesus is cuck
ftfy, christcuck :)

jesus is a filthy cucked kike

Jesus is LORD!

Aw is the little faggot butthurt that someone believes something that tells them fagggot are the scum of the earth, or did Jerry just forget lube last night?

>b-but muh based kike on a stick!
dirty jewlover
JESUS is nothing but a DIRTY cuck!

jesus is the filthiest nigger on a stick
a dirty sodomoit is jesus christ
lord of the scum
lord of filthy
jesus "the cuck" christ

If that is so then explain this christcucks.

was jesus anally raped on the cross?

Nah nigger, I said nothing about religion, you're just getting more ass blasted about what someone believes than you do when Jerry fuck your ass raw.

God will forgive all of these blasphemies, but you must repent and change your life.

Do not die in a state of mortal sin.

May Jesus Christ have mercy on your soul and bring you to everlasting life.



Jesus is LORD. Believe on Him and you will have eternal life.

Conservative Christians, unlike phony liberal Christians, are not cucked. We have a higher birthrate than atheists, who tend to be much more politically liberal than Christians. On average, atheists are much more degenerate than conservative Christians. The recent decline of Christianity has directly corresponded with a decline in white birth rates, sexual degeneracy, the destruction of traditional values, and the growth of mass immigration.

Pat Buchanan: "A people’s religion, their faith, creates their culture, and their culture creates their civilization. And when faith dies, the culture dies, the civilization dies, and the people begin to die."

But you don't have to die. Believe on Jesus Christ and you will be saved and un-cucked.

>Worshipping kikes like a good goy
Go back to the Middle East, spiritual kikes.

Jesus is Lord
Every knee will bow

Amen, brother.


>God will forgive all of these blasphemies, but you must repent and change your life.
LOL fuck off, cuck
>Do not die in a state of mortal sin.
that's you, because you believe the Lie that is Jesus Christ
>May Jesus Christ have mercy on your soul and bring you to everlasting life.
LOL fuck off you stupid christcuck
you moron
jesus cannot save anyone
you are the cucked :)
pic related
jesus getting SODOMIZED on the cross

Can a guy that's nonvirgin and been divorced get a good conservative traditional christian submissive virgin girl to marry? I doubt it because even these fell for the feminist meme of guys and girls are supposed to be equal.

Amen. Peace be with you.

Jesus is Lord. I agree with everything you say but that we need to return to the Catholic Church. Better to return to studying the Word, whatever denomination.

literally facebook.

>Jesus is Lord. I agree with everything you say but that we need to return to the Catholic Church. Better to return to studying the Word, whatever denomination.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

look at this manly man
the actual picture of a dirty cuck on the cross

Do you have children? Are you married? If not, and you're over 25, you're cucked.

If you want to find a wife with traditional values that wants to start a family, accept Christ and find your self a Christian woman.

no i have a boyfriend
his name is jesus
he's from mexico
perhaps you know him? you pray to him every week


>sees flag
Of course.


Repent and accept Christ before you die in your sins, user. He will save your soul, heal your heart, and help you turn from your degenerate lifestyle, which will only lead to death. Jesus loves even the worst of sinners.

Agree with everything except the Catholic church. It's not true Christianity. It's the institution that persecuted the bible believing Christians for hundreds of years.

I'm not trying to attack you or your beliefs but an objective look at the Roman Catholic church will show that it is not in line with the bible.

They changed the 10 commandments by removing the commandment about graven images and if you go into just about any Catholic church you can see why. They have graven images everywhere of mary, saints, Jesus. The truth is nobody knows what Jesus looked like so making any statue of Him is deceptive.

Jesus is our savior, not the church.

Church =/= God's will

>which will only lead to death
wait so you won't die?
>inb4 eternal life in the kike king
>nazi flag
>worships a jew
>"not" a D&C shill
hello rabbi

Kike is actually a word that originates from the behavior of Jewish immigrants to the US. Apparently they refused to sign an X on documents at Ellis Island because it was too similar to a cross. So the word Kike refers to people who are vehemently against Christ. Those who oppose Christ therefore have more in common spiritually than Kikes than do Christians.

thanks for the history lesson, kike

Nothing to see here, just put this LGBT pagan fag into the gulag list.

LOL cuck

commies and christcucks unite!

I'm atheist tovarich. All I see is a mad pagan LARPer.

>I'm atheist tovarich
speak english, ruskie
>All I see is a mad pagan LARPer
dumb christcuck

The insult "cuck" doesn't have much sting to it when it's coming from a degenerate sodomite.

ok christcuck

jesus "DON'T RAPE ME ON THE CROSS!" christ

Jesup is LORD

You are the cuck, sodomite. Unlike Christians, you will never have children.

Repent whilst there is still time. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

what did they do to jesus on the cross?
i know they nailed his feet and hands to wood
they must have had some real fun with jesus's asshole
jesus is a "sodomite"

You are reprobate. I hope I'm wrong but you certainly act like it. You've rejected God so many times and so defiantly that Jesus has stopped calling you. Now you can live your life as degenerate and sick as you want and morality won't stop you.

Jesus was not a sodomite. But He is willing to save sodomites such as yourself if you are willing to believe on Him.

why? jesus forgives everyone
even me ;)
so... JESUS is a DIRTY SODOMITE, just like you!! :)
jesus was raped on the cross
can't you read?

Jesus Christ is the Lord of us all. God made man in the flesh.

Roman Catholic.

>raped on cross
Cite your source, sodomite.

>Jesus forgives everyone
ONLY if you are willing to believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Believe on Christ and the Holy Spirit will indwell you and turn you from degeneracy. Otherwise, you will die in your sins.

You worship your own degeneracy and let demons live in you and degrade you. What a surprise to see you spew obscenity at the Son of God. who taught forgiveness, charity, faith and kindness..

Israelite =/= All Judeans.

Jew =/= Israelite

I used to think so but I think there is a limit.

God may be able to forgive anyone but I don't think everyone is able to truly ask for forgiveness, at least not after a certain point in their lives after rejecting God so blatantly.

>>Jesus forgives everyoneONLY if you are willing to believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Believe on Christ and the Holy Spirit will indwell you and turn you from degeneracy. Otherwise, you will die in your sins.

This seems true, There is hope for ANYONE who can turn to Christ though in sincere remorse or their sins and ask forgiveness and then changes their ways.

Show your flag.

huh? the source is common sense
something christians lack :)
>Otherwise, you will die in your sins.
oh well
guess i just like sinning
too bad, christcuck :)
jesus taught misery to miserable shits
sure, "nazi"
how's the weather in tel aviv?
i know you think jesus is the only way
but he's just a lying jew

Sinners get further and further away from God and silence his voice in their conscience


>jesus taught misery to miserable shits

Jesus Christ taught Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Understanding, Forgiveness, Faith and Compassion. Although I can see why someone demon oppressed and without any will to opposing their own degradation of their self would see that as 'misery'

is that jesus's girlfriend?

Jesus was a Jewish cuck, but Christianity is deeply embedded in the cultural roots of Europe, so I shall tolerate Christianity, if I must. Hail Odin, Praise Kek, fuck Allah.

you've got it wrong
jesus taught you have to be a sinner in order to get saved
and he forgives everyone
so i'll just do whatever i want to the filthy wretched christians
and it's all according to Jesus "The Cuck" himself :)

>enjoying your sins
Until you end up with AIDS, sodomite. If you do, accept Christ as your Savior before you die. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and ask him to forgive your sins and heal your hardened heart.

i'm saved
thanks, cuck :)

>is that jesus's girlfriend?

You really know absolutely nothing about Christianity or Christ's teachings but as will all demon oppressed need to sexualise everything from children to names you do not know. You degrade humanity to a collection of bestial soulless sex objects and then rejoice in the despair and darkness you spread.

now go fuck a sheep

It's not the original religion of Europe. The GrecoRoman gods were worshipped for thousands of years before Europeans ever heard of Jesus. If you want "original," that's not Jesus, it's Heracles, Zues and Apollos. The 12 Olympians.

Jesus was a swoley carpenter that had mad bantz and also went against ((())) when he saw what was taking place in the temple.. also, on an unrelated note, Muhammad is a baby/goat and baby goat fucker so definitely -1 over there..

>jesus taught you have to be a sinner in order to get saved

We are all sinners. He forgives indeed anyone but for that you must ask. How can Christ forgive if forgiveness is never asked for?

isn't he jesus? why does he tolerate me then?
christcucks are all stupid
every single one of them

>okyay!i'm savedthanks, cuck :)

Its called the Good News for a reason.

It's incredible how someone could bait people that easy, SHAMEFRUL DISPRAY!

>thanksnow go fuck a sheep

>all demon oppressed need to sexualise everything from children to names you do not know. You degrade humanity to a collection of bestial soulless sex objects and then rejoice in the despair and darkness you spread.

bad news and it's only one item:
repeated every 15 minutes for all eternity
you're the one who called me those names

That was over 1,000 years ago in most parts of Europe. Paganism is dead, user. Clearly the chain has been broken and no one can sincerely believe in the actual existence of those deities.

Christianity is the foundation of modern Western Civilization, and without Christianity., the West will fall.

Jesus Christs teachings were completely paradigm changing in the ancient world. Before you start citing junk from the zeitgeist cult please realise you can go and read comprehensive debunking of every single thing they said.

oh no!
a failing west!
whatever will happen?
will europe be overrun with muslims?
will america be 61% white?
tell me, user., what will happen?

I swear you delusional retards need to get off the kool-aid. As a matter of fact, most of the christians on Sup Forums aren't even legitimately christian and only do it because it's the hip thing to do between right-wingers. Christianity as a religion is dead in the West except in a few Orthodox and Catholic countries, in Protestant countries it has become only a political identity thing.

You cucks will make christcuck threads yet will still masturbate daily and hope they get laid as soon as possible even before marriage. Just stop the larping and the further spread of ignorance & stupidity.

Simple. Western Europe will look like Turkey. USA will look like Brazil.

>isn't he jesus? why does he tolerate me then?

I don't pretend to k now the mind of God. You should very much under the influence of a demon. You have given yourself to something that hates you and will not cease until it utterly degrades destroys you and uses you to destroy others. Only Jesus Christ can save you and protect you.

who here ready to get /comfy/ for the greatest happening that will be or will ever happen again

Am leaf.

I think all jews need to be exterminated down to the last child unironically though.

but if you have Jesus in your heart
why does that matter?
are you a racist?
i know who hates me:

Roman Catholics are heretics. Period.

Prots not even worth mentioning.