Canadian landlord fined $12G for not taking shoes off in Muslim tenant's home

What the fuck, Canada?

>A Canadian landlord who was fined $12,000 for wearing shoes in a Muslim tenant's home said he felt "humiliated" by the harsh penalty levied by a national human rights tribunal.

>The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ordered Alabi in April to pay the tenants $6,000 each after he failed to take his shoes off in the bedroom were the couple prayed while he was showing the home to potential renters. The couple, who moved into first floor of the home in December 2014, terminated their lease on Feb. 28, 2015.

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I don't want to talk about it anymore.

muslims are evil filth who will exploit every loophole possible for their own ends

on the other hand so are landlords. so they can all fuck off as far as i am concerned

Pay jizyah you fucking leafs. Pay it now. Pay for your death.

muslims > black people in the Canadian PC victimization totem pole. good to know.


He literally treaded on their islamic faith. Penalty should be at least 120 000 and some prison time, if you ask me.

Nigger we've already had this shit drilled into our heads day in and day out. We accept it. Our leaders fucked up. Just shut up and wait for our country to implode.


Americans need to use retarded units for everything or what? Can't you people write $12k like everyone else

No we must suffer daily for our inaction against evil.

America plz help

12 gorrillion dolla? Damn, that's tough.

Isn't $1G=$100k?

I would have given the kuffar 100 lashes as well

it stands for a grand I believe which is $1000

If you read his summary he was fined $12,000

Europoors not knowing 1G = ten hundred dollars. Not a thousand dumb fucks.

Nah fuck that landlord, that shit is rude af. Don't track dirt into my fucking home when I already pay your overpriced rent you cocksucker



Isn't the Human Rights Tribunal basically nothing though? Like they have no legal authority to make him actually pay that?

How much is ten hundred? How did it feel getting so easily baited??

Is it against the law to refuse to rent to these people in Canada?


What are you trying to prove here? 1G is 1000 (Ten Hundred). Your image further corroborates that.

>being this cucked
Rude maybe but not violating right to religion. Fuck off kebabs

>Hark, I was only pretending to be retarded!

How come you don't take your shoes off in any home, not just muslims? You barbarians don't care about all that human and dog shit and dirt from the streets, whatever clean they may look like?

I've been had

Now I get it, you were pretending to be retarded all along

the same tribunal dr peterson claimed was shit

now i get it

To be fair tho, the landlord is a nigger

>not taking your shoes off regardless of who owns or resides in the home

shiggy diggy

It's his own fault for renting to Muslims in the first place.

Muslims are one of the most ignorant and arrogant people in the world.They play the victim/minority card when they are the minority and kill other when they are the majority.Islam is fascist and dangerous ideology and must be kept in check.

You need to, and now more than ever before. Before you know it, they will be removing certain books from schools, libraries and bookstores. Hadji's are leaving the US for the great white north handout society. If you guys don't sort yourselves out soon, your country will be the Sweden of this hemisphere.

Human Rights Tribunals need to be fucking erased with extreme prejudice.
You can basically be fined in Canada for hurting people's fucking feelings. This shit has been going on for years, too.

I'm sorry friend

I understand your innate need to be apologetic

But why do Canadians keep gibbing monies to mudshits?

>The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Where do I move bros?

I'm not paying taxes in a muzzie country. Especially one that pays 10.5m to a fucking terrorist.

You live there, we don't. If you want things to change in your country, get involved and do something.

This needs to be reworked to make sense...

I'm pretty sure that's illegal now. The US must annex Canada. We have oil. Plz send troops.

Not actually news

Its also pretty rude to run over people with cars, and stabbing people with knives and hitting them with hammers, but what the fuck do I know?

Those 12k are in addition to the Dhimmi tax, right?

Aren't Canada's "human rights tribunals" just gangs of SJWs given the power to judge people? It's literally like a witch hunt against white males.

At least in the US, juries are required to be balanced or neutral.

Not knowing G stands for giga and clearly he was fined $1*10^9 dollars.

Because we wipe our fucking shoes off on an outside carpet you stupid frog. Are you a real frog, or some sand nigger living there on a handout?

being mean is a human rights violation to them

I guarantee the bottom of his shoes are cleaner than the feet of a dirty sandnigger.

God damnit Canada, you were so great 30 years ago, what happened?

>The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Put it in the fucking incinerator.

well turdeau said "christians are worst of canadians" so figures

Just paint some maple syrup over your front door on the day of the rake, and we'll pass you by. In all seriousness, you guys really need to do something before its too late.

>even when he is anonymous, he cannot admit fault
fucking lol

Canada racing hard to take the cuck crown from Sweden and German. C'mon lads, step up your game.

Is this real? Do they have actual authority to haul people in front of a tribunal?

It's already too late. There is no political solution. Even the conservative party is a bunch of globalist cucks.

Canada is a perfect example in our hemisphere of what things look like in a Western country when the identity politics SJW liberals take political control. Spoiler alert, its a shit show.

they terminated the rent, it's not like it was going to be their home much longer anyway

man its been neck and neck for a while now. Its like some fucked up competition of "Who can eradicate their own species in the most radical way first?"

So much government-enforced violence against their own population in deferment to Islam. Without a violent revolution The West is doomed.

Then get involved grassroots, and make it happen with people who really represent you. The best way to take back political control is local government, and working your way up from there. We did it, you can too.

This reeks of bullshit. I dont like Muslims either but it sounds like he was fined for showing the house without 24 hours notice, not for failing to remove his shoes.

1G is 1kkk

Tribunals are a joke. It's a jury that doesn't have to use law to guide it's decision. There isn't even voir dire. You can't pick your jurors and can get fucked by randomness.

Canada has decided that they don't care about justice anymore. Defining the rules in advance and being impartial is too much work. They do not deserve western civilization.

Juries are better than balanced, they are selected. They also have to rule based only on law and evidence.


Landlord is probably a douchebag and didn't respect the visitation laws, like they never fucking do, showing up at 7am almost bashing down my door to install new heating.

As a landlord you can't just show up at people's home, you need to give them 24h advance warning, that's probably why he was forced to pay.

Wow...I've never heard of this before. I know that real laws have been passed, but these "tribunals" have a certain ring to them.

I wonder if those people will switch to kepi caps, brow shirts and jackboots?

>Is it against the law to refuse to rent to these people in Canada?
Of course. However it is not against the law to not rent out homes at all.

i was in afghanistan and went into a living area.
unknown to me, i was standing on their prayer rugs. i thought they were going to chimp out but i was the one with firearms and explosives.

>As a landlord you can't just show up at people's home, you need to give them 24h advance warning
That's nice. Our landlords have to give a two weeks warning and have to agree to an alternate appointment if the tenant is busy.

The thing is you're allowed to because of that beautiful thing called the 1st Amendment. We get put in front of joke judges like the poor sap in the OP if we say anything too "controversial". The exceptions are people like Peterson who had a long standing reputation just barely shielding him from these kinds of charges as well as a groundswell of support. Our country is a joke.

I hate this country.
I hate this planet.
I hate my life.

Build Northern Wall
Make Leafistan Pay For It

Not many PC types out here in the boonies, must be a Toronto thing

>human rights now involve not wearing shoes on property you own

The level of dictatorship and goodthink here is amazing.

>i thought they were going to chimp out but i was the one with firearms and explosives.
And thus you've learned life's only lesson: He with the bigger stick, wins.

We need to abandon this so-called civilization, arm up like Neo-Vikings, and just raid these shithole cities we created until they're all ashes. They're infested with parasites, and like any good fire sale, everything must go.

And? I'm Canadian and I'm ok with this. If you disrespect someone's faith you should get punished, no matter if he's Christian, muslim, jewish or something else

People disrespect Christians all the time and nothing happens -- look at the faggots dressed as priests and nuns during "Pride" parades, for example. There is no universal standard being applied here, just hypocrisy and bullying

A Jew could burn a Bible or a Muslim wipe his ass on a crucifix and nothing would happen and you know it. Enforced double-standards is the hallmark of tyranny.

Change your flag. Hindus are on the same coin. Except you rape more than you kill.

>wearing shoe in house.
luckily im not retarded like Americans

Can we please put the wall on hold until we've got a northern wall in place?

Wut? He's the property owner. He is allowed to enter in whatever manner required if he gives legal advance notice. You can't just declare a part of your rental a holy site and sue whenever the owner breaks one of your arbitrary rules.

He should appeal this to a real court.

I don't even understand how these fake court tribunals even have any legal power

They're basically completely outside of the law and run by people who are not judges or lawyers. It shouldn't even be legal for them to exist.

How can other countries even compete

That's only Canada, don't lump us in with those cucks

Yes Please... Build a Northern wall... Sick of the Illegals that are crossing from the U.S.A. to Canada... Make sure it has Lazer turrets please.

>Human Rights Tribunal

t. Ahmed


>Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Quite literally a fucking Kangaroo Court. Ontarians would do well to put the place to the torch.

If things get worse, which they probably will, there will be an additional unoccupied property tax to address the "access to housing" "pandemic" or some other such scare term.

Everything is just so fucked.

Gotta pay for those million dollar settlements to terrorists that have killed western soldiers somehow!

So? That's still his home till the day he leaves. Maybe we can learn something from the mussies about upholding the dignity of your territory.

They learned from their closest enemies. To defeat the Jew, you must become the Jew.

>"I go beyond all that. I just see everybody as human beings like me. That’s why I took them in," Alabi told the Toronto Sun in May. "We got along. And then all of a sudden I’m a racist?"

Lesson learned, I hope.