I dont get it
That's why Japs have "Paris Syndrome"
Looks like USA.
It seems so fucking obvious but I still feel like deranged conspiracy theorist when I look at this stuff. All the evidence that gets posted on here, just to look briefly in the news and around the world, its as oblivious as anything. And yet it destroys my psyche and mind to acknowledge it, you feel like an outcast, like a serial killer or something. All for recognising the truth.
When will people open their eyes?
Nice train station apparently
They're not niggers, they're french. You're going to regard Alexandre Dumas as just a nigger, instead of being a historic french writer?
Why the fuck did stormies have to come here. Go to Sup Forums.
Even africa has less africans
I have lived in the southern US... birmingham, atlanta, columbia, etc, and nowhere are there this many niggers concentrated in one place
when it's too late.
That's what you get when you pull out of your nigger colonies too late. If Germany did anything right, it was dropping them like hot potatoes after realizing they can't be civilized. I mean yeah sure we got another problem with muslims currently, but a genuine nigger is a really rare sight on our streets.
I don't get this meme. There aren't that many niggers here relative to Whites, our population is fucked because of Hispanics. Why don't Europeans ever seem to understand this.
>They're not niggers, they're french
they're apefrican niggers
>You're going to regard Alexandre Dumas as just a nigger
>Why the fuck did stormies have to come here. Go to Sup Forums.
go back 2 reddit, faggot
I have been to france twice, beautiful, way better than tgis shithole of a country....there blacks are much more intelegant than ours..
>there blacks are much more intelegant than ours..
>more intelligent
>R-Rural areas are f-fine, don't w-worry
>t. White trash with >20k income
>on my way to work
>projecting this hard
No it doesn't
>not a single white man
Physical Engineers
France is SO lucky to have these talented people.
oh, france, so romantic!
>Why don't Europeans ever seem to understand this.
We understand this pretty well. Our sandniggers are exactly the same as your wetbacks. Many of them come here to work for slave wages, that's why we tolerate them, many assimilate somewhat into our culture, many others don't and bring rape and crime. It's part and parcel of living in a thriving capitalist society. :^)
France is a nation of immigrants, get over it.
>live in Siberia
>every day temperature is over +30C
>tfw two niggers settled down in neighborhood
niggers here are concentrated into the shittiest areas of the shittiest cities in the shittiest states.
>When will people open their eyes?
They never will. Vast majority of people live in the now and care only about the now. The now is 'ok', even if there are 1350908 niggers around them. That's all there is. Opening their eyes would introduce them to awareness that makes them feel like shit. Feeling ok is better.
Step your bait game up, jesus
They are migrants and they are living under a subway station.
A white fellow French who voted the pen.
kill them
why did you bother? After that debate she may as well have killed herself on live tv
fpbp now you know what to do get to it
>who voted the pen
>Our economic program ? we will pay 50% in euros and 50% in ecus
>but explain me why we lost the elections ?
I know and i'm pretty disappointed.
the seeds are planted in 30 years there will be no white people in France
lesquen 2022 friendo
pourriture cosmopolite
is that an american city
Why did I wait to see Paris?
Now the Paris I love and idealised is gone and I missed it. Over 1000 years of history and culture, eradicated in less than six decades. Sad.
American blacks aren't that dark.
>He didn't go to Paris several times as a child and teenager.
Kek how poor are you faggot?
>leftists media destroyed fillon during the campaign
>but but why the leftist didn't say anything against Le Pen ?
You're so stupid, it's your fault if we can't have a good conservative gouvernment with your meme party
I think the g20 riots are opening eyes. Tens of thousands of commie anarchists chanting "no borders, no countries" taking over a city will have that affect. I think people are choosing sides knowing a fight may well come.
Fly you fool
>citing the token black men and his family of the history of France
>thinks he has a point
Nigger we know you've read a particular comment of a certain video, you don't to feel entitled and post the same argument here.
These are migrants as suggested by this tweet in Nice.
What help, user? I thought your villages are like 100% native white, with just foreign friends to break color.
You're fine, relax.
Jesus Christ
That's my man
>small town 30K people
>out the whole afternoon
>1 black guy, 3 arabs
>lots of eastern europeans, but you woudnt even notice them
Feels good guys.
>exactly the same
kek not at all
>fox news van
nice try.
implying i support fillion the cuck, i voted melanchon you fuck then le pen cause i did not want a good goy running my country.
Looks like it's a nation of Africans not immigrants.
>3 arabs
you're fucked and dont know it
Send help don't ask quick.
>with >20k
With GREATER THAN 20k? Seriously?
Why is Bavaria not independent?
Bavarians should save themselves before it is too late
Bruh I'm in queens and manhattan almost every week and it isnt this negroid infested
Do you know why this massive immigration flood is crucial and is happening the last 0-5 years?
>Just after the ww2 generation almost fully died out (no grandpas left to teach you)
>Just before the country's natives turn fully nationalistic (again, after realizing the same things every gen realized before them)
The timing is absolutely perfect for a reason. Nothing (((they))) do is random. You cannot win democratically anymore, whatever advantage you have in ethnic is brainwashed, and soon you won't be able to win with revolution either since you will be outnumbered by people much more violent than you.
We are too civilized to physically cleanse our lands. For every person choosing our side, 2 more come from Africa to outnumber them.
Wrong. They all go to the big cities since there is nothing to do here.
>In the following months, he attracted media attention by making a number of racist remarks and radical proposals, claiming that as president, he would destroy the Eiffel Tower, "burn" France's labour code and ban "negro music" from the French public media
The absolute madman.
You wouldn't, Merkelite
He's so fucking based
>The capital is failing
>People in villages feel good
That meme needs to die. Read some history please.
I was upper middle class growing up. We had a really nice house and lots of possessions and cars but we never did any experiences as a family. We never once went overseas together.
Now my father is still wealthy but I've only spoken to him twice in the last like 12 years. He seems to have travelled to half the world now yet for whatever reason we never did it when we were a family.
I myself am pretty poor. I earn just over half the median Australian income after tax. I live reasonably comfortably and travel maybe once a year now but I live in a really cheap house and don't spend much money throughout the year.
Reminder that de Lesquen is from a noble family, has a diploma from France's two most prestigious universities, and spends his day shitposting and posting Sup Forums tier videos on Twitter
The absolute madman
>voted melanchon
>does not want a good goy to run his country
Does not compute.
>couple of white people walk by
>a hijab immediately walks into view afterwards
>You signed a petition in favour of the song "Nique la France" ("Fuck France") by ZEP.
Barely 15 seconds into the video and I don't know what to say.
I see more white people walking the streets in Cape Town.
The frogs face when they realize that the closest thing the History Channel can come to a historically accurate depiction of a period Frenchman.
Is some actor from leafyland
>he thinks le pen isn't a good goy
Too kek m8, if you said JMLP I'd agree, his daughter is a zionist and surrounded by zionists
Look at all those distinguished gentlemen on their way to work.
eh it's bad, but the average apefricoon in France still seems more civil than the negros we have in Atlanta or Baltimore
they seem kinda civilized, similar to the blacks we get here from the Caribbean
Or is this just wishful thinking?
Last stat i've cheked said there were lil more than 300.000 rapefugees in France (keep in mind rapefugees only, it means actual people wo have seen their request of political/war asylum accepted)
You're right, ours tend to have values.
>Wife is French
>Hasn't been back in four years
>Has no idea what migrant situation is like because French media is silent
>Planning trip alone to visit family
>says "I want to walk the streets of Paris alone"
What do I do? Please help me talk sense into her. She's slowly getting red-pilled and this trip may do it, but I don't want her getting raped or stabbed.
Pic related
African human rights = no human rights for French.
Did you expect a commie party to be any better?
I'd imagine it's wishful thinking. They're pretty much the same. Niggers are niggers.
Hamburg is not our capital, you fucking imbecile.
>Gates about to open for Desiigner concert
Ich bin ein Berliner
>they have values
they are barbarian invaders, but hey they have 'values' like emergency rape, sharia law etc etc etc
Lol, they clearly don't have jobs.
They average black person in America has around 25% white admixture. That is clearly untrue.
T least it makes sense to see them in the USA because of all the slaves brought over, but can the same be said about France or your shit nation Germcuck? nope
The niggers. The niggers OH GOD THE NIGGERS!
What kind of refugees? Whole Africa is refugee now? I thought the war is in Syria, ah, don't mind i am just being ignorant.
Tell her you will go with her the first day, and then she can have the next day for herself. She'll change her mind
Why did you post a picture of a cake?
I didn't know it was commies.
Good luck with everything, in general, Etienne.