Let's settle this for good, are traps gay?


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sage this slide thread
kys, ShariaBlue
Hi, NSA!


Liking traps is objectively not straight. It's objectively queer.

Literally not an argument.

God, I wish I knew how to auto-filter stupid shit like "Let's settled this..." and "Now that the dust is settled..." threads.

You're a faggot. Not in the you have sex with other men sense; those faggots are okay. You are a total and complete piece of shit, waste of human space and Internet, who should be hunted down and shot in the gut and left to die in the middle of the Sierra Nevadas so a fucking bear will find you and eat you from the guts out.

If you wanna suck a dick fine. Go suck a dick. But while you're sucking dick don't sit there and tell me you're not sucking dick. Else I think you got more things wrong with you than you know.

What's not to like about a dude who is so insane that he castrated himself and blasts his already sick brain with hormones that don't belong in his body.
Not only wouldn't I fuck a transsexual. I don't even want to be near one. Who knows when that cunt completely snaps and goes on a rampage.

You're gay for asking and sporting that flag, mate.
Well, and because OP is a faggot.
That's three, you're out.

Thanks. Your heteronormative fragility is showing though.

if it got a penis on it
its gay

>castrated himself
we're talking specifically about pre-op trannies here, not the demented kind.

>dating trans "women"
>admits sucking feminine penis, doesn't wants to be called a fag
>talks about respect, but just wants to fuck fag asses

they're still chemically castrated, aren't they?
Not much difference between poisoning your balls (I guess thats how it works) vs cutting them off

>Not being attracted to this

or this

why is it if you top a prison fag you're just an alpha showing your dominance but do it out in the real world you become the fag?

Ikr. Double standards, much?

Traps nowadays are more feminine than biological women. If as a cis-gender man you're attracted to femininity, you might as well fuck one.

dying of starvation in africa
dying of anorexia in europe

the act of not eating is the same, but the process is wildly different

Another disgusting trap thread.
Someone is really trying to push this hard onto Sup Forums.
They succeeded with /R9K/ and Sup Forums. Sage and report.
Traps are either men that dress as women or women that dress as men. Fucking another man if you are a man is gay. If you disagree then this isn't the place for you to have your discuss this.

Because they are dosing the food supply, and using propaganda to make females act more masculine, and males more feminine. Destroying normal male-female relations is the top goal of the occult psychopaths in charge.

Being attracted to a trap before you know they're male is not gay. Even being attracted to a very feminine trap with clothes on is not gay. Being attracted to a trap with the penis in frame is gay. Having sex with a trap is also undeniably gay.

XY + XY = homo

eventually you will accept that youre a faggot.

t. boipucci aficionado


Lefties getting shoah'd in the comments

I think im gay now

What if you're flirting then making out and getting all horny then realize it's trap but carry on anyway?