What the fuck is his problem?

what the fuck is his problem?

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I am grateful for this board for making me filled with disgust at the sight of this


>what the fuck is his problem?

He went a little bit too far, but he's right-- the bullying he'll get in middle and high school is going to fuck this kid up. This is very myopic of his parents.

he doen't know that speaking truth is not welcome anymore

Two libshit parents.

I don't see anything wrong with this, why do we not give children freedom to choose who they want to be? Instead of dictating their lives like some communist government

>libshit parents make the kid dress up as a retard because of their autistic virtue signaling
>giving the kids freedom
pick one and ONLY ONE

The subhumanisation of Humanity and the resulting extinction is probably his problem.

based Woods

Hes so cucked he lets his son do shit like that. I dunno what caused it.

(((Right side of history)))

i think the op is reffering to the guy that made the tweet

Holy shit Mr. Woods

damn son

Excessive awesomeness

>Right side of history

That shit always makes me laugh.

James Woods is high IQ and like myself correctly notes that the high incidence of tranny-smothered fagged out kids now, will result in a spree killer epidemic later, when they realize their trainwreck lives were social experiments and exercises in preening vanity

Holy fuck he's so fucking based

That father's shirt is quite ironic.

James "Don't give a fuck" Woods strikes again, with pinpoint accuracy

Look at that bitch's sunglasses, looks like she is smiling while watching the world burn around her

"My son wants to suck cocks and be completely judged on that alone. He has no other redeeming qualities minus his tight asshole for males to use."

What in the fuck is wrong with these brainwashed retards? Mental fucking illness. If my wife asked me to engage in these sort of activities, she would either not be my wife or be told to stfu.

>I stand on the right side of history
Where did libshits get this meme? This sounds like a self-aggrandizing mantra they would chant as they fire up the ovens for all white men in flyover states.


>I don't see anything wrong with this, why do we not give children freedom to choose who they want to be? Instead of dictating their lives like some communist government
Yeah, down with making children do things they don't want to do!
If they're old enough to consent to sex with an adult, they're old enough to decide to have a sex change
Oh, wait...

Jesus Christ help me.

James Woods is our guy. The hero America needs, but doesn't deserve.

Tragic story

Do kids even get bullied anymore in schools? I'm 32 and don't have kids but get the impression that if a kid were to bully someone these days, even for the most minor thing, they'd be sent off for months of re-education and sensitivity training.

Except consenting to sex involves other people so it needs to be older

Sex changes are about your internal feelings on what gender you are, who are we to tell a child their feelings arent valid?

Fuck yeah they do.
Your scenario may happen if they're white, but if the bullies are black, the teachers will pull all the stops to protect them.

What's the story there?

"We're not a religion even though we call ourselves 'progressive' and claim to predict the future."

Just shut the fuck up.

Imagine Chaz Jenning's screaming out "I WAS JUST A KID"


The stirring in xir's shriveled poisoned pecker,

as the torture implement pops through the skin

and warm blood floods around the cold metal

Why the fuck does leftist parents do this? Didn't the dads get bullied enough in school for being limp-wristed faggots? Or do they want their children to suffer at the hands of others?
Just like parents who give their kids shitty fucking names. Bonus points if it rhymes with kindergarden profanity.

Probably (((Dr. Money.)))

You're way too fluent in that degeneracy, user. Sort yourself out.

>Just shut the fuck up.
Boom, trips of truth

They are not thinking about the kid. It's all about them and their image.

Poor kid. He's being brainwashed into that degeneracy.

We tell them their feelings aren't valid all the time.
>Daddy can I drive a car?
No your not old enough
>Daddy can I wear a dress and go hang out at the park?
No some sicko might rape you
>Daddy can I stay up all night and drink pancake syrup?
No it's bad for you go to bed

We tell children constantly what they are allowed to do. It is what good parents do.

Un-regenerate people get pleasure out of torturing others. That's part of man's depraved nature.

It's all about virtue signalling to their liberal friends. They couldn't care less about the kid.

A true american hero.

Anyone who would put their own narcissism before the well-being of their child should be violently euthanized with hammers.

>My son wears...

Jeans and a t shirt apparently.


good comment I agree

I agree.

How many people know girls the same age as that boy who are already wearing makeup? I know of none. .. why can't people see how artificial this kind of shit is.

Im guessing hes referring to the fact that many serial killers were dressed up like girls when they were kids

Jesus fucking Christ.

It's just another way for leftists to shame their opponents into submitting to their will. Their entire agenda is based around emotion.


Doubles makes it even more truthy

Fuck it.

An uncomfortable number of profilic killers (specifically serial killers but not exclusively) suffered from repressed sexual desires and dysphoria concerning their gender identity and/or sensuality. It's going to be a renaissance of serial killers in the next 10-20 years. Think of a world where every state will have their own collection of Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacey, Ed Gein, and Jeffery Dalmer.

You don't have kids.

They literally have no reason to do anything unless you prompt them. They would choose to shit in their bed, roll in it, eat magnets, roll to their deaths down stairs, choke on an apple, shove marbles in various body holes, and other disastrous ideas.

Parents have to reinforce good habits, not encourage mental illness.

there's gonna be a lot of trannies suing their parents, doctors and the state in the next 5 years.

If they don't make kids bullyable there won't be room for bully mantra later on. And we MUST teach kids about bullying. How, HOW, without examples!


I love James not giving a single fuck Woods

Good ol' James Woods.

They pushed it on him. Most likely the mother did. That dad is just going along with it.

I feel so fucking bad for kids these days. It used to be perfectly normal for a kid to play with dolls, or wear a wig for shits and giggles. Noone cared. It meant nothing. Now parents see a kid doing it and egg them on. They encourage the kid to to overboard with it so they can take it to social media for progressive brown points.

Poor fucking kids.

>Be a dumb impressionable 11 year old.
>LARP in a raggy old dress because lol who gives a fuck
>Parents showering you with praise and showing you to the world to show everyone how amazing you are
>Go along with it and even start to believe it because everyone is happy and likes you
>You need to cut my penis off? OK as long as it makes you happy mom.

What happened to the good old days?

Logically the parents since it's their job., What kind of question is this anyway? Are you assuming that a child under 18 knows what is best for them and should make their own decisions? Do you think a child knows or cares what hormone damage will do to them? Do you think children are capable of making rational decisions? If so please have children and leave all the chemicals under the sink out on the counter. Don' tell them what it is, they'll be smart enough to figure out it's all just orange juice.

>He went a little bit too far
>but he's right
Leave, nigger.

hey remember when they told us they won't abuse children and make them do stupid and gay shit

look where we are now

>Except consenting to sex involves other people so it needs to be older
this doesn't make any fucking sense, you know

what does follow is that if children are seen as being capable of making such a monumental life changing decision as mutilating their genitals and taking sex changing hormones then they should be capable of consenting to sex with an adult, surely

This is so fucked. The little boy is just responding to his parents' excitement. Plus lots of kids are aroused by girl things, like girl clothes, transitively for reasons they won't understand until puberty. Either way, these parents have no business publicizing (or even encouraging) something life-changing, which their child doesn't understand, and will likely end up being a phase.

Wake up western civilization, before it's too late

This! A thousand times this!
Everyone does stupid shit when they are kids. I know I have. I invented stupid-ass stories about getting kidnapped by aliens when I was just late for dinner.

I'm skeptical of the possibility of prolific serial killers being able to exist in a society with modern crime investigation techniques. I think it's more likely a lot of these nuts just kill their families then themselves or something of that ilk, which is actually a reasonable outcome all things considered.

>son is mentally deranged
>somehow the problem is the people who is worried about it

It's like he thinks kids possess some greater wisdom or something.

No , kids are just like adults. Except dumber. And i suppose , more innocent.

Correct. These people and their enablers should be killed. Hint: their enablers are mostly kikes.


wow hes a fucking legend

>who are we to tell a child their feelings arent valid?
We're the god damn adults.
That's what we do.

But really though - there was a plebbit thread the other day where a kid was asking if it was legal to take his 16 year old sister across state lines to get an abortion because they couldn't get one in Texas where they lived without parental consent, and they had no intention of telling their parents. AND THOSE DEGENERATES WERE FUCKING CONGRATULATING HIM ON BEING A GOOD BROTHER!! That messed me up for a good hour or so, it's so depressing to see how far we've fallen.

Exactly, its not about the kid. Its about the parents feeling good about themselves because they are so "supportive".

If the kid hit middle school and started to like wearing dresses, then fine. Be supportive then; but at that young of an age, they don't know wtf they want.

Let's pray to Satan that parricide have a great surge in twenty years.
They deserve to die, all those "people".

I almost wanted to kill my parents for getting me circumcised. What do you think these "trannies" will do when they realize how fucked over they were?

Hehe , according to plan.

That mom is hot though.


>welp the kid pisses weird, better mutilate his cock
>oops we mutilated it too much, better reassign him as female
>oh his brother pisses normally now without the need for carving off his foreskin? bad goyim
>muffled wringing and rubbing of hands in the distance

Wood's problem? Nothing. Kid in that photo is going to have a fucked up life.

The father doesn't look like your typical libruhl push over, you think he's doing this for access to his own personal supply of boipucci?

Woods for President 2024

It's not the bullying that will get him, it's the parents and society fucking him up mentally. Imagine those who are supposed to love and protect you filling your mind with poison.

Zzlo'mo? You were real? You could have called me after the last anal probing.

There are very few people who run a better twitter accoun than James Woods.

>I don't see anything wrong with this, why do we not give children freedom to choose who they want to be?
That's not how parenting works.

Back then:
>mom mom! I'm xena the warrior princess from TV!
>that's cute user, now go back to your room
>mom mom! I'm elsa the snow princess from Frozen!
>is that because elsa is a girl and deep inside you feel like a girl too? is that it? yeah, that's definitely what it is. no way could kids just pretend to be something for fun, that's not what kids do. time to contact the news to show everybody how tolerant and progressive I am with my 5 year old transgender kid

Never have a kid faggot.
>Being supportive of your son become a fag at all
That's means for disowning and trying again. Having a whole new kid might be too late, but that's why you should have a minimum of 3 at the start to begin with. If ones defective, just toss em.

So people are just objects then?

This is pretty much where the whole 'gender is a social construct' thing started.

>Jew psychologist cons parents into giving a twin gender reassignment surgery over a botched circumcision
>Parents go along with it and try to raise him as a girl
>Jew psychologist forces twins to role play sexual acts on each other, making the 'female' twin the 'bottom' to enforce it's gender role
>From as early as 12, he refuses to identify as female.
>Detransitions around 15
>Both twins commit suicide
>Jewish mad scientist publishes his experiment as a massive success and definitive proof that gender roles are learned
>No one fact checks him, becomes widely spread and sets the precidence for gender re-assignment therapy being the norm.
>David and his family go public in the 90's, medical community realise mad-scientist's experiment was a complete failure
>Massive drop in gender reassignment surgeries.
>Gender dysphoria correctly categorised as a psychological disorder.
> decade later SJWs convince the world it's not.
> Gender reassignment therapy for everyone.
> Here take these stints and jam them up your 'vagina' several times a day because it's literally just an open wound and it will close up otherwise.
>'Vagina' is little more than a mass of scar tissue that needs to be manually cleaned out to stop necrotic infections.
>This is normal and natural.


Do you trust his father or don't you trust him, user.?

Good post