No disease

>No disease
>No war
>No debt
>No crime
>No capitalism
>No pollution
>No government

Why do we call these guys savages again?

>wanting a traditional lifestyle

What are you a fucking a white male?

>no food

The reason many Brazilians have good hygiene is because of the indigenous tribes in Brazil. From what I recall they were one of the first people to shower 2-3 times a day
source:Brazilian mother

lol wut

There was disease, debt, war, crime and capitalism in old days.


Indigenous cuisine is very well known and appreciated throughout Brazil.

The brits who came had superior technology, enough to dominate the entire tribe.

Savages = Inferior cultural level, vulnerable to submission by superior war tech.

PS. Cultural marxism and the FED are WAR TECHNOLOGIES.

Jews are dominating us because they had superior cultural level, enough to submit us.

>no war


Yes, there was plenty of freshwater available and there was no risk of hypothermia whatsoever.

Killing other people are not considered a crime in their law.
Raping is not considered a crime.
Stealing food is ok, if its from elderly...

and nope

>No disease

Ever heard of syphillis?

Because they scalped and raped willy nilly.

The "noble savage" is a myth. Remove the noble and your about right.

Because they kill eachother for fun.

>No disease
Nonsense. Jungle tribes are rife with disease. It is part of the reason why most of them die before the age of 50.

>No war
Except for constant, never ending inter-tribal warfare and violence, and regular intra-tribal power struggles.

>No debt
Except to their tribe of course, which they cannot leave unless they wish to perish.

>No crime
Nonsense. All tribes have rules. All tribes have punishments for rule breakers
>No capitalism
Try to be less obviously a communist retard. Exchanging goods and services is natural in a tribal environment.

>No pollution
Wrong. Tribes naturally move away from areas that they have polluted with sewage.

>No government
Wrong. Every tribe has a power structure. It is not a free-for-all.

You are an imbecile, but that is to be expected of a favela dwelling monkey.

Those were the Mesoamerican Indians, not the Brazilians.

No war means everyone lived in peace with each other and the environment.

Because they were massive faggots?

>mfw dixiefag actually has substantive argument

Well done, good point, good point,


You are talking about modern westernized Indians, I am talking about pre-columbian ones.

Trading goods and services isn't capitalism.

>No war means everyone lived in peace with each other and the environment.

Exactly. And "primitives" lose, on average, 1-5% of their population EACH YEAR to intertribal conflicts.

The savages are just that, savage. They do NOT live in peace with each other and as far as the environment goes, where is all the megafauna that used to exist before humans arrived?

> I am talking about pre-columbian ones.
So was he.

The megafauna disappeared because of the global warming.

Also that stat is, like, just plain wrong man.

Silent weapons for quiet wars.

I get the point you're trying to make, but these niggas were waging war against each other all of the goddamn time. Plus, they were lacking the ability to fuck up other nations where it really matters, and that's technological advantage: it's a simple fact of reality that if you fall behind on that front too far, you're just gonna be subjected to those who didn't.

Unlike muslims, who kill for sexual release

Yeah, and everything he said is still correct.

Some yummy rocks and mud?

Good job of pointing out that we're no different than savages. We come so far