Are Mexicans really mestizos or is that just a meme? Wouldn't they look whiter and more caucasian if they were half-white? They look more like shitskin chinks.
Are Mexicans really mestizos or is that just a meme...
Depends on the genes, I am half white. But i tan easy, because of my gook side. But also there's african admixture in mexico from slavery.
Could this Mexican pass in Thailand?
If they can match our wannabe Cholos.
His nose is different it will give him away, definitely got iberian spunk in the genes.
It depends on the region, in some regions the spanish race mixed heavily, and others not so much.
Also there are some regions that are heavily native with minimal race mixing.
Indians have prominent noses
There are many castes
Mexicans range from 90% white to 100% pre hispanic natives that never mixed with spaniards, and some of those natives mixed with the asians that crossed the land bridge, hence the slanty eyes some have.
it's just a meme by the
Mexicans are not white, not even the whitest one is white, you can easily spot them, if an actual gringo or german comes here he really differs from our "whites"
>Pic related
The tallest dude it's a german, the amazon and the one in the hat are "our whites"
Then there's me, being a manlet at 1.80
No they don't. Stop norteiswhite puto.
T. southener living in hermosillo
Didn't all you fuckers cross the land bridge jose?
depends on how mixed they are with injuns
>still salty about being completely BTFO in the civil war
If you don't mind me asking I'd like to know what the average phenotype admixture of the people in Durango is plz
No, they may have white genes somewhere but they look like the same, i've been lived in 10 different cities across the country and visited a shit ton load of different cities, about 100 or more.
All mexicans look the same except for really secluded native communities
Like this
>those guys being "white"
that's %50 tops
>t. guy that has never been to the countryside to a pure homogeneus european town
sucks to be you pham, come to the sirrea madre and see that there is still pure europeans around
Check out the data on Mexitards. It's usually half caucasian half native. I would assume that's pretty accurate because native and caucasian genes are very distinct, almost nothing alike.
>NORTE IS WHITE has arrived
Fucking Arab Iberians
Who hurt you user? did you think yourself white until you met an actual white and it broke your heart?
if she spoke the language then prolly
>Are Mexicans really mestizos or is that just a meme? Wouldn't they look whiter and more caucasian if they were half-white?
They really are Mestizos. White's genes are not dominant at all. Mixed people almost never look white unless they get lots of surgery.
This is how you spot norte is whtie fags, always obssesed with witheness, i never thought of myself as white at all
Most Mexicans have almost no white blood and a large amount have none. The last time they did was when the conquistadors were raping their women.
ask a spaniard anything
How easy is it to get Mexican gf and Mexican citizenship and Mexican house for a white European?
pic is me, not white but meh
you are gay
boi you look like puss n boots