Do girls have more fun than men?
Do girls have more fun than men?
Define "fun"
I'm pretty sure
No, they're all miserable in their quiet moments.
So do dogs.
that ass was made for bbc ^_o_^
They're extremely neurotic, so they're miserable as often as they're elated.
She could almost be a journo or news anchor with that qualification.
of course, they get all their drinks for free.
besiedes, these women are acting like fuck heads. think about it if a dude did this, he get called a faggot and have his head smashed in. and rightly so, any dude who would is a faggot.
They do. Until they are used up 27 year olds with no glow and no life partner because no respectable man wants a slut.
That's a disgusting slag, but DAT ASS is premium quality.
Why is it not gay for girls to touch other girl's ass? Imagine if some of the guys you know did this. I'm not talking about any violent chimpout but it would be so fucking weird.
don't ever assume their pics are reality
spot the kraut
even nigger rain dancing rituals are less retarded than nightclubs
in terms of degenerate activity and casual abandonment yes definitely
when you have lower average IQ every things seems more fun
more fun then men.. no.. more fun than the average pol faggot.. obviously yes.
college lesbians m8
No, they just put on a show so they never have to contemplate their own thoughts.
>bitter virgin thread
fucking everyone kill themselves
This is the biggest tragedy. Women used to be reined in by their fathers, mothers, and grandparents. Now they run wild like a bunch of feral animals in heat, wasting their pair bonding potential on thugs
Half of the normie girls I have ever known have bragged about their depression / anxiety / PTSD despite coming from safe middle to upper class families, having their education paid for, having tons of orbiters and being fairly pretty
Probably, but only till the end of their twenties.
Women have exactly one thing that makes them interesting to men, which is their youth. And the clock on that one keeps eternally ticking - the more "fun" they have in their youth the less happy they'll be with the rest of their lives.
Womens happiness have been steadily declining since they entered the work force. the same goes for birth rate.
check molyneux video on female happiness
However they are much better at manipulating their emotions and pretending to be happy, when they are not. That's basically what feminism is, a bunch females pretending they like to work and are happy being strong and independent. Anyone who's ever worked with women know they, generally, not all despise any form of responsibility and leadership. They are quite happy to critique though. weird beings.
What they (generally) really want is someone to take charge, so they can stay 'innocent' and blame the leader when anything goes wrong.
Im saying generally because im sure there's strong women out there, I just never met them. A homely life with kids and elderly is much better suited for the female emotional-based psyche.
Because emancipation has one giant loser:
1. Alpha males who have either the money or charisma, will always get the women, that don't chime into the female change and will fuck the ones that go with female liberation
2. Alpha women now enjoy much more freedom and can fuck whomever they like, usually either alpha males of women
3. Beta women can still fall onto the alpha male and be conservative to have their family
You know, who's missing?
Beta males. They are put down by the alpha males, cause they are not alpha. They will be put down by alpha women because they are men and therefore privileged and by beta women who seek someone, who can survive in this changing world.
>that flag
They're dead inside.
But that is their own fault because they are fucking loony tunes
I heard there's an anti-manspreading event on tumblr why not go there?
No, but they put more energy into signalling to everyone around them how much fun they are having. A group of men could be seen as "having fun" while quietly sipping beers and staring at the water while fishing, with little to no small talk or revelry. If a group of women are having fun they make sure that everyone within hearing distance knows it. This behavior has its roots in ancient primal instincts. Men went out to hunt while women stayed home and socialized. While hunting its helpful to shut the fuck up. If there was a chatty faggot who couldn't do that he would be ostracized, and either correct the behavior so as to be accepted or die without reproducing.
Fun cannot be objectively quantified so its illogical to state that one person has more or less of it than another.
>Do girls seek attention more than men?
Nice ass
Of course they do. Talk to any beautiful girl about places they have been taken, going on yachts, free holidays, shopping trips. A night out isn't a budget concern because you will be paid for. Beautiful girls can live millionaire lifestyles in their prime without spending a penny, they only have themselves to blame if they don't lock one of them down at that point.
how about you go fuck yourself and talk about your insecurities and failure with girls with your warcraft kekistani raidclub you nerdbaby. This is a politics forum and you kids aren't allowed
Only one person who I knew in College turned out to be a lez and she was by far the most reasonable, friendly, amicable female I met. Can't imagine her feeling other girl's ass like that.
Yes, like all people without responsibilities.
Digits of truth :D
Are you the same female, who lurks here once a month to have a white male partner because they are more romantic than Japs?
this is retarded bullshit that "redpill" circles like to say but its not fucking true.
>more selection of high profile men, for almost every woman, no matter who she is
>can date outside race without stigma of the past
>enjoy socialist and welfare programs dedicated for woman
>enjoy the benefit of never being arrested for stupid shit like weed and speeding
>no need to sign for selective service
>can basically just say you are redpilled and get 3000 dollars a month
>can say you like science and shit and people will think you are a genius
>can have 10 babies and abort them
>can divorce to infinity and have better financial and social statues because of it
>get your grades upticked in school and college
>get promoted over nothing
>can basically just breath and suck dick for the rest of your life
oh yeah it seems like woman are unhappy, what a load of shit
That's because they know deep down they shouldn't have gone to college and uni for 6 years, but should have looked for a hardworking father for their children.
Or at least the girls I know who talked about it with me ended up sobbing on my shoulders saying it's true. Shame they were all wastes of dates.
Ayy lmao, a toothpaste stormfag.
that booty is so fucking joocy. Don't even care she's a slut.
>alpha beta meme
no such thing for humans
that meme started in like 2008 with all the "muh friendzone"losers whining.
as a thrill seeking male i have to say that the word fun is quite subjective
We are all miserable in our quiet moments.
Women are a queer bunch, they can engage in some of the most depraved activities among their "friends" with full confidence but are quick to turn on them in a heartbeat.
Really makes you think
>it's illegal to walk up and insert into her even while she's dressed like that and leaning over
Women were a mistake
>not talking about grills makes you a stormfag
If you weren't such a betafag maybe you'd actually talk about politics instead of thinking of pussy you can never get 24/7
>sage times a million
Most women I know appear to be like that yet they're like parasites that need another life form to exist, alone they can't live, they say they feel depressed when on their own
So being a "party animaawwlll yeeaaahhh ^_^ " is all they do because it's the best way they can run away and "hide"
my quiet moments are actually filled with silence.
lern 2 into meditate bro
So is she dare I say /ourbraphog/?
If i'm going to waste my time, I rather watch a movie.
German posters are the most disappointing thing about this board
You give girls the heebie jeebies, dude.
I'm fairly certain the three girls hugging and smiling in that picture absolutely despise one another. Each wants the other to fail and die miserably. Especially the one on the far left. She's the ugliest and probably the most bitter.
The slut showing her ass is making the other 2 jealous. They're waiting for her to leave so they can talk about what a dumb whore she is.
Na, I call you a stormfag because you chimp out like a nigger and use insults from third grade. I don't even give a shit. I came for the ass pic and idiots like you.
quieting the mind is a great tool of power
>No such thing for humans
I used modern terms to describe modern phenomena. Of course there are charismatically and fiscally stronger males and charistmatically and fiscally weaker males. It takes one of the two to acquire a woman usually and this segregation makes it easier to explain.
Without wanting to sound like I'm giving any credibility to feminists, I'd say that the sex with higher intelligence and creativity has more fun. Except, as another user said, fun is subjective. For instance, I think I have more fun sitting at my computer quietly working on music or 3D modelling, than a woman who basically sits about. What do women even do when they're having fun anyway? It just boils down to talking, every time. When was the last time you saw a woman build anything just because she could?
what you are ignoring is their biological hard-wiring.
they biologically want to have children and raise them, and eventually their clock will kick in and remind them of that. just that by then they've been so spoiled (while simultaneously having their marriage value depreciate) that no man still within their reach seems good enough to them.
A 7/10 can still relatively easily get fucked by a guy out of her league, just never more than that. Yet she'll still see him as the new upper threshold of what should be the minimum requirement for her.
They keep increasing their demands while lowering what they offer, and eventually they end up alone and bitter because they could not fulfill the one biological imperative that defines their lives.
My legs are leaning against the undressed ass of my fiancée right now. I only post things like that here.
Yes , which is the main reason i am a faggot.
Not really.
look woman aren't miserable you idiot. they just have low tolerance for stupid shit that doesn't affect men.
more woman are reporting that they are depressed because woman can be sad over anything. even if they are perfectly happy in a general sense
Degenerate... but, she does have a nice ass.
People that don't care about consequences (at least in that moment) have more fun that people that do.
I've seen it in men and women.
Im pretty sure we're being raided by someone, the last few days germans has gone from spamming holohoax to embracing cuckery
its a generalisation.
dominance hierarchies do exist for humans certainly and the difference between the top and bottom for men is massive. ib terms of net worth the top men are worth billions of lesser men.
the internet just shortens this to alpha/beta
You sound like a fucking roastie. Always have some drivel playing on the television or netflix so you don't have to listen to yourself think.
So life is all just about power then isn't it? everything else is just bullshit to get power?
>>R.I.P. Germany. You will be missed.
Ha, that reminds me when I almost married some girl that had a crush on me since we were kids.
Ended up cheating on her and dumping her, and now she's a massive slut.
It was pretty fun.
In a group, perhaps. Alone, no. From what I've seen they almost have no ability to entertain themselves as men do. They have to keep asking others about stupid shit like "what should I eat" and "what movie should I see". And have any of you ever seen a woman being completely focused on one task? Sure, it happens, but not often.
Top kek if what I said wasn't at least slightly true you wouldn't have felt compelled to reply and "save face". Anybody who secretly thinks he should be able to rape women in public gives off creepy vibes, I 100% guarantee it.
I understand women life is life on easy mode. I would never disagree there mate. Seen as a group they are a negative impact on the national budget, meaning, in effect, only men pay taxes. But now they pay to support women they don't even know.
Our western societies are severely gynocentric. Yet women are becoming more unhappy, they are basically children, they do not know what they want, or rather what they need, so they go for the candy, every time. Turns out ultra-hedonism is not the way to happiness, can't say I'm surprised really.
With the whole flag system it takes only 1-2 dedicated and persistent shitposters to make a country look bad.
No, I simply think sitting in silence is retarded and I rather put my free time to better use.
There will always be someone bigger, stronger, smarter than you. you can't expect getting a decent woman if you don't work on yourself.
and no, anime is not going to help 99% of the time.
>spamming holohoax
theyre just all in prison now
Sort yourself out brother.
What about if you're the strongest man in the world though??1
look, woman aren't wired to do anything. they just exist.
men are wired for success and competition. and because of that we work hard to compete for reproduction while woman are just kinda out there.
woman are wired to follow trends and be accepting and nurturing. but that dosen't directly translate to being a housewife and have a baby. they will just accept everything no how outrageous or stupid it is. because they evolved to listen to what men say so they have 0 critical thinking and no sense of self development.
if all men would disappear tomorrow woman would just fucking die, nothing would motivate them to start pumping oil out of the earth soil or steer aircraft in the sky
Too much work for nothing.
meant for:
Taking womens feelings seriously is where we went wrong as a society.
That's just fucking great.
>It just boils down to talking, every time.
>tfw the urge to talk grabs them
>but they don't actually have anything to say
>so they talk about some totally irrelevant shit in the most detailed way possible
>to the point where you know they are making shit up because there's no way they remembered so many details
I've had "conversations" (i.e. sitting there and doing something else while checking in on what she's babbling about every now and then) that lasted half an hour when the gist of it could have been summed up in two sentences with no loss of relevant information.
It's krautposting
It's the same as Swedeposting
We do it to gain (You)'s and piss of retards who can't understand sarcasm.
It's totally gay, but it's okay if girls are gay "just for funsies."
I'm certainly not complaining.
truthfully, if you actually care what sluts like those pictured above think, you probably give them heebie jeebies more than some guy who grabs their exposed arse.
Wow that arse is quite a dandy !
you thing the strongest man on earth complains on mongolian rice farming forums on why he can't get laid?