A recent research paper done at Berkerly reported that women have melanin receptors lining the surface of their vaginal walls. They have concluded from this that Women sub consciously seek out darker men and cum more intensely when having unprotected intercourse with brown and black cocks. Even Bill Nye has gone on record supporting this fact.
A recent research paper done at Berkerly reported that women have melanin receptors lining the surface of their vaginal...
Tall DARK and handsome.
No matter how much whitey bitches and moans about it, women have always secretly craved the BBC.
the kike that owns this is enemy number one on the day of the rope.
This is one of the biggest BULLSHITS I ever read.
Link please, kek
can you at least post a fake link to go with your fake news? Low effort drongo
Also from personal experience some of the white girls I have fucked ended up missing me when we splitted. Lol
This porn fetish,rather than promoting some kind of alien masculinity, an African threat to the European man, is actually beneath it all the worship of the feminine. It is all about the female's supposed extra pleasure she's receiving from the experience. It's nevertheless all about her, the center of gravity rests on her arousal. All modern pornography is about the woman, and this genre is no different. It stems all the way from the worship of the virgin Mother Mary in the medieval period, which placed the Western female at the head of things most sacred in our psychology: this is just the degenerated, urban version of that same worship. Contrast this pornography with the erotic frescoes found in the ruins of Pompeii. Although it was common to depict the men as darker because of tanning and their common place to be outside the home instead of indoors, the shades are dark enough in some pictures for us to assume that they were foreigners. These ruins are from a severely decadent, degenerated period of the Grecco-Roman civilization (much further along than ours), but they still contain a shred of the psychology of their civilization, which is the appreciation of bodies and the present: all of it is male-focused, all of it is phalluses and priapuses, and all the sex scenes display the phallic sensuousness that had become a homoerotic vulgarity.
In both cases, it is not at all about the foreigner, whether Syriac-Carthagian or African. The foreigner even present at all is only the result of a decay and expanded civilization that is losing its way. It main purpose of the pornography is to play with the psychology of the respective civilization, for them the action of the male, for us the pleasure of the female. Think about it, the only reason any of you find this attractive is only because the woman is supposedly enjoying it "so much more" in the mythological schema of the fetish. It is about her, not about the man
This is the end of the Mary's worship
>no one notices the flag
>everyone gets butthurt right away
keep going lad
Nice pasta, are you the same swamp german who bitched about chokers a while ago?
This is what women CRAVE
giant whale dick
How can humans even compete?
kek nice meme women hate niggers
never seen nigger porn like this outside professional industries
>melanin receptor
Melanin isn't a ligand you absolute faggot.
Is this a bot or do (((they))) pay you to spam this shit endlessly on here?
No, I am not "the same swamp german who bitched about chokers a while ago"
>Even Bill Nye
Austrilia-- shitposting within the shitpost
Which is why Blacks are always last in every preference chart?
Holy ShareBlue Batman!
2 race mixing threads on the first page!
You both seem to act the same in thought. You just used copy pasta though.
>Cuck fetish sting among blue collar workers.
Feels good knowing there men willing to give up their wife.
>Even Bill Nye has gone on record supporting this fact.
what tha fuck..i'm 5 and what is this....
Bill the cuck Nye? OMGAWWWD now it must be FACTUAL INFORMATION!
OP: please go die on leddit
>no sources
Sage this is utter bullshit. Another attempt at detailing. It's fucking bad tonight, every second thread is literal trash.
Auscuck again
Nice faggot shit post. Let's reinvent the wheel why don't we cause copy-pasta is bad. Piss off you fucking nigger Jew.
That's absolute bollocks.
God the kids today and their kids will be so fucked.
>Bill Nye
that's irrelevant.
just like europe.
>melanin receptors
What does that mean?
the simple truth is we all just want to be liked and to be told how special we are
this is why people are always going on about their heritage and the achievements of greater men that happened to have the same skin tone as them.
>melanin receptors
Go plow an abbo.
Her body is disgusting tho
It's not shareblue newfag
Aussies have been posting this shit for years
I mean, it could be plausible reason why cocks tend to be darker than the rest of a man's body.
Go to a doctor
I came here for this
How would rubbing skin with skin even stimulate such a receptor if it even existed?