Can someone give me the quick rundown on Reviewbrah? Does Sup Forums genuinely like him unironically? Or are they making fun of him? Is he truly secretly redpilled?
Can someone give me the quick rundown on Reviewbrah? Does Sup Forums genuinely like him unironically...
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Me personally find him utterly ridiculous
Talmudic Jew.
He doesn't talk politics but he's cool.
Interesting fellow
he openly admited to browsing Sup Forums and being redpilled
he surely is /ourguy/
Wait a second. You browse Sup Forums and presumably self-identify as "red pilled" but you certainly aren't my guy.
I like him. Is one of the few young youtubers who speaks properly.
Too soon user
Fuck off faggot
He's a decent human being. Way better than the average trash on YouTube.
His videos are nice and comfy and calm me down after getting angry at politics.
The guy is so genuine and pure-hearted in what he does. Watching him do what he does fills me a simple joy of just a guy doing what he wants to do for other people, and he's just ever so slightly socially awkward yet acknowledges it and doesn't give a fuck about it, that he reminds me a tiny bit of myself, and I assume thats the case for a lot of Sup Forums
I kinda like him, wish he could just make like 4 minute videos but he needs to make youtube money
He's the NEET giving the middle finger to the wagecuck life. Wearing pimp ass suits in the age of yoga pants.
Behead those who insult reviewbrah
He's the loveable autist we all aspire to be
He reminds me of Baron desu
>Wearing pimp ass suits
Everyone should wear suites, but Reviewbra looks like a child wearing his father's suit. It's not fitted even close to properly.
Thats why its doubly pimp. He looks like some 20s mafia accountant.
how much money does that retard make now? I used to watch some of his videos when they had under 10k views but why the fuck are 100k+ people watching him eat long schlong silvers garbage
I did watch all his videos and listen to all his podcasts until he let slip that his family had Chinese food for Christmas dinner.
You know what that means.
I still don't have any bad feelings towards him, but I do boycott kikes whenever possible.
I just want a happy ending for him. I imagine one day clicking on a video and he introduces his new autistic gf.
He's turboautistic. Of course we love him. He's literally one of us.
eating pork is not kosher, you should know this my tanned friend
>Conservative values
>Makes you smile because of his genuine demeanor
>Good content
>Made his dream a reality despite a rough start
He's literally a Chad/NEET hybrid. Of course we love him.
that's just what he prefers
Doubles for truth! I hope he gets with that peanut butter chick.
can someone give me link to his channel i wanna sub.. i recently got a new account and need to resub to stuff i already was to.
he is /ourguy/
>to stupid too google
>white nationalist
checks out
A cheap rip off of this guy
I unironically like him. He is true to himself.
Are you serious?
Kek best post
wait is he actually jewish? and he seems to dislike mayonnaise a lot which could be another telling sign. Apparently you can tell if someone is right or left leaning depending on their opinion of mayonnaise
>genuine demeanor
That's something Reviewbrah would say
joey is awful. i feel sick when i accidentally see joey videos. a man who loves his chains
Tbh, I hope he doesn't get involved in politics. I like his videos. They're just comfy.
Mayonnaise is utterly disgusting.
I kind of feel bad for him now he started complaining about all the sexual comments on his videos
Ayy. It will happen! Praise!
Nice ID!
couldnt explain it better, he really is a gem
Is that his mom on the right? She has got some nice feet.
Wait, is this Lorde?
Nice doubles. Who is the peanut butter chick?
I watched his cheetos-macaroni thing video, and I fucking can't stand him.
thats his day job. Why do you think he never cuts his nails?
he makes me want to get in to short wave radio
A girl with mild autism. Put out a video where she covers herself with peanut butter. Fappable imho.
wow... literally the same. We need to do some investigative research into this.
It's more of a /fit/ thing to make fun of betaness and autism.
Same as with Scooby.
If you're referring to that YouTube comment, it was shopped. He's given no indication that he comes here. In fact he's insulted "those Sup Forums trolls" for harassing him, I doubt he browses Sup Forums.
There must be some relation..
>Sup Forums
please stop posting
>looks exactly like his mom
also she looks old as fuck. no wonder he has 'tism
he acts like a white man in the 50s. that's interesting to me
Would be cute to see them together desu
>What is autocaps?
Posting from my phone lad.
I've been trying to find that pic of reviewbrah's mum but I keep finding it's deleted in different archives. What's going on?
What's going on?
>autistic, creepy, socially isolated teenager reviewing fast food items in his car
>acts like a white man in the 50s
One again, all the more reason to stop posting
Did reviewbrah mail the owners of different Sup Forums archives asking them to remove pics of his mum?
and baby I re-view re-view re-view re-view
Let me wear that suit badly
Makes sense. I bet he'd be super polite about it. If I were any of them I'd do it. He seems like a well-behaved fellow and I believe decent attitudes should be reciprocated with decency.
He's a fucking riot. I think it was on a water comparison video or something but you see he almost cracks and starts laughing at his own autism but he just about holds it together.
This image is perfect for him
reviewbrah is a role model for young people. modesty and wholesome morality are rare these days. this guy is literally Mr. Rogers reincarnated.
the followers of 'joeys super cool food reviews' are the worst scum on earth they want him to "wowowowowowowowo in my asshole joey" or "joey let me eat your carseat i think it just has the right assgrease aroma i bet your cheaks are slimey joey wowowowowow"
He likes older suits, you faggot.
I hope when Barron gets older, him and ReviewBrah can be friends
Probably a couple G's a month.
He really did fuck up that video
He needed to have distilled water as a control and then compare and contrast the drinking water and spring water versus pure distilled water.
It would have been much more informative that way
He's based and modest. Just lives his life. I thought he was trolling, but dude is genuine.
Hook him up with some really cute awkward chick where they review fidget spinners together.
Chad/NEET hybrid is what we all strive to be
wooo wooo wooo
He mentions that he doesn't wear tight-fitting suits because he prefers the old-fashioned style of suits that are more loose.
Exactly this. Friendly guy who isn't afraid to be himself. For all the things you can point at and criticize him for he is his own strange little man and it's comforting to know that he's out there.
This picture is perfect for him. I hope reviewbrah is reading this thread.
Actually there is proof he's been on /pol: if you go on google you can find archived thrrads of reviewbrah posting vocaroos in 2015 and 2016
Don't you faggot Brits eat chips with mayo? Or is that another country?
He doesn't wear modern fitting suits because he shops at goodwill
He does a pretty good job of it imo
It's not easy finding decent looking suits at thrift stores
thanks didn't need to see that.
I have simply never understood the anti-phoneposting meme.
Was that in the March 2014 issue?
Here's "proof" put an ad blocker on if you havent already read down until you find the Vocaroo link.
They all fit like shit. Even adjusted cheap suits will not fit well because of the used materials and the way they are constructed.
If you have an average (european) body you have better chances of finding things that are eventually going to fit well in thrift stores. You'd have to find a decent suit and then have it adjusted.
So a guy who reviews fast food? Honestly fast food is garbage, but whatever, i guess Americans need to know which ones taste the least bad.
I've had fish and chips with mayo in England, so I guess they do. I know the Dutch and Belgium guys are fond of fries with mayo. Hell I even found a Dutch frituur in Rome once. Great when you're sick of pasta and pizza.
>salami on pizza
Americans haven't even eaten real pizza yet.
He's a college student just barely scraping by on jewtube shekels, can't expect him to get all those 2nd hand suits custom tailored
He's a great guy.
Genuine guy who does cool stuff
Needs to cut his finger nails though Jesus Christ
Imagine all the greasy shit hiding under those claws
Joey is the final redpill. Reviewbrah is a loser.
Tell me about it. I had the most disgusting pizza of my fucking life in Florida. I was gonna go on a cruise from Ft. Lauderdale, and spent a couple of days there. I asked the concierge at the hotel if he knew any good pizza place, and he gave me a pamphlet. Should have ringed a few fucking bells then and there, but I ordered anyway. What I got was the saddest fucking piece of shit pizza I've ever seen. Cardboard crust with soggy middle, almost no fucking cheese (if you even could call it that) and the tomato sauce was sickenly sweet. The rest of the toppings were either burned or raw. What a fucking disappointment.