JW - The Religion for Sup Forums?

Sup Forums says; The world is full of Degenerates, and Drug Addicts ruining society.
>You are Ousted from the Organization for unrepentantly persisting with these behaviours

Sup Forums says; Christianity is full of infighting even amongst people who claim to be of the same faith (See Steve Anderson)
>The last in-fighting JW's ever had was over a misunderstanding in 1914 and has never happened since

Sup Forums says; Women are turning into Feminist Sluts with 20 peircings in their faces and no respect for strong Alpha men.
>JW Women dress modestly and if they don't, they are informally warned not to continue doing so.
>JW Women are not permitted to take the lead in Worship although are very active in the preaching work and are very happy in this Role.

Sup Forums says; Men are being systematically turned into Beta Cucks with no Balls.
>The JW Men are Alpha's through and through, most are self employed and with an obedient Wife and Children.

Sup Forums says; Flamboyant Homo's are disgusting and need to stop.
>Find me an Active JW who acts in this way. pro-tip - you can't because it's a sin.

Sup Forums says; People in positions of Power in our countries are liars and can't be trusted.
>JW's don't lie, it would kill our conscience if we did.

Sup Forums says; Most Christian denominations are full of Idol Worship and Paedophilia
>JW's would never resort to Idol worship >Paedophiles, if found out, are dealt with by Police. We don't protect Pedo's. Don't believe what you've been told about us there.

Sup Forums says; Taking the Red-Pill is too depressing and makes it almost inpossible to be happy.
>The red-pill Jehovah gives you is Easy to Swallow brings you a Joy you have never experienced in your life. Study your Bible with good honest hearted men who genuinely care about you.

I REALLY could go on but what I really want to say is; please go find your nearest Kingdom Hall and ask for a Bible study. Jehovah will bring this Horrid World to an end soon and I don't want you to die user's.

Other urls found in this thread:


Be forewarned it's very culty.

Your own mother will disown you if you try to get out after getting in.

Ticket to hell

Jews caused this. Why would I join them?

>Be forewarned it's very culty.
No we're not. That meme is just getting old at this point.

>our own mother will disown you if you try to get out after getting in.
Without knowing the specifics of this particular situation, I cannot comment one way or another.

But if they got disfellowshipped then the Mother was completely within her rights to shun her own Son on Biblical grounds.

Matthew 10: 25 - 37
35 - For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 - Indeed, a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. 37 - Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me

Thats a poor excuse and you know it. Come on, don't do this to yourself. It's only you who is going to suffer. JW's aren't in the least bit affected by your cynicism.

>But if they got disfellowshipped then the Mother was completely within her rights to shun her own Son on Biblical grounds.
I'm not sure if there was any official disfellowshipping or not. The point is the members will cut you off entirely if you try to leave the cult.

On the other hand if you stay in the cult you get all the benefits of the cult. I would rate Mormons as being less culty.

that is a myth, i was raised as a JW until i was 17 in a congregation of about 200 members, they were all welcoming of outsiders and you never had to attend a meeting, even current members could always get private bible studys and help from the elders. some people spanked their kids, others did not, some celebrated birthdays, others did not, some came every meeting, some once a month but it didnt matter because we were all brothers and sisters. everyone is really friendly, its a shame that the only storys you here are about those false JWs who have their own interpretation of it and try to assert that over others, 99% are not like that. the only reason why i left was because a lot of stuff happened in my life that i needed to focus on, i know that i would be welcomed back if i ever returned though.

There are some in my family.

Granted like all cults the majority get along fine. I'm just saying of all denominations this one is way more likely to land you in trouble if you're not happy with it, and has rather a strong tendency toward doctrinaire fakery because of all the Jew style rules.

I was looking into JW actually but I don't like their regressive stance on women. Also, active religion seems like a lot of work.

You have been lied to about that my friend.

It soes truly Sadden me that you believe that a God who describes himself AS Love would create a place for Human beings who did wrong, that would turture then eternally for having done so. Why? What a complete waste of Time and how can that be born out of Love?

It's time you got to know your Creator, Jehovah.

This is not JEWS. Its JWs.

I don't see them on a negative light, they are fellow Christians. God bless all Christians with good hearts.

>Why Jehovah Witnesses are a Bunch of Losers


>I'm not sure if there was any official disfellowshipping or not. The point is the members will cut you off entirely if you try to leave the cult.
Not a Cult. It's a Christian Organisation who preaches the The Bible. Do you describe other Christians as Cults too or just us?

>I would rate Mormons as being less culty.
Mormons do not follow the Bible fully as we do.

JW people are cool, they come to us every 2 weeks to bring their little propaganda. I always have a nice laugh on the toilet.

I would call Mormons a cult, too.

For loose definitions of cults, I'd call pretty much all sects cults, but JW is on the far end of it.

Please do come back. You know how happy it would make everyone in your congregation?

You obviously have a good heart and still defend your Brothers and Sisters. Good for you but Jehovah needs you back in the Congregation. He can do much more with you than when you're not. Think about that.

You seem to find protection in these words. You are being very defensive with this kind of language and refuse to open your heart to accept the Truth of who we are and who Jehovah God is. I hope Jehovah opens your heart one day.

>Jewhova witnesses
You have to go back

>I was looking into JW actually but I don't like their regressive stance on women. Also, active religion seems like a lot of work.
The last line of your sentence made me chuckle if I'm being honest. Yes, it is work. That's why Jesus describes Preaching as being like Harvest Time. Go ask any Farmer about how hard THAT is! ha

Why are you put off by Hard Work?

Pic related is the tombstone of Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Jehovah witness congregation.

I was born and raised in the Jehovah's Witnesses, and I left for a multitude of reasons.

The most prominent of which being their constant armageddon doomsday shilling. It's honestly sad. These people forgo higher education in favor of "spiritual endeavors", and die flat broke, only to cement their children and children's children into the exact same process, because "a-any d-day now..."

>The JW Men are Alpha's through and through, most are self employed and with an obedient Wife and Children.

Nice try. The JW Men make pennies on the dollar doing bitchwork in the trades and play video games well into their 30s.


He hides insecurely behind his Anger for everything and everyone.

>letting a group of shady people in (((Brooklyn))) control every aspect of your entire life

No thanks. Worshipping Oden is more fun.

My family are JWs, so let me give two perspectives. My great grandmother joined the church after her husband walked out on her, because JW missionaries saw a mother burning torn apart furniture to keep her daughters warm and immediately brought food and blankets and offered to let them stay in the Kingdom Hall if they ever needed. JWs as a group have fairly solid morals.

Three decades later my aunt was raped by a member of the church. This particular congregation had a policy that a male witness needed to be present during the act for any allegations of sexual misconduct to hold any water. For pressing the issue, my aunt was excommunicated. For speaking out about it, my mother was excommunicated. My grandmother cut all contact with them for bringing shame unto the church. Individual JWs can be fucked up people.

With all due respect, no.

I can't even get out of bed most days. People engaged in these religions seem to have so much energy. Imagine going to work AND some big religious thing all in the same day. Yikes.

Accurate. One of my uncles is a NEET virgin that lived with his mother and played video games all day well into his 30s.

Not really. I'd rate the Jews as much more of a cult than most any Christian sect.

I'm Christian btw and I have no personal animosity toward any of the various sects. There are plenty of weird offshoot versions of it, but, like any doctrine, the strictest sorts always less tolerance for being outside of the expectations.

Fake News

Russell is NOT buried under a pyramid. The pyramid was built in the middle of the cemetery.

The pyramid was erected after his death by J.A. Bohnet a Bible Student. The monument was built in the middle of the WTS plot in the cemetery. It was to be a marker of sorts for the Bible House family (those who worked at the headquarters in Pa). The pyramid contains a cross, crown and wreath symbol, scripture quotes, an open book which has names of Bible Students who died and were buried in the cemetery.

Wont let me post link

That energy you speak of, is not 100% them

Jehovah gives you the strength to make those changes and the power to do what is beyond normal for yourself.

If you allow Jehovah to open your heart and ask for him to strengthen you, he will do so.

Praying is not hard, is it.?

Yeah, it kinda is.

He wasn't the founder of JW's.
He founded the Printing organization that got Bible students together to print their material. He also used it to print his own ideas. But most of his ideas were thrown out by Rutherford.
Rutherford founded the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Charles Taze Russell was just one guy in a line of people that included Jonas Wendell, George Storrs, Henry Grew, Nelson H. Barbour, and many, many others. The difference between them and Russell was that Russell had money to study their work and print it.
Russel took over that Printing Organization of Bible Students and founded the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Last sentence was suppose to say.

*Rutherford took over the printing organization of Bible Students and founded the Jehovah's Witnesses.

I got that. i didn't feel the need to correct you as you had stated it earlier in the post too. Thanks for defending. Are you a Brother?

Anderson is a complete cuck.


I never really believed of what my dad said about the great tribulation of events that were supposed to happen in our generation. But now i see that he was right!

Don't you think this is the wrong place to preach. I mean, just being here can already cause temptations and straying away from the path of light.

I don't believe in a god, and I will never understand how "the one true religion." can be so fractured.

meant for

Yes and no. I see what you are saying. And yes I suppose there is an element of temptation and danger. So I wouldn't make it a regular thing to come here and Preach all the time. But I find Sup Forums has been very effective to reach people. There are a lot of people here who want answers and more importantly, want the truth. And If I can drop a few posts here and there to help them find that path, then great I say! But I wouldn't go on any other of the boards. I like to keep up with current affairs also and the MSM does a terrible Job of this, they have accused JW's since day one and I consider them an enemy to us. I find here and other online places quite reliable some of the time.

Is it the wrong place to preach?
erm..... Put it this way I wouldn't base a whole ministry on preaching to Sup Forums but Sup Forums needs saving too you know. A lot of them probably don't go outside much and interact with other people so, why not reach them here on occasion?

jw are no even christians
they are Arian sect

>JW - The Religion for Sup Forums

sorry bro, JW is false, no salvation in it, theology is as if Jesus hasnt existed.

Jesus and his sacrifice leads to salvation. That is the core testament of true religion.

OP has some good points.

As long as they don't pervert Christanity, they should be blessed in the eyes of God.

It might be better to keep most if it to some Christian general or other, where there's already a JW guy who posts some interesting things. I personally don't care if there's an odd JW thread once in a blue moon, but folks are going to get irritated if there are 10 Chrisitian threads in the catalog at any given time.

Religion is a pretty critical component of political discussion, and Sup Forums is a great place to discuss it, but as a dedicated topic it's one of the many perhaps technically off-topic things that are tolerated in large part when it doesn't bother people.

Wait, Witnesses don't believe in the divinity of Christ?



I didn't know what that meant at first, I thought you were accusing us of being racists! lol

Yes, Jesus is the SON of God, not God the Father himself in three persons.

The Jews never believed this, the first century Christians and Apostles never thought this either. The Trinity is Modern-day Babylonian and Pagan Multi-God Worship, repackaged by Satan for Duped Christians.

>Wait, Witnesses don't believe in the divinity of Christ?

DUH! but whats worse, Jesus doesnt even play a major role in salvation, he is more like a major prophet.

The do seem like nice people generally.

>The Jews never believed this, the first century Christians and Apostles never thought this either. The Trinity is Modern-day Babylonian and Pagan Multi-God Worship, repackaged by Satan for Duped Christians.

and the Spirit of God flew above the waters...1st chapter of the Bible.

>tfw jews killed the messiah they're still waiting for

read John 1

you heretic

>sorry bro, JW is false, no salvation in it, theology is as if Jesus hasnt existed.

>Jesus and his sacrifice leads to salvation. That is the core testament of true religion.
Jesus' Sacrifice made Salvation possible, of course but there is more involved in becoming a Christian than just Worshiping Jesus.
>Repenting of Sins
>Obeying Commandments
>Preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom
>Worship Jehovah

Agreed. I just wanted to Start a specific JW Thread... It very rarely gets done so I thought why not. None of the other threads were interesting to lurk in so I started my own.

But I appreciate your advice.

>Jesus doesnt even play a major role in salvation
That's not true at all.

They believe that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation. Which makes him the Son of God. That with his Father he created all things as master worker. That he died to save mankind to balance the scales and prove that man can die perfect and is worth saving. Which makes him the savior. Salvation entirely is about his act. And he is the second most powerful being in the universe and was given then thrown by his Father to be King over all things.

>>Repenting of Sins
>>Obeying Commandments
>>Preaching the Good News of God's Kingdom
>>Worship Jehovah

...and even if you do that, you cant be certain in your salvation, JW is actually quite similar to catholicism, salvation by works, but you cant be sure in it, also highly centralized.

>salvation by works
That's false, though. You can reach salvation even without preaching. If you're a good person then god will give you a chance.

Careful, some of the Catholics and Orthodox around here will start screaming you're not a Christian for being Non-Trinitarian.

OP has based knowledge.

>quoting anything from the New World Translation

Gimme a fucking break. The word of god is not to be altered by man to fit their version of Christianity. And no man has the authority to insert themselves directly between Christ and his flock, which your so-called Governing Body has blatantly done. The Watchtower org is nothing but an American doomsday cult, falsely proclaiming an end to this system of things that never, EVER comes. They are a billion dollar company, complete with Jewish lawyers and accountants, who harbor pedophiles, rapists, and thieves.

>The word of god is not to be altered by man to fit their version of Christianity
like that hasn't already been done ages ago. You think the people who could read/write didn't adjust it to better suit their needs and to help control all the peasants?

>like that hasn't already been done ages ago. You think the people who could read/write didn't adjust it to better suit their needs and to help control all the peasants?

Being this stupid , the bible is still the same after 2000 years .

p. sure Christianity has continued to branch, develop 20 different translations, hold councils to add/remove books and verses, etc.

You can call all that subversion and only your Real Bible and Real Interpretation are the Real Truth, but it's all been a source of pretty endless debate since even before they #rekt Jesus on a cross apparently out of disagreement.

keep fighting the good fight OP

Top fucking kek, I was looking for a post like this and was not disappointed.
>a-any day now
Truly this is the end of days, fuck off OP.

It can't be the religion for Sup Forums because real JW's are politically neutral like how Jesus was. They don't vote, they don't fight in wars, they don't meddle in politics, they would rather go to prison than serve in the military, they obey the law of man but the law of god must always be obeyed before man.

Oh yeah and before anyone brings them up in fighting in WW2 or WW1 they had to learn accurate bible knowledge over the years so of course mistakes were made before they found out.

Pol are Libertarian Gnostics.

Im taking bible studies with an elder ,pretty based

You call your dogma "the truth" right?
As in "how long have you been in the truth brother?"
And "when did you get the truth?"
If you lurk here long enough, you will see that real truth doeasn't work that way.

Hang around son, you might learn a thing or two.

t. Born and raised JW - it fucked up a great family.

The "truth" is great... Until you learn it's a masterful lie.

Read 2 Corinthians 4:4. Just because there's a definite article before theos doesn't mean its talking about God.

Witnessing through Sup Forums does not mean you can count evangelism hours son.

This. JW's are the more bible-oriented version of Mormons, so they're fine in my book. I might hate that they bother me so often, but i respect them as devout (mostly) knowledgeable christians. Did i mention they're way better than Mormons?

>posting on Sup Forums as an active, believing JW

Why? This place is full of political discussion, porn, and racism. If the elders find you out you'll be in hot water.

Anons reading this, don't consider the JWs unless you've truly got nothing to lose. You'll have to shave your beard, be expected to throw out CDs, DVDs, and vidya which might offend other members, and you'll have to stop being racist. Also look up the WTS membership in the UN, among other scandals

Any Scary Perry fans itt?