Number of children being referred to gender identity clinics has quadrupled in five years

What can be do about this epidemic? Children have no idea whats good for them, let alone know the long term harm as LARPing as the opposite sex. This transgender phenomenon is creating a generation of severely mentally ill people. HOW DO WE SAVE THE KIDS?

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To be fair this means the number could go from 1 to 5. Of course there are at least five liberals willing to perform child abuse in the country.

>What can be do about this epidemic?
Right Wing Death Squads

Where do I sign up?

there will be no putting a stop to this unless the populaces of the world directly and clearly inform their governments that this kind of child abuse will not be tolerated. It is a genuine horror of humanity that tranny children is something that arrived, and so quickly. I remember in the 90s when the argument was, "if you let gays have their way, they will come for our kids." Who woulda thunk it was actually true. Holy shit

I'm starting to think that Islam taking over the west is the only way to fix it.

When I was a kid I watched The Lion King and thought I was a lion.
Why the fuck aren't I being represented?! Trans-species pride!

Nothing we can do. My own cousin in (((New York))) was referred to a (((psychiatrist))) who wanted her to go ahead and transition to a man. Honestly wtf, 15 year old kids are confused and the kike just pushed her to fuck up her body and life.

At your nearest Mosque

Tranny monsters from occult families are all over the control system. They have to be removed. Scratch a homo, find a psychopath. Our societies are horrible places because the psychopaths network like crazy behind our backs, and are are actively selected for in positions of power.

Remember even 10 years ago you could get away with "she's a man, baby" style jokes.

Stop putting fluoride in the water, it's turning the frogs gay!

2 retards marry or whatever
have a retard baby
remove reproduction organs of said retard baby
volunteer to remove themselves from the gene pool
I see no problem with this
do you?

Great read.

Yes excellent.

Every last white boy must have his balls removed.

i love liberals
>spanking is child abuse
>mutilating your child's genitals and pumping them full of hormones and brainwashing them to think theyre a snowflake of the opposite gender is a-okay though! look how tolerant i am :3

The Lion King is homo propaganda. Lions are symbolic of homosexuality, like the hexagram is a symbol for transgender.

Isn't there a age limit for this kinda shit?

Volunteered eugenics. So there is light at the end of the tunnel.

...yes, but

Do the parents not understand it is a form of taxation and population control ?

Simply ask the child what gender the child would like to be and help them blossom. Fuck what the bigots think.

...does this explain my urges to fuck traps?

>What can be do about this epidemic?
4 times 1 is only 4 OP . that 400% increase means little trust me

If I ask kids what they want for dinner its always sweets and chocolate. Everyone knows that's no good for them, just like chopping your dick off.

But that's not how reality works, you fucking inbred faggot.

fucking t_ d how does it work

Typically children like to imagine things while they're growing up and sorting out their identity. I remember imagining what it would be like to be a hot Barbie chick getting molested when I was like 7. Obviously as an adult I realize that I wasn't really imagining myself as the chick so much as I was the one who wanted to molest my neighbor's barbie dolls, but whatever.

In any case children do not understand gender of sexual identity and for these people to see little timmy curious about girls in dresses (probably because his little peepee feels funny when he thinks about girls) and wants to wear a dress to see what it's like and they decide clearly timmy is a huge faggot who wants his dick removed is a fucking crime against humanity.

So what you're saying is all liberal parents need to be gassed?

I think it's becoming more and more obvious that big pharma is trying to increase the number of transitioning trans persons. These people are forced to take very expensive hormones the rest of their life or else they see their biological gender come back. It's pretty smart desu but very fucked up.

Until science "fixes" that.

>they can't legally consent for sex/cigarettes or alcohol before 18-21 but they can legally change their gender

Not him but I think kids under the age of 18 who want to change their gender or other shit and their parents allowing and pushing (support) it that should be taken away from them.

The whole I was born gay is the same shit.
Its all utter rubbish. Bullshit.

I wasnt born gay. I just like boys and Ive known that with the age of 16/17ish. I feel more drawn to them.
I only like cute boys though.

Serious question, I've always believed a person is not born with an attraction to the oppsite sex, goes against nature, blah, blah, blah etc. I formulated the theory that it's caused by a traumatic event (sever head injury while the brain is developing (happened to my gay cousin) sexual abuse during development, etc. Something caused the wires to get crossed. But lately I get the feeling people are coming out as gay for attention from their peers be it positive or negative. Thoughts?

because its hip and trendy to be a women in modern society, and being a man is seen as creepy and hard work

if anything thus just strengthens the gene pool

>I've always believed a person is not born with an attraction to the oppsite sex, goes against nature

>I formulated the theory that it's caused by a traumatic event (sever head injury while the brain is developing (happened to my gay cousin) sexual abuse during development, etc.
I don't know. I don't have hardcore gay friends cus most of them are leftist and when I tell them about my political views and say i vote for the AfD they dont rly like that. lol talk about tolerance anyway..
Ive heard there are gay people who been abused in their childhood - no idea if thats just propaganda or true. But wouldnt it make you despise sex with the same gender? Its a horrific event isnt it?

>Something caused the wires to get crossed.
Somewhat agree.
I honestly cant tell you why i feel attracted to boys. All i can say is that I hate the drama woman tend to make. With other guys its more chill, you can be emotional but its always on point and no unnecessary drama. Life is easier if you get what i mean.

Also i dont feel attracted to very masculine or hairy men. Im more of a twink myself and I only like twinks or cutish boys (if you want to call that feminine is a thing of perspective since a boy always has boyish features)

>But lately I get the feeling people are coming out as gay for attention from their peers be it positive or negative. Thoughts?

Absolutely correct. Many people come or came out as gay to be special. You have a free card if you want so. When I was in Japan i often could do things wrong and play the "oh im a foreigner card" to get away with things and the same applies to being gay in the west.
Its mainly for attention thus which is why I also think they come up with all that crazy new gender shit and these new PRONOUNSE.
Since being gay is now somewhat of a normal thing, since they push it so hard everywhere and normalize it.

Would love to tell you more if you have more questions. If more private please email or stuff.

you know circumsision is trauma, i think its what fucked me up

>gender identity clinics

This world makes me sick.

dont post faggot shit and ruin the thread

i can post whatever pic i like - especially you as an american you should respect my freedom to do so.

>When I was in Japan i often could do things wrong and play the "oh im a foreigner card" to get away with things and the same applies to being gay in the west.

At what age can children actually have their genitals cut off? Surely this cant be an option before the age of 18. Even if it isn't an option until the age of 18 the chance of them coming to their senses are practically non-existent because for them to entertain such an idea their parents would have to be psychotic fucks to begin with. There would be no escape, their autistic parents will just perpetuate their delusions.

Honestly, I don't mind this and it's a shame society will come around soon and put an end to this. This is natural selection, pardon the fedora, stupid people breed stupid children and condition the child to be stupid. Best case scenario? The child sterilizes themselves.

let it be

Isn't there some science behind the transgender theory? Something to do with the brain structure matching that of the opposite sex? If so it seems that that should be the basis of it, because you can't just trust the word of children.

If they're male, then they're male. For them to believe or desire otherwise is insanity.

Transgender agenda is part of white genocide. First they encouraged white males to be gays, then white females to date niggers, then promoting childless life, now they want white boys to become girls. Answer to this will be: oh we have so low birth rates, we need to mix with niggers even more to save our race.

O.P sounds closeted gay.

They are called furries.

Leftists are redpilling the next generation for us. I promise you these fucked up former children will be one hundred times more fanatically fascist then even the worst of us has ever been

It's called artificial selection. Liberal parents are removing themselves from the gene pool because of their sense of inferiority.

world war 3 will solve identity politics
its that simple
just wait a bit more its coming
>being mentally ill

>What can be do about this epidemic?

Restore the family unit, stop single motherhood.

>pretending de-population is a bad thing

Only problem with Islam s that the jews are manipulating them . We need to convince them to go after Israel and leave us alone. Maybe then we can be allit's finally

Everything going according to plan.