Guys, I'm looking for a job
2 things: How do you find a place where people are redpilled
>im not a neet i know not to do stupid shit if im not in a redpilled place
>do you think if i prayed to kek that kek would bless me and help
Redpilled Jobs
Get a Trade job.
Any trade job. Every guy I've ever worked with hates mussies, you can say offensive shit and no one cares and people won't run to hr over stupid shit.
Any recommendations? Honestly I've thought about that, not sure if I really want to do that though. But plumbing doesn't sound so bad. I kinda want to fix things
For better or worse, trades are where you will find the most redpilled individuals. You'll have to be in the closet though, OP. And there's a high probability you'll have to pay off commie union bosses.
Trade or factory work.
More so trade though.
Fuck that. Invade non red-pilled work places and proselytize. Kek will bless you.
You would be surprised at how far up the Jew ladder you can get and still find red-pilled individuals secretly working to secure the future of western civilization
get a job goy. hideous niglets need your tax gibs so they can buy yeezys with it.
Work anywhere that women or non whites work. All the white men will be redpilled to a certain degree. If you think you're slick enough you can get all the men to come over to our side.
>worked at Starbucks
>women did fuck all and the three men did all the work.
>slowly turned everyone to view the women as...women
>best bros since. Started a business. Shit works well man.
You can work with me at Walmart if you want.
wow..socialist doesn't have a job.
Who would have thought that?
Get your fat ass to Plumbing and fix sinks of Normies you fat fuck.
You can work with me at Walmart if you want.
I'm a nurse and most doc's and other guy nurses are bros. The girls who work at my ICU unit are tough as nails too. The weak ones are weeded out early and transfer to other more casual wards. Alot of ex-military people too.
I'd say that about 80% are pretty red-pilled.
Also you'll have a decent pay, you'll be swimming in pussy during your college time and when you start to work you'll have a good chance to marry a qt doctor like I did. .
sorry i cant be a construction worker and fix your streets. considering you shit all over them though im thankful
literally the most redpilled job is the military. 99.99% of the people you will work with will fall somewhere between complete redpill and liberals r fags. also you will never find another group with so much camaraderie and willingness to help their own. imagine how you see the pre 1970s portrayed where white people are always totally friendly and helpful to eachother even if they are complete strangers, now just mix in a few other races and everyone wearing camouflage and thats what its like.
>note i said most redpilled, not least stupid
>t. recently separated soldier
>im not a neet
>i prayed to kek
No redpill.only red suppository
>tfw want to talk with redpilled people but am too effeminate and never fit in because they always wrongly assume I'm a fag
thank you pajeet
Nice pin there
Thanks. It's used to cover up the "proud Walmart associate" message on my vest. I find it rather bizarre that I need an article of clothing to proclaim my loyalty to a multinational corporation, but it's still the bes-paying job I'll ever have.
I'm a maintenance manager/tradesmen for appartment and office buildings. As others have said, tradesmen are all redpilled as fuck, and that doubles down when you get to see how people actually live. Even the minority employees I have are redpilled and just want to move was from their brown brethren.
My ex-gf is a Civil Engineer and according to her almost all over civil engineers are also right leaning and redpilled, architects not so much.
get a trade job
or drive truck
How many of your colleagues earn below $15/hr?
How many of them have graduate degrees?
Do they protest on streets for high minimum wage?
Every sane person leans right nowadays.
Only upper middle class white women yell about oppression on internet.
Poor people got no time for protest
Kitchen. Eat for free. Fuck waitresses.Become alcoholic/addict. Kill self.
>How many of your colleagues earn below $15/hr?
About 3/4th. I've been there 11 years and I'm almost to $15/hr!!!
>How many of them have graduate degrees?
Don't know. I hope zero because it would be fucking demoralizing putting in the effort and subsequent $100k+ in student debt, only to be working retail for $10/hr. Since I don't have a GED and Community College in my area is $10k a year, I can't accurately report on that issue.
>Do they protest on streets for high minimum wage?
Lol no. The niggers are west African transplants. They are oblivious. We work overnights. The rest of us are too fucking burned out to do anything like that.
Start your own business. I run an organic seasonal mushroom farm. I have one full time farm hand who I've known for a long time. He posts on pol more than I do. And my aryan gf does the majority of the sales work.
I literally make nigger and jew jokes all day and have a blast not being a wage cuck for mr goldenstien.