Antifa allies with CNN in the meme war

We don't fear ANITIFA.

that fat pig should just wear a Burka hijab. gross.

Ughh, Boston. I had to live 10 years in that commie shithole to further my career.

It wasn't the worse decision I ever made, but it was close.

shit just got real.


You Yankees like children. Internet warfare lol. In 2000's a lot of Russian antifa were just killed In their own houses. Same shit afa did with nazis. But your war it is just releasing new videos on YouTube lol. What a shame to live in a first world country. I am not surprised that you have femi- and homo- nazi now. Just like kids lol

Antifa are a fucking joke.

these people are fucking retards man

we need more russian immigrants

>"Antifa... r-respects your new display of... ya know?... your new display... of uh... of balls really... and..."
couldn't rehearse a 2 minute video at least once?

>complains angrily at corporations
>sides with corrupt media corporation

Like pottery


Imagine my shock


What are "antifa tactics"? Making yourself look like idiots and losing miserably?

Hear that intonation in her voice? That's one that the extremely wealthy develop.

CNN meme war= PSYOP

>Antifa is anti-system
>Antifa allies with mainstream media
Wow, how unexpected

>that one antifaggot that throws a pissweek punch the recipient doesn't even notice acting real proud of himself


This is a PSYOP


How do you newfags not know this is satire?

Accurate kek

gayest attempt at a LARP I have ever seen on here and faggots literally LARP as aliums and shit. Fuck off Cuomo.

Nice, can't wait till we line up all CNN employees against the wall.

These antifags want to fight? lol lmao hehehe whahahahaha

bring it


They're fighting a faceless enemy. Its not even a specific ideology thats against them; its just people behind a keyboard with a lot of free time and a hate for propaganda. People with literally nothing to lose, no company to bankrupt, no jobs to be laid off. Its embarrassing that they're even acknowledging this. They should have kept their heads down and not drawn any attention to themselves.

Fuck CNN and fuck libcucks

Wrong color dildo.



> "muh meemee wawhrrr!!!"

Fuck off, autismo.

Nice tits , has anybody what she looks like without a mask?
I want her nudes


nice kiddie titties
enjoy your ban

that's a big gun

>slide thread
This is a parody ANTIFA account you faggots.

Oh, good, an ideological descendant of Baader-Meinhof and allaround loathsome bunch of scumbags to the rescue! I'm sure CNN will be thrilled.


The cadence of her speech was fucking terrible.

And fuck paranoid beta males.