Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) would introduce a law which would focus immigration on trained professionals, if she is re-elected in September.
I'll be voting Merkel so hard - she is /myMutti/
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>I have never ever in history done X
>I have rather systematically done the complete opposite of X, the anti-X
>but if you vote for me this time I promise to do X, vote for me
She will do the exact opposite, when re-elected. As long as she can feel save, living in a bubble where migrant problems won't affect her directly, nothing will change.
Bitch, do it now!
what is stopping her from starting now?
Yeah fucking right. I'm sure she will do a great job
>what is stopping her from starting now?
The socialist which are her coalition partner. They are against deportations and pro open borders.
>multiculturalism doesn't work
>bring a lot of military aged men from a diffrent culture into Germany,oh yeah and they're from a country we are just bombingto shit and they blame us for it
Centrists are cancerous,their the caricature of a politician who will pretend to follow the way the wind blows to get reelected. They're the ultimate drug adicst who would do anything for their next hit,even more so than the left/right on the far end who at least have their ideology to fall back on,which tipically relies on struggle (with power being a tool,not an end)
Centrist view power as the end,,that's why they are beaurocrats usually
Probably not gonna do it.
If I'm gonna vote for her then it's to keep schulz out.
>Let in 2 million shit skins.
>Promise in the campaign to deport 200k and reduce constant influx by whatever %
>Still end up with another million shitskins totalling 3 mil and 250k deported
Yes goyim, vote for the same shit that never changes.
Has she changed alliance?
>get reelected by spineless Germans this time
>next election is decided by the millions of tan Germans
not credible.
promise one thing, do another.
there is literally nothing else you can vote in that damn country except of course the honorable CSU which however is Bavaria only
the CSU would crack down on this bullshit
>control immigration
When does she start kicking them all out?
it's virtually certain already that Merkel is going to get another 4 years
the only scenario under which she can lose is if some gigantic scandal hits, like it's revealed that she killed and ate a guy in 1981 or something like that
Mate, the true thing at hand is this:
CDU was forced into a great coalition with the enemy.
The SPD is the real issue here. There might be a chance that Angela's more liberal rethoric was there to steal SPD voters, but after they saw that people actual like conservative views more, the CDU is getting back to it's prime.
jesus christ, really?
>get someone in, they rape you hard
>rape you really hard till your anus bleeds
>"baby, don't worry, I can change, just give me another chance"
Fuck off you merkel BITCH
I've always wondered what is in her KA. I imagine she has some pretty hairy stuff from the DDR in there.
She will only control migration strongly, if she doesn't go with the SPD, which is highly unlikely. A CDU/FDP government, might do that. But therefore, the FDP needs to rise as it did in the Northrhine-Westphalia election
>Has she changed alliance?
She wants to. If she can get enough votes, she will get into a coalition with the free democrats, which are pro-business libertarians.
literally this
Right before election time right? At least we know she regrets it.
This bitch lit all you Germans on fire now promises to hand you a glass of water if you reelect her.
I hope you do. I really do. Then the cuckening will reach a new level.
>Fuck things up
>People is mad
>I promise to un-fuck what I did, so vote for me again
You know what, the stupidity of europe doesn't surprise me anymore. It's like accidental death and gore from china. I have grown used to it.
She hates Germans, she hates other white people too, she hates liberty, she hates intelligence in the plebs, but sure, believe her words when her own actions have already proved how unfit she is to hold any position of power. Centrism doesn't work, the Tories promised the exact same thing, "Oh it was just the Lib Dems holding us back, we promise we'll make immigration right!" and they've imported more brown people than anyone before them. Career politicians are liars, if you've got a vote, give it to the most far right party you can, no matter what.
We do not have a majority election system. Merkel is in a coalition government, if her coalition partner says "no" to one of her proposals, there is literally nothing she can do about it.
Which is why immigration is so fucked up in Germany. The socialists in Germany are truly fucked in the head "no borders no nation" freaks.
Europa had died at the end of a Muslim's rope.
That bitch is a real populist. She says what ever is going to give her votes.
hehe heard that one before.
David Cameron campaigned on lowering immigration to 10000s. Last year we had 273,000.
Classic ploy, get the normies to give her another 4 years to flood the country.
Losely translated: You can not trust that what is said before the elections will still be valid after the elections [and we have to reckon that this will happen repeatedly one way or another]
Social democrats betrayed Merkels party by forcing a parliamental vote on gay marriage which unsuprisingly passed due to the leftist opposition. Both parties wont form another alliance after the next election. The leftist parties are loosing votes (its not unlikely that the Greens wont even get in) while the liberal party (which was just revived - they do anything for votes so they are anti open-borders at the moment) is gaining more and more votes. AfD also takes protest votes from the socialists. Its likely that we get a free-market, conservative government in 2 months.
she's a career politician through and through
they want one thing: reelection
she has a reputation for being saavy and 'flexible' eg shifting just enough to stay in power
she won't change a thing
Britain has had many of the professional, we're still lacking in professionals though. Funny that.
Norway is about to form thighter relations with Germany.
Im still not convinced the STASI informants did not create a European elite.
>merkel says she said no to stasi
>half of oure AP elite is connected to the same stasi fucks
These people run Europe today.
>retarded hag let's in migrants to fuck up country
>promises to screen in future
>wins retard votes
better vote for her, goy!
FPBP. she will say the opposite of what she will do after the election.
But dont get me wrong.I support the new relationship we are creating, and merkel if she stays by her words.
Nothing she can say or do will bring back the innocent people whose lives were stolen as a result of her retardation.
She shouldn't be anywhere near a seat of power. She is incredibly naive and shortsighted.
if you actually believe this then you are part of the reason why this country is going down the shitter
OP is obviously a mentally retarded shill - if you comment don't forget to SAGE
Germany is too homogenously white for that to happen. What is more likely is that all of the tanned germans- who are disproportionately younger than the general population- start a civil war. Sure there are 74 million Europeans in Germany, and 90% are ethnic Germans. But the ethnic Germans are very old, their average age is like 50. How is oma and opa going to fight off ahmed and the rape squad?
Germany is like if someone decided to let a gang of inner city niggers move into an all-white retirement community. Sure the old people outnumber them, but can a 75 year old with heart problems really keep up with a 16 year old thug nigger?
1. Worst parties in Germany are the Greens and the Linke.
2. Second worst, close to worst, are the Socialists (SPD).
3. Third worst are the CDU and the FDP
4. Only bearable party is the CSU
So I vote for the CSU.
I do not see how the million has anything to do with elections. If I voted for any party other than the CSU, the chances are much higher for another 1 million coming in illegally.
Sage doesn't work mate.
Yup. Extremely populist. She's like Tony Blair or Obama - say whatever they need to in order to get votes.
No principles at all. None. She would toss the German people under the bus in a heartbeat for a nice payout.
Pray for us that the next legislation isn't going to be CDU+SPD+Greens with the AfD in the parliament as the only opposition
b-but she caused the problem .. she wouldn't lie would she?
Jesus fucking Christ, Germany.
I pray for you often Hans, you'll be okay. You're tougher than you're made to believe.
this is what germans actually believe
I'm sorry for ruining the country, If you give me more power I will do nothing to fix the legacy of my destructive past but I promise to do a bit less in the future!
>Open borders
Pretty sure a welfare state is unsustainable with open borders. Sounds like Germany's politics is bullshit
>Pretty sure a welfare state is unsustainable with open borders.
Define unsustainable. The socialists want open borders and no nation. Now guess why.
What does it matter now? Western Europe is finished.
>American flag
I just hope my vote for the AfD makes sure that neither RRG nor CDU-FDP make it and people get fucked under CDU SPD again.
>only in September
>watch the EU burn now
Western Europe has been finished countless times, each time it actually wasn't finished. Hope should only die with the last European, until then people should stop being defeatists.
God bless Europe.
So that capitalists can benefit from lower taxes and an abundance of cheap labour? That's the only reasons I can think of for open borders. To destroy the middle class and further empower the rich.
>I just hope my vote for the AfD makes sure that neither RRG nor CDU-FDP make it and people get fucked under CDU SPD again.
Thanks, mate. I am sure Germany will do well with another SPD participation in a government with a Vice Chancellor Schulz in power.
I mean, who doesn't want the "illegals are worth their weight of gold" Schulz in charge of Germany?
Oh good, now that she's given away all your pleb tier jobs she'll give away all you upper for jobs.
Go Merkel! Push hans out of the workforce and onto the street! Remove the shitty German genes from the face of the Earth!
Instead of uncontrollable genocide, they will genocide you in a controlled way?
How will the result differ? More comfortable for the people living now maybe.
>So that capitalists can benefit from lower taxes and an abundance of cheap labour? That's the only reasons I can think of for open borders.
Wrong, socialists want international socialism, always have wanted it, always will.
International socialism advocates the end of capitalism, the end of private wealth, the end of economic freedom. They want to preside over a people of slaves... and so that no slave escapes, they want to implement their system everywhere in the world. The best way to do so is to mix the world population with the German population and then send them out to the world to overthrow every government that opposes their vision.
>be in power
>make a problem
>say you'll solve the problem
>get re-elected
fucking politics
Robots and AI that can do what is currently semi skilled labour will mean capitalism for the rich and communism for everyone else.
Except then they don't have the general population's interest in mind
Left = Collective benefit over individual rights
Right = Individual rights over all
If their plan is to mix us all up to rule us, then they are not collective in that way
So they will only bring in Syrian porn stars now?
Spain, why are you children so poorly behaved? It's just the Spanish children that are shoplifting. There are children from all over Europe here to learn English but just yours are thiefs. Why?
I just watched the Minister of Interiors press conference after the G20 demonstrations in Hamburg. I like that they are blaiming the left political parties for protecting the protesters and I hope this gets traction and alienates people from the left.
People like you are the reason, why we have this mess you blue eyed, turkdick licking, dibshit.
Merkel is a christian conservative and since Christians are generally cucks she helped the refugees but she's no where near the level of other leftists politicians. She's harmful but the opposition is actual poison.
Ok then, vote for a party other than CDU/CSU/FDP. Be my guest.
If you vote for the Greens or Linke, you are voting for cancer. If you vote for the SPD you vote for cancer which will then end up in power. If you vote for the AfD, you will also vote for the SPD, as the AfD is an opposition party and your vote is proportionally for all other parties.
Yes, be my guest and screw up Germany.
Chancellor Merkel said shitload of things, all that sound like made with good intentions if you're not suspicious - too bad that reality doesn't work out well for your country anyway.
The thing is, Merkel herself is Germany's Clinton - she promises and goes with whatever shit is currently popular. Her stance and promises will change the moment the socio-political winds change and only gullible retards like you will gobble it all for xth time already (check her past political leanings).
How is she going to get votes if she does it now?
Yeah like she said in 2010 that multiculturalism has failed yet in 2012 started all the bullshit about helping migrants and africans and shti?
Don't fall for it again.
Dude average age might be 50 but I'd fly across the world to goose step for my brothers, and I'm sure that there's at least as many kids there that grew up on opa's knee and know in their bones how much he cared for his country. No more brother wars, it's time for us all to just be white.
Merkel is a Jewish atheist that has infiltrated a Christian Conservative Party to better hide herself while carrying out the destruction of Germany and the German people.
>first she lets them all in
>then she says she will be stronger on migration control
I hate this fucking cunt so much. Fuck Germany and all of you fucking krauts, ruining Europe yet a-fucking-gain. I wish Napoleon had won and disabled you fucks from having any kind of control ever again.
>merkel who was a communist is a christian conservative
sound really legit m8
Hell brother I'd do more than pray.
if you dont fight you win. vote for your interest you delusional cuck.
goy you should vote for the only big party or your vote will not count
stop doing what you want and do what you should do
merkel a christian do you really beleive that shit
Her father was a radical priest. She literally believes God made the Earth 6,253 years ago and put fossils and chemistry into the ground to fool us all.
i toughts shes illuminati or some shit
2012? You means August 2015 until November 2015. Before and thereafter she was a staunch anti-immigrant person.
She is promising to lower immigration and taxes.
Have other Germans already thought about where to cut spending in order to pay the tax raise?
>literally even considering Merkel is not the death of your nation, race and culture and maybe even worth a vote
Kill yourselves before she gets Ahmed to kill you
Pls Germans vote for me I swear I won't do it again, I swear I will be good!