what does this flag mean im too lazy to read on wiki
What does this flag mean im too lazy to read on wiki
True freedom
Google it you fat fuck
Don't tread on me
Potholes ahead
You still gonna get fugged by the rich.
Physical removal.
Aren't libertardians against the declaration of Martial Law that would be required for such activity, user.?
there's a special clause in the NAP that states that commies are inherently at odds with an ancap/libertarian society and they should and will be PHYSICALLY REMOVED as soon as possible
It's the flag adopted by the right leaning transgender movement TRANSCAP
It's an ideology that has the same fatal flaw as Marxism: it's utterly incompatible with human nature.
If you want to learn about Sup Forums approved libertarianism, read Democracy The God That Failed or any other book by Hans-Hermann Hoppe.
user., I find libertardians a joke because whenever they see tanks rolling down the street, even for a brief week-long or month-long police exercise, they pee their pants. Then they try and talk all tough about "removal" when in their case it's clearly nonsense. They haven't the character to endure the brief discomfort of a declaration of Martial Law to achieve their supposed aims. I consider them to be silly people.
>too lazy to read on wiki
>would rather make a thread
>wait for a reply
>get a bunch of shitposts
>will end up reading wiki regardless
basically this it's anarchy where you assume that somewhow people will willingly cooperate and don't exploit each other as much as possible(slaves, etc.). Its communism tier bullshit.
>inb4 muh... NAP!
Anarcho-capitalism: The idea that we should replace all the governments of the world with smaller, State-capitalist, countries.
Or at least, that's what would happen.
one of the great anarchist ideologies
The yellow represents gold.
The black represents black gold.
>it's utterly incompatible with human nature.
>assume that somewhow people will willingly cooperate
Obvious strawman is obvious: it's genius is in the fact that it does not require trust. What happens when you put your faith in an organization is the state. Everyone gets fucked. With market anarchy, you have options: you can decide who gets to defend you rather than being forced to pay for "defense" and receiving buttrape from the monopoly that is government.
These assholes either don't understand how it works or are intentionally detracting from the main point.
>State-capitalist, countries.
Yeah, no. People in the same geographic area can elect different providers of protection. There are no taxes, people pay willingly for such services or go without protection. They are free to switch providers, ergo not a state.
>You still gonna get fugged by the rich.
It's more expensive for the rich to fugg you in anarchy because they have no way to externalize the cost like they do now with the state.
It means look out! selfish, greedy, spoiled man baby ahead.
Children are incapable of entering contracts because they lack the capacity for informed consent. Therefore, they are not allowed to work in the sense that you describe. That doesn't stop anyone from allowing a kid to mow someone's lawn for some spending money if the child so desires. After all, the child would have to be old enough to push a mower and cut in a straight line.
Whats stopping a business from doing that anyways?
You and only you are entitled to the fruits of your labour and can trade them with anyone without any restrictuions. Derive from that.
OK national socialist