I used to do Microsoft tech support through an outsourcer.
They started sending the support jobs to India and we had to coach them.
I asked one of these guys how much he made, and he said $200.00 a month.
I would assume there are intelligent people from India, but I would see guys who had a "degree" in math do nothing more than install Windows over the top two or three times for a third party software issue, or hardware issue and then escalate the case.
The way corporate USA thinks, they don't care how badly someone is doing a job if they are cheap enough.
It's not like Microsoft cut costs to consumers when they shipped everything over to India, so I think it's BS to claim there's all this savings that gets passed on to consumers when jobs get shipped overseas. That money goes to CEO pay and stock holders.
It's probably not fair to blame people from India for taking jobs. I would take a job from some other group, if the opportunity was there.
People in the US are brainwashed through propaganda to let these rich bastards ship jobs overseas or being in illegals to do manual labor really cheap.
Liberals are okay with this, as long as the people taking the jobs aren't white. Liberals don't really give a shit about the poor. They pat themselves on the back when they help anyone who is not white. There are people born in the US who aren't white who need the jobs too though.
Anyone who is not rich needs to look out for their job. The rich pay lobbyists to look out for all of their self interests, so it's idiotic for everyone else to look out for the rich with the idea the wealth will trickle down to them.
Adam Smith recognized employers, by default, have the upper hand en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_of_bargaining_power#Historical_development
Instead of being pissed at people from India, we should be pissed at the assholes sending jobs to India, or bringing people in from India.