Redpill me on the flat earth theory?


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(((flat earth)))
don't believe (((their))) lies, user
i dare anyone on this board to prove to me that the earth is flat

believing in it is an early symptom of schizophrenia

Its fucking retarded, not much to it

Call me when you get to the edge.

this was a Jewish disinfo astroturfing campaign by Cass Sunstein

Its a theory that states the earth is flat. If you are in your late teens or early 20s, and haven't quite grown out of being rebellious towards your high school teachers, its a great starting point. Adult idiocy is growing in popularity. If you don't have the grades to do science you can always scream against it in the vacuum of the internet!

It's a Discordian prank.

loads of proof, most people won't waste their time trying to show you cause you can't seem to see with your head up your ass.

>Red pill neon the flat earth

The earth is flat.

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>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)

If the Earth is flat please explain how it is that the sun rises/sets higher or lower every day and how lunar eclipses are made


but great maps.

I'm on a quest for a flat star map so I can see the shape of the milky way.

Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:

Flat Earth theory = Reddit

Hollow Earth theory = Sup Forums

Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are (((coincidences))). There is a world inside our world.

Nice try globecuck :^)

The real redpill here is until you yourself travel to space and witness the shape of Earth first hand, it may indeed be round and it may indeed be a flat disk.

Never completely dismiss the possibility that absolutely everyone is lying to you in a coordinated fashion for (((reasons))). It is the hardest redpill to swallow.

The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is a CIA psyop that is designed to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow. This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory.

Cointelpro. Only gullible morons believe it, and shills pushing it.

Fuck off sphere cuck

The truest conception of the structure of Earth is based on the idea that when it was in a molten state during its formation, centrifugal force caused the heavier substances to be thrown outward, toward its periphery, in the form of rocks and metals, to form its outer crust, leaving its interior hollow, with openings at the poles, where centrifugal force was less and where there was less tendency to throw materials outward, which was greater at the equator, causing the bulging of Earth in this region. It has been estimated that as a result of Earth's rotation on its axis during its formative state, polar depressions and openings thus formed would measure about 1,400 miles in diameter.

Some of the original fire and incandescent materials remained in the center of Earth to form a central 'sun', much smaller, of course, than our Sun, but capable of emitting light and supporting plant growth. We shall also see that the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis that illuminate the sky over the poles come from this central 'sun' whose rays shine through the polar openings. Thus, if Earth was originally a ball of fire and molten metal, some of this fire remained in its centre, while centrifugal force as a result of its rotation on its axis caused its solid matter to be thrown toward the surface, forming a solid crust and leaving its interior hollow, with a fiery ball in its centre, forming the central sun, which provides illumination for plant, animal and human life.

Globalists hate them

(just made this ice Crystal pepe ) do not steal

>flat earth theory not a "theory".

The popular trend of Tycho Brahe's geocentric model of the solar system had to be stopped, so ((they)) muddied the waters with flat earth. Notice how many flat earth videos have tags about geocentrism?



This is a good point, since what we call 'reality' is illusory and therefore malleable. I'm still convinced it's hollow, but it could become round, flat or hollow just by some being accessing the energetic wave-form information level of 'reality' (which is the base state of 'reality') and then altering that information.

It's a rare type of troll. It works in two ways:
1. It's fucking retarded, so that baits a few naive morons who actually try to disprove it.
2. It's too fucking retarded. This baits the people who don't really care, but care a lot that people would do such a weak troll.
It is genius, and has many jerking off.

enlighten me

solar eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the sun
lunar eclipse is when a shadow object, a satellite of the sun, comes between the sun and moon.

It's a psyop to distract you from the real redpill, hollow earth.

It's a clever troll-theory. Most atheists are retarded and can't handle the "proofs".

why would Moon change its course to pass in front of the Sun on your model? How are the phases work? But more importantly, what is the Moon and Sun, what they made of, what makes them spin in that fasion and why exactly in that fasion and no other way?

I've travelled across the Pacific Ocean. How would that work if the earth was flat?


fuck off and die dis info shilling fagget.
no kids died at sandy hook

Research the space agencies. Very suspicious. Don't listen to the indoctrinated idiots who have watched to many space movies and are completely lost

Explain this 3d earth jews

Its a retarded on purpose theory pushed by idiots and shills so any questioning of media aproved narative cann be shoved into tinfoilhatterritory

"Pff you think Syrian rebells are the bad guys? I bet you got that from the internet where people also say the earth is flat. Why dont you get your info from good places like the TV or newspapers"

did you notice in the distance picture it is STRAIGHT and in the "close" picture it is leaning back?

do you even remotely understand optical physics or are you as stupid as you seem?

it's basically a spiral.


Chinese space station proves the Earth is a globe

It's to blind you from the truth.

>hides his flag
yep it's a CIA spook

heres a 50 minute long fucking tour of the space station. pay no mind though because its all fake just as nukes and dinosaurs never existeds

the argument between flat and round is facetious

the real question is the a debate of geocentric, a stationary earth at the center of the universe, vs a heliocentric, earth rotating around the sun which is flying through space cosmology

condemming before investigating keeps you in a perpetual state of ignorance

>(((flat earth)))
>don't believe (((their))) lies, user
>i dare anyone on this board to prove to me that the earth is flat

don't believe (((their))) lies user
i dare anyone on this board to prove to me that the holocaust is a hoax

god, this dumb nigger and his dumb bullshit.

Homer thought the earth was a flat disc, was he CIA you dumb nigglet?

Fake. You should be ashamed how easily you are fooled

Its not just nukes and dinosaurs! Microbes, bacteria, viruses, oil, radiation, planets and even the world history - its all fake. Everything is fake, but only Youtube videos from 30+ religious people with speech impediments are THE TRUTH.

and what the fuck does your webm show?


Typical paranoid delusional fool, you think everything is a conspiracy don't you. Fucking look at the simplest evidence : maps. These are made by cartographers who actually have to travel around the world. What do they draw? A FLAT earth. Maps are flat. Earth is flat. Globes are a child's toy. Grow up, stop being childish

retarded anti-christian propaganda


Fuck off flathead

go the fuck outside and look at it with a nice pair of binoculars any fucking shithead can do this.

Wires. You think that looks like a zero g backflip?

circumpolar constellations


They think its all strings and harnesses. And CGI. And virtual reality. And zero-g planes. And underwater pools. All at the same time. And thousands of hours of footage are lies because they saw 1 second that seemed strange for them.

You don't know if I investigated or not so fuck off


I agree there is some weird stuff with NASA and ISS and I could almost get behind flat Earth but... flights from Japan to Hawaii are just one hour long than flights from LA to Hawaii, not possible with flat earth, right?

There is no evidence, that earth is round, so flat earth is mostly a pun. A meme to turn any round earth "proofs" into a flat earth one.

>Redpill me on the flat earth theory?
Don't waste your time. It doesn't work out. Too many phenomena it can't really explain.
2 separate tours given by different people who literally travel room to room throughout the station and you think theyre hanging on wires?

I do know for a fact that you didn't.

its ironic, any shithead with a bad telescope can disprove curvature since it has an equation.


>circumpolar constellations

not possible under flat earth bs.

yet they are a thing

If you believe the earth is flat, you've never conducted land navigation.

Magical negro says photo is not an evidence.

Real red pill is that we are in a simulated world on a alien holodeck you can fly out into space but you will be limited up to where the simulation ends when we get to close to the truth the fucking ayyys come down to police the discovery

How many there do you think, why they don't tangle up and what about videos where 5 of them move around each other with no problem?
Where are wires here?

>condemming before investigating keeps you in a perpetual state of ignorance
That's an ad hominem.

lol its obviously his pinky pulling the pocket out.

ironic considering 14 states have had topographical map compilations done, and not one of them reflect any curvature, and revealed the states to be flatter than pancakes

it must be nice to be this intellectually pathetic

Do you even know what cuts are?

How about everyday photos from Russian satellite?
Go to
login and password are electro
and you can access the data from satellite, everyday photos of our planet through infrared camera

Fuck off, flatfag. Flat Earth theory is the most normie-tier conspiracy theory.

no cuts on this video

>ad hominem.

>(((flat earth)))
>don't believe (((their))) lies, user
>i dare anyone on this board to prove to me that the earth is flat

don't believe (((their))) lies user
i dare anyone on this board to prove to me that the holocaust is a hoax

>accuses me of an ad hominem when he uses one himself
>ignores the fact I call out the other poster on committing one too.

> login and password are electro
I`ve allergy to logins.


and the fucking other 30 minute segment that is clearly not cut?
and that webm theyre streaming LIVE from SPACE. data gets scrambled and lost. ever have a cracking cell phone conversation ? probably not since cell phones are fake too

you're genuinely an idiot

>the real question is the a debate of geocentric, a stationary earth at the center of the universe, vs a heliocentric, earth rotating around the sun which is flying through space cosmology

>the argument between flat and round is facetious

the earth is stationary idiot. and the inner earth is called Sheol, or Halls of Amenti, or Halls of Antiquity. and all the mythologies that have an inner earth, and tunnels that go into it are all based on a geocentric model of the universe

quit being an idiot. inner earth is freemason misinformation that disguises the truth

You also seem to be under the impression that if the earth is considered to be round, then it's a perfect sphere. Which is also retarded.

Just like firing a rifle a long distance, you have to calculate for the rotation of the earth to hit your target.

I investigated and I came up with a similar post.

It's stupid. Earth is demonstrably flat, but appears as a sphere under magnetic measurements of great distances, and supposedly you can traverse antarctica.

I've got earth as a stationary center. Also I think it's a plane, not an object.

There are already photos for 10 of July

More like, Dementia.

The "Holocaust" isn't real, at least not anywhere near to what youve been told but you have a great point. Immediately discrediting something, even if it sounds retarded, is only a disservice to yourself. I don't currently believe the flat earth theory but people should still check out everything. Worst case scenario it's a good chance for thought experiments and testing your logic.







>you're genuinely an idiot

Ad hominems are not an argument.

>quit being an idiot.

Ad hominems are not an argument.

>inner earth is freemason misinformation that disguises the truth

Wrong. Flat Earth is a CIA psyop to fuck with imbeciles like you. And it worked a treat. Earth is hollow, whether you accept that fact or not. Stay salty. :3

Holy shit, I believe now.


CIA disinformation campaign.


T-H-I-S. Why are flatfags played like violins?

>Just like firing a rifle a long distance, you have to calculate for the rotation of the earth to hit your target.

If you want to see photos of Earth from space everyday, download this app

>Just like firing a rifle a long distance, you have to calculate for the rotation of the earth to hit your target
oh man, ummm, no you don't. idiot.... I bet you still think "space" is a vacuum.

you seem to not understand what topographical maps are.

>It's stupid. Earth is demonstrably flat
thats probably because it is

>but appears as a sphere under magnetic measurements of great distances, and supposedly you can traverse antarctica.

its an ice barrier you can transverse antarctica, there are lots of indiana jones style temples there

>I've got earth as a stationary center. Also I think it's a plane, not an object.
good job, you're right, its stationary, and the center of the universe, covered by a literal glass firmament. and a near-infinite plane of existence

Bad post, good digits