Communism is the ultimate redpill and the inevitable future of the entire human race

Communism is the ultimate redpill and the inevitable future of the entire human race.

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It only works if you kill off most or all of humanity and let AI do literally everything.

Communism as antifa supports is a system that is incompatible with peaceful humanity.

I'll listen to ya, bud

gommunisn is the dumbest crap ever!


It's always nice to see a comrade, Lenin is young again!

Хopoшo, тoвapищ!


Classcucks will defend this

Reddit is over there


Capitalism only works if you enslave all or most of humanity and relegate them to poverty working in sweatshops to make useless shit for the consumers to purchase

capitalism = globalism = communism

Not an argument

Fascism is the ultimate redpill and the inevitable future of the entire human race.

Too much fibre and I get the Trotskys.

Jordan Peterson defends this.

When we have robots that are cheap and capable of getting all the resources we need, sure.

It works with robots, but not with humans. That's the flaw of communism.

>Fascism is the ultimate redpill and the inevitable future of the entire human race.
>Beaten by Communism

I dont feel like an slave, I can just quit my job and do whatever I want. How is this slavery?

Communism has killed many innocent people.

>Communism is the ultimate redpill and the inevitable future of the entire human race.
>Beaten by Capitalism

Can you post a link because I'm actually open about my views unlike capitalists

Sure something can survive the ENTIRE WORLD of pressure.

On a small scale maybe. But even so we'd have regulations and shit.

You have over 50% of people over the middle class, and being poor in the US is a different thing than being poor in Brazil.

History proves you wrong
Capitalist society is freer and has more welfare for all

> only works if you enslave all or most of humanity
> make useless shit for the consumers to purchase

Who are these consumers if the majority/all of the world is enslaved?

Government control of markets is capitalism?

It has never worked so, no.
People won't work thier assess off for shit skins and greedy oligarchs dummy.


You kind of do that already

A capitalist government can exist without the jews. Why does no one agree?

well the inevitable future of the human race is death so i guess you're not wrong

For every worker in a first world capitalist country, 5 workers from third world capital prop them up in miserable conditions

More like joined capitalism and failed user :^)

>Sure something can survive the ENTIRE WORLD of pressure.
Like the USSR

>More like joined capitalism and failed user :^)
>it's not failing if we voluntarily give up

You do realize many eastern countries were communist as well?

You can't abolish slavery.
You can only abolish the word slavery.

Same with oppression.

Know you realize why communists attack these things, if you attack something you kill within 10 seconds, how will you have an army?

Nah better to attack things that cant be abolished.

I can't, I am afraid. But he explained people rising to the top like this as being a known phenomenon. The fellas name began with a P, and sounded Italian. Basically about how a small percentage of people will always dominate in a given area or field. I believe he was using it in one of his 'equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome' arguments. Let me look around brb.

Price's Law. Fuckin' memory is going, pal.

Are you forgetting the part where half of the USSR's productive territory was sliced off?

That was the under ground economy man.

Wow, clearly capitalism doesn't work.

I guess that's why the US lost the Cold War.

Threadly reminder that Lenin was a plant by Germany during WW1 to destroy Russia.

It IS rather odd that the commies always complain about the "unrestrained growth" of capitalism yet use graphs of the growth of the USSR without a hint of iron.

wanna know why?

Back in the old days, socialism presented itself as more efficient than capitalism.

They switch the goalposts all the time. It's not new, anyone who points this is out is a reactionary/bourgeoisie/another bad word.

Its inevitable only if we don't gas the kikes

Thanks user

And most of them want communism back.

>B-But I was told capitalism would save them

Capitalism is a fantastical utopia

What the fuck I love the fall of the USSR now

Like I said, without exploiting the third world, the US wouldn't be where it is today. With all the wealth the US has, the average US worker has the most to gain from redistribution

If so, it won't be like any form of communism we've seen in the past.

oh look that jew lenin hmmm

if only we could be more like Stalin, whose economy was built on the backs of millions of laborers in the gulag

Keep your head up your ass

> whose economy was built on the backs of millions of laborers in the gulag
Except it wasn't. The gulag was for enemies of the state and capitalists :^)

Ok finished watching the video. Good video and he also states the problem of wealth inequality and that it is a problem except he doesn't know how to fix it. If anything this video helps communism and Mr Peterson does a good job presenting it. The people at the top keep winning and the people at the bottom keep losing. I say to that communism is the answer because in the USSR, wealth inequality was 4 to 1, which compared to neoliberal countries is practically nothing.

The eventual end of trading leads to a monopoly scenario where one person has all the wealth and the rest are shit out of luck. You can see the same thing happening with car monopolies where the government has to forcefully interfere and break these monopolies up.

Communism is a Jewish tool and at this point will only show more young people the truth about the Jews.

You're preaching to a bunch of redditors. Sup Forums is retarded and instead of supporting social conservatism and economic socialism they're going for economic conservatism and social liberalism. Sup Forums is literally a bastion for neocons ever since the 2016 elections.

They'd rather have MAH FWEE MAWKETS than actually fight degeneracy.

Capitalism is way more useful to the powerful Jews than communism (because not every jew is a bourgeois, in case you didn't know)


They both are Jewed compared to fascism.

I can see the benefits of socialism but Marxist-Leninst communism seems to cause too much death and loss of civil liberties

Strangely i thought great depression was enough to murricans to at least not defend wild capitalism, which is objectively evil.
When people imagine another epochs, it's natural to project themself on, say, nobles in medieval times. Similary murricans lament epoch where they'd be probably working poor or straight poor and fucked over by rich.


>Claims to fight degeneracy
>Institutes nihilism anyways
Really sharpened my cube user

Crashing the economy does ultimately get rid of niggers but I'll pass on my neighbor calling the secret police for patriarchal doubled dipped egalitarian social democratic ideals in a strictly intersectionally feminist social technocratic maoist society.

>>Institutes nihilism anyways
What did you mean by this?


Trotsky was cooler.

What did you hope to accomplish by posting here?

um no, communism might be red but it's not a pill, it's a lunatic asylum, go live in china, get greded on your chinkbook by the government to see if you really deserve that promotion ... hey but I selfemplo-


Force that shit on Africa and the Middle East instead. Leave us alone. We are doing great.


It's the future in the same way entropy or rot is.


So many edgy 15 year old. MUH COMMUNISM shit threads, it's actually just a tad annoying.

actually is more like : Communism gets all the resources from capitalists countries to try stop the slaughter of 25 milions meat fodder sent to die by the jews in command.

If you've ever opened a history book, you can clearly see that communism has never fucking functioned properly without mass killings and the end result would always be poverty, but I suppose the autism of larping as some revolutionary blinds you.

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get un-kiked! - invite/ - muZfhQz (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil!

Communism will be the death of us all; only a fool would support an ideology that's roots are embedded in luciferianism. Any one with an ounce of common sense knows where socialism/ communism doctrines began and its quite clear with the predictions of Anatiloy Galitsyn where it will lead. A giant gulag for us peasants and a life of spoils for the elite.

no. but neither is capitalism.

Don't be mad comrade.


The only good post in this shitty shill thread.

Communism is dead.


>I say to that communism is the answer because in the USSR, wealth inequality was 4 to 1, which compared to neoliberal countries is practically nothing.
Too bad Communism has no inherit defenses from transferring into system where wealth equality is infinity to 1.

Imagine being such a huge faggot you think you are entitled to the product of others just for existing! Commies are the laziest greediest faggots on Earth that disguise their sloth and apathy for effort as compassion. I actually mean this sincerely kill yourselves there is no virtue in being human there is no virtue in altruism. I rather you faggots starve than give a dollar of the money I EARNNNN :) to you.

Humans are not entitled to anything. Humans are just animals. And animals who do not hunt and expect to be fed like the rest of the pack who goes out and hunt dies and rightfully so. And hopefully you lazy entitled psuedointellectual faggots will die. Welfare was a mistake.

Also the rich is always replaced by the state anyway you retards and you probably wont be a govt official.

that faggot you posted is a worthless trashcan

Anyone who thinks this should be forcibly deported to a Communist country

>daddy Lenin will never caress your cock while teaching you about automated AI socialism
Why even live?

I'll just leave this one here

communism is the downfall for smart nations
let shitholes have it

>communism was a failure! k.marx

No its not, please go jump off a cliff.


communism is stateless, there is no such thing as a communist country, only socialism has a socialist state and in the case of ML with a communist party that secures the transition towards communism of society.

God I hate you lazy entitled faggots so much you have fucking smartphones and incredibly powerful computers but somebody has more money than you or god forbid you have to get a small coffee instead of a medium one day and you're such an oppressed little "prole"

Utterly worthless the US already fucking sustains worthless NEETS and low IQ niggers who dont contribute to society at all and then we have YOU FAGGOTS who get distraught over the idea that maybe just maybe you have to put effot into life and the state or the world doesnt owe you zero.

There are over 5 billion people in the world who live on less than you. Who work more than you and who are happier and more grateful than you. But god forbid you cant live in a nice 2 story house with an art degree. Fucking worthless entitled filth!!!

We live in a society here in the US where the poor have fucking smartphones and game consoles but because they are stupid fucking niggers always ruin their communities and thats big bad corporations and capitalisms fault.

What I would give to cave some limp wristed overly entitled commie's skull in. The only thing you people "deserve" is a bullet. Worthless statist collectivist bootlickers!




Orthodoxy or death motherfucker.