Would you kill yourself if you were born in India?

>pic related is an indian temple where people go to bath and pray with rats

Also, India Hate Thread.

What the fuck is wrong with these people. Everything in India is disgusting and makes me question if they even bleed.

Indians barely qualify as humans.

>never achieved anything
>reserve workforce to take down wages in the west and make smart people unemployed
>replace our entry level jobs like call centers
>replace our high collar jobs with discount engineers and copy-and-paste coders
>have nuclear arsenal and might destroy the world over some god forsaken peice of rock in Pakistan

Other urls found in this thread:


Lovecraft said it best.

>have nuclear arsenal
I never understood this bit. It would be like Brazil having nukes.

India is just like Mexico, it's proof that you can have next to no sanitation and still have a birth rate above your death rate.

Muslims are faaar inferior than indians.

At least laundryheads use toilets.

Mexicans are the cleanest people on earth my man.

Google it if you doubt me.

>god forsaken peice of rock in Pakistan
What are you talking about?


Wouldn't need to, I'd probably have died of dysentery or plague by now.

True but that is faint praise indeed


All that yet they have the 5th largest military in the world



As far as i know India has 12 Nobel prizes.

I am an Astronomer, and CV Raman discovered the Raman radiation in 1930, and Chandrasekhar discovered the method of calculation for mass of stars, which is known as Chandrasekhar limit in 1983.

These we use everyday in our studies.



I'm going to kill myself for being born in Sweden.

mexico has a lot of poverty but I can assure they still use the toilet and have some basic hygiene

Notice the rats are shitting in the milk. Fucking horridly disgusting...

That's fucking bad man, they're probably squatters.
Yesterday i was driving back and five fucking guys were hitching ride south, young guys between 18 and 25 just walking, fucking hippies doing nothing, it was probably their home.


USA.. clean

>Mexicans are the cleanest people on earth my man.

Yeah, the daughter of my Mexican neighbor 'cleans my pipe' at least once or twice a week...She's becoming rather good at it.


That picture looks like it was taken after a fucking flood you retarded nigger.

>posts pictures of an average Russian neighborhood

And none of them discovered the toilet.

You.. A faggot having an opinion

Just stop being a pussy Sven and remove kebab. Your women want you to put your foot down.

>reserve workforce to take down wages in the west and make smart people unemployed
>replace our entry level jobs like call centers
>replace our high collar jobs with discount engineers and copy-and-paste coders
if the u.s and its followers actually gave a crap about quality of work for its citizens then this wouldnt happen. as it is indians are thourough enough to oust numb skulls that are overly entitled and lazy workers

I think indians are just massive perverts

>praying to rats
>rats give birth to multiple babies
>perverting animals

India is degenerate.


What's your point? It obviously isn't clean, right? We are not trying to figure out the reasons why it's clean or not.. are we?

You're a fucking retard and i won't be wasting my time with you.

YOU AMERICANS gave Pajeet the nukes.

The soviets were arming the mudslimes in Pakistan so you decided to arm the least smelly shit that was still socialist as hell.

So you think. The true story is that they just don't d0cument their numbers unlike poos.

You just did

>calls someone else a retard
>cites Dailymail


spends first 20 years of life in India...
spends next 6 years in England...
spends last 59 years in America...
spends last 42 years as American citizen...
almost entire scientific output occurs in America, and to lesser extent, England...

>he doesn't want to be the lord of rats
>he doesn't want to conquer nations with his ratking army


>method of calculation for mass of stars, which is known as Chandrasekhar limit



>girl commits suicide in India because family refuses to build a toilet

Why do you obsess over India?

>Indians worship the loo instead of using it

How the fuck do you manage to get run over by a damn train.

Look at this fucking flag.

Yellow, white and green with an asshole in the middle.

It's the ugliest flag I've ever seen. Just staring at it makes you want to vomit.

>they have to use propaganda in movies for indians to use toilets
>they still don't use them

Hungarians have won 13 Nobel Prizes since 1905

Population of Hungary is 10 million, population of Indis is 1 billion, what is your point?

Either that or work for microsoft tech support i guess

You make us glad we were born in Brazil.

There aren't many places that give us this feel, but you make us so glad we practically become American patriots tier over it.

>would you kill yourself
No, I'd go where da white womenz at

>OMG! We are drinking dinosaur's urine everyday!

>be Pajeet
>eats delicious chilly mom cooked with special toilet witch spice
>catches desintery for the third time this month
>go to designated shitting railways hoping nobody is using it
>place is completely empty and clean
>start shitting a river of diarrhea with Khavajadrapoo and pepper
>gets so dehydrated you lose cousciousness
>daily cleaner comes to wipe designated railway
>forget to leave
>RIP Pajeet #1582321465

What's wrong m8? Why the obsession though?

That's great. Europeans feel same about Brazil. Anyway, good for you I guess?


When will India and Pakis nuke each other to extinction?

Sooo... poo can guess a stars weight?

Dude it's not country vs county.
It's stupidity vs intellect.
And stupidity is winning.

Not suicide but would do my best to leave that country.

Shitting outside in open air is more natural. You think cavemen were shitting in toilets?

>Have never experienced the divine feeling when shitting in the street
kys feggit

The rat temple is more of a tourist thing though

If tourists stopped coming there i bet all the people would leave the place alone.

What you must understand about india (modern day India) is that the old world has become more of a tourist thing while most of india is very modern.

I was amazed by the high quality of life in Rajastan (area where temple is located) even though the cities / towns were pretty much hundreds of years old, like stepping through a time portal.

There are many temples at prominent places (one temple at a lake in the desert i.e.) which has just people hanging around to scam tourists with prayers and necklaces, these 'spiritual" boomers fall for it and do not see they are being scammed by pajeet who uses the money to buy ganja and booz afterwards

Just travel to more remote places / temples to get an idea of the real religious spirit

Kek, that's true user I remember in Jaipur the shopkeeper was telling me the price as 100rs in Hindi and was telling some tourist rs 1000 but yeah rajasthan is pretty good and no the rat temple will still be a thing without tourists

Designated shitting streets are dangerous man.

why utter such a lie?

I'd love to live in that temple surrounded by rats.

>interacial porn

oh the irony

Maybe but not as big and overtime people will reflect on it as silly and abandon it.

I guarantee you that something like Ranakpur will withstand the test of time because people in that area still live on the land and far more remote than the rat people, civilization won't reach them for a while and a lot of them never been to a major city and yes Rajastan is quite beautiful

love the fact that all manner of spics are the only one bashing us pajeets

>mexican youth are sexually hyperactive
news at eleven

One word Hinduism

Indians can be ine people but Hinduism instils the belief that there is no such thing as charity, compassion or social cohesion. If a child is born crippled ot poor or has leprosy, why then it must deserve it as karma means it is paying for sins of past lives. This is part of the reason for the disgusting treatment of the lower castes and the complete failure of the high caste oligarchy to run a civilised country. A cow is worth more than a childs life and the Hindus embrace a demonic side also, ritual murder to bring good fortune of toddlers, ritual corpse cannibalism all goes on. The latest manifestation of hindo radicals is the complete banning of beef or attempting to do so. All while leprosy is rife. Christian churches are attached and missionaries murdered. Aside from Hindus....you have.....muslims..enough said.

Your post actually speaks well of you OP. I find india generally vile and think those who go there and talk about how cheap it was and how they got a tailored suit while stepping past children maimed so as to make them more effective beggars sociopathic freaks.

The only think that can fix India is Christianity and it is a dire warning of how a society without Christian civilisation can look.like

Us was supporting Pakistan, while Soviets were supporting India.

quality post as usual my simian

Ayy lmao

I will see you at eire/pol/ brother

temple rats are essentially pets

>Hinduism instils the belief that there is no such thing as charity, compassion or social cohesion. If a child is born crippled ot poor or has leprosy, why then it must deserve it as karma means it is paying for sins of past lives. This is part of the reason for the disgusting treatment of the lower castes and the complete failure of the high caste oligarchy to run a civilised country. A cow is worth more than a childs life and the Hindus embrace a demonic side also, ritual murder to bring good fortune of toddlers, ritual corpse cannibalism all goes on. The latest manifestation of hindo radicals is the complete banning of beef or attempting to do so. All while leprosy is rife. Christian churches are attached and missionaries murdered. Aside from Hindus....you have.....muslims..enough said.

india is shit. sort it fucking out and stop larping as mystics

what's the problem with the photo? it's nice.

top zozzle

Why Latinos bashing Indians? Did something happened?

>Literally dying from taking a shit


>I will see you at eire/pol/ brother

Go on ahead. There ha been nothing like the slums of Calcutta here since the famines nearly. Indians are fucking loosers. Eliminate leprosy in your nation and then come back and tell me you lot deserve to be seen as anything more than just more squalid brown people who live in filth.

I used to do Microsoft tech support through an outsourcer.

They started sending the support jobs to India and we had to coach them.

I asked one of these guys how much he made, and he said $200.00 a month.

I would assume there are intelligent people from India, but I would see guys who had a "degree" in math do nothing more than install Windows over the top two or three times for a third party software issue, or hardware issue and then escalate the case.

The way corporate USA thinks, they don't care how badly someone is doing a job if they are cheap enough.

It's not like Microsoft cut costs to consumers when they shipped everything over to India, so I think it's BS to claim there's all this savings that gets passed on to consumers when jobs get shipped overseas. That money goes to CEO pay and stock holders.

It's probably not fair to blame people from India for taking jobs. I would take a job from some other group, if the opportunity was there.

People in the US are brainwashed through propaganda to let these rich bastards ship jobs overseas or being in illegals to do manual labor really cheap.

Liberals are okay with this, as long as the people taking the jobs aren't white. Liberals don't really give a shit about the poor. They pat themselves on the back when they help anyone who is not white. There are people born in the US who aren't white who need the jobs too though.

Anyone who is not rich needs to look out for their job. The rich pay lobbyists to look out for all of their self interests, so it's idiotic for everyone else to look out for the rich with the idea the wealth will trickle down to them.

Adam Smith recognized employers, by default, have the upper hand en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_of_bargaining_power#Historical_development

Instead of being pissed at people from India, we should be pissed at the assholes sending jobs to India, or bringing people in from India.


im just a kid

>had a "degree" in math

In the last 10 years nearly all indidan 'degrees' I have encountered are fake. A laser printed bullshit cert and a fake number that terminates over a mobile phone shop. Fraud is currency in india. If you nterview and indian ask them a few questions a first year undergrad in their field would know. They only answer will be sulking silence and somebullshit about they are actually still studying and don't have the 'degree' yet. They are toxic to serious companies as they have no problem whatsoever worming their way into positions of responsibility and promoting each other when they have no clue what they are actually doing. Even in medicine. You can't expect honesty from them. When cornered they will admit and then tell you how they have to support an extended family in poverty so why should they give a fuck about the rich westerns lives they are destroying. shitty HR practice that mean people are not being vetted by people who can ask technical questions in interviews caused this. Sloppy work not checking qualifications have riddled the west with these parasites.

>:( im just a kid

Be a better India then lad and you can't be here underage.

>I used to do Microsoft tech support through an outsourcer

Microsoft, IBM and dell ruined themselves as companies with this crappy HR no tech interview and swallowing fake degrees wholesale shit. I you wanto know where windows 8 came from and why window phone was fucked from inception just look to that idiot Sinofsky and fake indian degrees and Indians promoting each other until they have reduced everything to utter shit

1. Sundar Pichai:
Native city: Madras
Company: Google
Joined in: 2004
Appointed as CEO on: August 10, 2015

2. Satya Nadella:
Native city: Hyderabad
Company: Microsoft
Joined in: 1992
Appointed as CEO on: February 4, 2014

3. Indra Nooyi:

Native city: Madras
Company: PepsiCo
Joined in: 1994
Appointed as CEO in: 2006

4. Ajay Banga:
Native city: Khadki (near Pune)
Company: MasterCard
Joined in: 2010
Appointed as CEO in: 2010

Rajeev Suri:
Native city: New Delhi
Company: Nokia
Joined in: 1994
Appointed as CEO in: 2014

Anshu Jain:

Native City: Jaipur
Company: Deutsche Bank
Joined in: 1995
Appointed as Co-CEO in: 2011
Resigned in: 2015

Vikram Pandit:

Native City: Nagpur
Company: Citigroup
Joined in: 2007
Appointed as CEO in: 2007
Resigned in: 2014

Success breeds jealousy.

Of course not. If I was born in India, shitting in the street and having a pet plague rat would be normal.

B..but user. Many Indians ARE Muslims.

Microsoft is now in complete decline. They literally ate it out from inside and its finished, desperately milking what was created before them for a few decades. What you posted is proof of their cancer effect not a vindication. To suppose that producing shite like these companies have since india infected them is a sign of indian success just shows how fucking deluded you are.

Brazil has had only one though

Yeah. They should hv just hired some potato micks who would drown their company in alcohol.

What? Microsoft rebounded under Nadella.

If anything, it declined under Ballmer

Lying, fraud, incompetence, workplace tribalism. Hinduism, like islam can be judged by how Hindus live an what they result in. I guess when everywhere looks like Calcutta you will be toasting Indian 'sucess'


Annual Revenue Change in 2014 after new CEO appointment: (on June 30, 2014)

11.54 %


7.77 % over 2014 - $93,580 million

Success breeds jealousy.

Rats are cute though