Man in the high castle

So was this meant to be anti-nazi propaganda? because if so it's doing an awful job of it.

If anything it looks like a better society than our current one. unemployment is 0, everyone is fed and happy within the Reich and even none whites have a place.

Yes it tries to pull cheap punches with the whole "burning the cripples" thing but i honestly don't believe they did that unless you were truly infirm.

I think it would be a good show to slowly drop subtle redpills about the nazis

Other urls found in this thread:

Every time they try to make anti Nazi propaganda they always show it as a utopia.

Actually it's doing it's job exactly as intended. It is meant as nothing more or less than to point an accusing finger at people who want a nice happy white family and say "So you want THIS?"

>"So you want THIS?"

yes, actually, yes I do.

I will never understand why America is so hostile to the traditional family. its proven to be the best and most natural way to raise a family. Those who come from such household thrive.

Maybe Oswald Mosely was right "all the little grey people of the world wish to destroy that which is natural"

That's a good observation actually. I noticed the same while playing wolfenstein. They seem to subconsciously admit things would have been better, but then litter it with holohoax bs

>TFW I find out my girlfriend is quietly racist.
"I'm glad you're white." - her


>So was this meant to be anti-nazi propaganda?
Yes, it highly exaggerates the eugenics programs of the reich.
>every Thursday the terminally ill and handicapped are burnt in a hospital, which can be seen by ash flakes in the air.

Also, the doctor telling smith to exterminate his own child is highly unrealistic. The nazis would probably let him live out his life, but he would have to perform manual labor, since going to college would be useless.

Also, the terminally ill lose funeral rights in the series, which is plain stupid.

Also, the nazis are exterminating people who have a little Jewish ancestry, without even being Jewish themselves, which is also very unrealistic.

There are probably a shitload of other examples.
It's a good show though, it just isn't going to redpill anyone.

nazis are shit

It's an adaption of an old novel that really only attempts to see what a Nazi America would be like, that's all it's trying to be.

There's some obvious anti-Nazi vibes, cuz like duh, they're fuckin Nazis.

>It's a good show though, it just isn't going to red pill anyone.
Not by itself, no.

But if you watch it with say your girlfriend or something you can point out how X is exaggerated or was never a policy of the Reich.

I remember watching it with my girlfriend and she said "oh my god, that's horrible! why would they try and kill him for having Jewish grandparents" so I explained to her that it never happened and that Hitler even had Jews serve him.

>there's some obvious anti-Nazi vibes, cuz like duh, they're fucking Nazis

No u!
Well, they made it comfy as fuck.
Would be nice to see how nazi britan would be like.

Begone ape.

Nazi larpers are even more pathetic than commie larpers.

I haven't seen it yet, the book's great though.

It probably was supposed to be, but it didn't quite turn out that way.

Of course there are the obligatory tropes
>all Nazi leadership, especially the SS, are full-fledged psychos who'd disembowel their own mother without flinching
Given how the Clintons' own associates drop like flies whenever SHTF, and knowing what happens elsewhere with high stakes politics, it surely seems like pot calling the kettle black.

>muh eugenics / death camps / mass graves
Just because the 2 million civilian bodies are in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq instead of your backyard, you're just as genocidal as any fascist regime would be.

>people still shrieking "YOU'RE A NATHZEE!" with the religious fervor of leftists/antifa
The shock value would've been diminished by then.

Mosley gets more right as each day passes.
I'm convinced he will break into the mainstream consciousness sooner or later.

The first sign will be some TV documentary about the alt/far/new-right and "how they idolise a long dead fascist and ebil-Hitler sympathiser".

Thing is it will only drive people to the various vids and stuff on youtube which will redpill them. Thank god so many of the mans speeches were recorded and can be listened to first-hand, even his later TV interviews show him in a good light. Combative, accusing media of lies, setting the record straight.

>comfy as fuck
>not kampfy
Wasted opportunity, I tells ya.

I will be doing my dissertation on him.

I just don't know what I can do to try and get people to even know who he is. there was a concerted effort to cover up his existence and the fact he gained huge amounts of support.

I fucked it up!

yeah, but that can be said about every movie about Nazi Germany.

Watched most of it so far.

Haven't fully finished this season and am told the resistance ends up being portrayed badly by the end of this season.

To call it pro nazi is way off. Yes, the Nazis are portrayed better than the Nips. That's for sure.

But for Christ sake, yes there is the euthanasia thing. And they have cameras in your house recording and watching you....

Can't exactly call that paradise.

Curious what the resistance does by the end of this season to make them look bad tho.

The Nazi housewives are all pill poppers too and bummed out when the main SS guy kills the American doctor, because they now need to find a new guy to get cocaine from.

Not even a joke.

watch it then before somebody spoils you

And that scene where he tricks Himmler into telling his plans (with a fake "you're free to go skit") and then shoots him in the skull....

Yeah the Nazis aren't portrayed as great, except maybe at the family dinner table.

To me it did a decent balance of making you either hate both sides and being unable to decipher who the real hero or villains were. It's not like the rebels were opposed to unilateral killing because someone else had a different idea. They were equally as violent as the Nazi regime. The aesthetics of the Nazi regime were incredible.

The book was good

This show was meant to be pure anti-Trump propaganda. Ironically many people found the first season to paint a pleasant picture.

It's a good neutral show for once.
Resistance isn't portrayed as the perfects and peaceful people, John Smith only care about his family.
Nice show

Kampf is by definition not comfy tho

>implying you wouldn't be executed in nazi germany for being a useless mental case autist who's a virgin at 20+ years old

stop LARPing, you'd be one of the first to go with your inferior genetics

ur shit mate

>And they have cameras in your house recording and watching you....
only because they know that bitch still works with the resistance

>falling for the nazi eugenics meme

I think the creators are secretly red-pilling us on the Nazis as the good guys. The only interesting and smart character in the show is Obergruppenfuhrer Smith.

It's not a meme LARP-shill. All major nations had eugenics programs and Germany was no different. There is mountains of evidence for state sponsored eugenics before and after Hitler took office.

no wonder they write the show around him, he's he best actor by far

I'm more confused by "Handmaid's Tale."

>Republic of Gilead is evil
>Republic of Gilead is desperately trying to save the human race
>Republic of Gilead knows their methods are harsh but necessary

Republic of Gilead has done nothing wrong.

basically it shows white happy families and portrays them as nazis, you don't wanna be a nazi do you? racemixing, broken homes, and homosexuality are the only way to not be a nazi

>the whole "burning the cripples" thing
I don't even remember this from the original book.

Handy tip to enjoy life, disregard anything written or said by a woman. Ever. Your quality of life will go up by miles.

Yes, i know that. but implying people would be killed for no reason is idiotic. you dont kill your own people as a nazi because they are the most important thing to you.

I think it does a good job of showing false moral dichotomy.

The nazis have a clear goal of saving the earth, preserving and advancing civilization and bringing world peace by ruling it all. They do this in a morally questionable way, however.

The resistance has no real goal aside from "beat the nazis and the nips". Ostensibly they fight for freedom as its own moral good, but they do so by any means and are just as evil as the nazis.

The nips are just robots

>mfw Naziniggers have to look towards fiction to see their failed ideology work.

Despite winning a Nebula, it for sure wasn't one of the strongest PKD books, which he himself admitted. Also, the Nazis were merely a thematic backdrop, the message of the book was that indescision and navel gazing will fuck up your life.

Being mentally ill, deformed or otherwise not contributing to the country was good enough reason for forced sterilization for most and death for others. NEETs who post on Sup Forums all day would be among those sterilized or executed regardless of their "whiteness". I don't understand how someone can ignorant of the regimes and governments that they idolize.

>morally questionable way

Morally questionable is "By Any Means Necessary."

In the show, there is law and order and harsh punishment for those who break their laws. Even with a nuclear superiority over Japan (Japan doesn't have nukes), the Germans are reluctant to use them because even they realize nukes are not the answer.

>watch MitHC
>realize that I can't logically and rationally dismiss the reasoning of Martin Heusmann
>wtf I love genocide now

Also I feel like Season 2 was what the show creators actually had in mind and wanted to make, but they had to do S1 where there's significantly more anti-natsoc stuff so they wouldn't get shut down.

if salazar was still here I'd have a job executing communist niggers like you

>NEETs who post on Sup Forums all day

Have no physical deformities and are mostly just lazy bastards. so again, they would not be exterminated.

Did you read orginal book ?
This series as adaptation is very well done.

As much as I hate to say it (flag) if 3rd reich won world would be better place.

>Just because the 2 million civilian bodies are in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq instead of your backyard, you're just as genocidal as any fascist regime would be.

Fascism needs to obliterate communism!
US obliterates the soviet threat during the cold war
Casualties and complications inevitably ensue

Make up your mind.

S1 is the entirety of the original book, basically. Season 2 is their own material.

A Nazi is the most likable character

It shows the resistance as a bunch of violent unlikeable twats

So kinda

Kill yourself, Jew.


>family man
>stands for public order
>faithfull to his leader and country
>does everything to prevent uneccesary bloodsheed

Also he is cunning motherfucker, getting confesion out of heirdrich was fucking briliant.

>fat, lazy unemployed leeches would survive
You make me laugh, shill.

well 3rd reich had compulsory work so all those weak lazy bastards would feel the boot and work in factory

>implying they would be so under natsoc

negro pls

thing is, being lazy isn't a genetic deformity it's a product of your upbringing/personality, and so is not set in stone, you don't need to kill or hurt NEETs all you need to do is stop giving them NEETbux and they'll either become productive members of society or starve.

Also this

I'm laughing at the part where Crane looks shell shocked because all the home doors in the Reich are unlocked due to no crime and constant surveillance for such behaviour. She looked like a white victim of the ongoing genocide there when realising blacks are near.

Unfortunately the next season will have the rise of the leftist counter culture after the hints at it in Season 2.

"The old guard are still in charge, but when they die, we will run the Reich and change things". Don't forget the fucking Lebensborn were all portrayed as hard line hippies,drug takers and negro music lovers.
Season 3 will be SJW to fuck

>I will never understand why America is so hostile to the traditional family.
It's not America, it's leftists. Family teaches responsibility, loyalty, leadership and prevents degeneracy. They want none of that.

According to Wolfenstien at least, Nazi Britain was at first a war torn hellhole due to a fierce resistance movement that ended when the Nazis deployed a giant death robot. With the populace pacified the Nazis erect large structures and monuments as well as a space program there.You singlehandedly destroy said robot in the game with no answer to if the resistance rose up again.

I watched the entire first season because I read the book a year before it came out and enjoyed it.

I know Dick was probably lefty as fuck but I interpreted the narrative as being pretty inconsequential; he made a lot of allusions to shit that actually ended up happening in our world as well, and also showed how a lot of people had better lives than they would if the allies had won. The only "anti-Nazi" stuff was having that one guy turn out to be a Russian-style sleeper agent, which plays more on the paranoia of the Cold War than anything in WWII.

>Nazi larpers are even more pathetic than commie larpers.
libertarians are the worst

>everyone is fed and happy
considering how big the resistance movement is i have to disagree, not to mention the complete lack of rights for the citizen who are interrogated and killed for the smallest thing

not even john smith doesn't seem to be very happy, especially when he was tasked to euthanize his own son

the "wow it's snowing? No that's the weekly body burning facility nearby" scene is pretty fucking anti-nazi tho.

>except maybe at the family dinner table

The only place you are supposed to be a good person. Out on the streets and in the working field you have to be an animal.

I thought it was a Silent Hill reference senpai

Kidding obviously but for some reason I guess that didn't resonate with me. Like what else are you gonna do with bodies? Mass graves? Careful, don't want to accidentally out the truth about the Holocaust now.

Fuck this amerilard cryptojew weeaboo and ((((((((Himmler)))))))). Ruined GOAT potential. While the German side is an utopia, the nips run a nigerian tier shithole, they deserved being nuked

>complete lack of rights for the citizen who are interrogated and killed for the smallest thing

what is guantanamo
what were CIA bases in poland used to interogate muslims

>not even john smith doesn't seem to be very happy, especially when he was tasked to euthanize his own son

but his son realied that and did the right thing

in long run removing failure genes from genepool would make us stronger

now look at fatties in america compared what they looked in 50-70

reddit post

>implying exterminating cripples is bad in some way

This show confuse what you do in time of war and what you do in time of peace, no mass graves during peace.

>amazon studios latest release
>any of their other content being wholesome

what the fuck are the independent countries beyond mexico in this map

the thing i hate the most after niggers and kikes are these fucking cripples thinking they are entitled to everything and to jump queue etc I would massacre the lot of them. Fucking parasite pieces of shit

im tired of this "retards are people too" , NO SWEETIE THEY ARE NOT, they are inferior because of some fuck up in their dna. They are even more useless then niggers regardless of what race they are. Eugenics should totally be a thing so we dont have to deal with individuals who hinder progress

NatSoc is controlled opposition. If liberal tyranny fails then conservative tyranny is right behind.

Take the FREEDOM pill.

Learn from the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. The Bill of Rights creates prosperity.

In fact, why do people suddenly think eugenics is bad? In the long run for the human race, eugenics is great. Of course it would make some people sad that they can't pass on their genes but that's too fucking bad. If I had a chronic illness I would have absolutely no problem removing myself from the gene pool. It's incredibly selfish to potentially endanger the rest of the race because of your selfish need to breed your defective genes down.

Of course, it would need to be highly regulated and staggered over years, but it would ultimately result in a physically perfect, mentally perfect and technologically proficient race. Why do we WANT degenerate genes, trannyism, low intelligence quotient, mixed race, hereditary illnesses and weak personalities passed down? Is THAT not the most damaging thing we can do to the next generation?

The future makes NAZI Germany look like liberal pansy paradise.

Tbh they do have place for non-whites, in exile

Russia is ongoing war zone, since its to big shithole to colonize (cold) and stalin is leading resistance

Also no fucking idea why they didnt anex brazill and rest.

>file name

He didn't even say anything "evil" either. I'm trying to get people to listen to him. Even late in life interviewers were asking loaded questions and he did well. Then will slowly move people to George Lincoln Rockwell and how I believe he was trying to work with Malcolm X for a blaxit movement. Does anyone have information on that btw?

>what is guantanamo
>what were CIA bases in poland used to interogate muslims

those are usually not US citizen thou, and they're not killed. If you end up at guantanamo, you're in no way innocent.

>but his son realied that and did the right thing
thats besides the point. It still didn't make john smith happy, ergo everyone are not happy

>in long run removing failure genes from genepool would make us stronger
that's not how genes work

>now look at fatties in america compared what they looked in 50-70
not a genetic problem

deja el paco flaco que se nota como se te sale la cadena.... una cosa son los negros de mierrrrda, los mogolicos no joden tanto, sino, mira como vos podes estar aca en Sup Forums

Trump is a neo-con good goy, and you have to go back.

jajajaja ya saltó el pelotudo con un hermano mogolico. A mi si me joden, si a vos no te joden es porque te sentirás relacionado con ellos. Andá a llevar a tu hermanito a la guarderia de mogolicos la concha de tu vieja le muerta de cancer paralitico de mierda desaparecido

>that's not how genes work

this is how exactly genes work, excluding mutations that should be purged

look at cattle or other animal farming, you can do same with humans

In a way, it's inhumane... We can't kill/sterilise anybody just because they have it hard already. Additionally leftists actually want humanity to be weak.
On the other hand I'm almost certain that it would work (because why wouldn't it?) and genes can be effectively erased via diminishing (though I'm not completely sure on this one). Additionally it can be regulated by law and society and via limited reproduction rights, not sterilising/killing (for example... Everybody can have 1 child, 2nd can be got from some kind of test you're responsible enough to have another child, 3rd for... idk, intelligence test, more only if you have valuable genes). There's a problem with devaluation of human life, though.

>nazis are the shit

> the Nazis were merely a thematic backdrop, the message of the book was that indescision and navel gazing will fuck up your life.

THIS. The indecisive and sensitive jew Frink Frank was partially based on a young Philip K Dick.
That makes me even more happy for makers of the show trying to potrait the evil white man nazis and failing miserably.

The more I read about Salazar the more I feel like he was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.

The last episode of season 2 was pure 1488. I don't think the writer is Jewish

Trump won't even stop daca or build the wall.
Go suck his cock in another thread, hitler was 100x the men of that cuck who never has even seen combat

>they have cameras in your house recording and watching you
they only did that to her because she was resistance and the reich knew about it

>I think it would be a good show to slowly drop subtle redpills about the nazis

Yeah it might lure people in because they think it looks "cool" but it's not really national socalism but fiction

No, philip k dick don't work like that
It was meant as a "nazis were just people, and any people can make bad choices, it's how we respond that matters" story

Spoilers brah.