The Final Solution

>"I'm a real man, trust me!"
How do we end this neo-Weimar decadence?

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft


Thank g-d they circumcised it first!

I don't even know what I'm looking at.


frankenpenis on a mentally ill woman

>get a fake dick
>they make it circumcised and even add the scar

Are those images in the correct order?

That's the flesh tube they stitch on to you if you're FtM.

You'll be an eternal shower. It's like having a permanent dildo stuck to your crotch.

thats probably the realist looking dick ive seen in a long time.

feminine penis!

see this is just shitty but OPs one looks OKAY for a fake dick

are there women that let those "men" penetrate them with those things?

>hair on dick tip

fuckkkkk its all hairy and shit, covered in fucking scabs. Looks like a fucking weiner you'd find in a snackables lunch

Lol its like three different skin tones. What's it stuffed with?

>tfw have to shave your dick now

I don't know about you guys but I see some good from this sort of shit. Imagine losing your dick to some crazy girl with scissors or in a freak accident - doctors have been getting so much training and experience in creating / restoring penises that soon they can just stick a new one back on a dude.

plus the trannies will commit sudoku when they get tired of shaving the end of their franken-weiner

I've been on the internet long enough to know that some women will fuck anything. Except me, of course.

I'm worried about that too.

the story differs greatly depending on the order of the pictures.

>pay thousands of dollars for a circumcised penis

It's better than a circumcised penis. It has a lump of skin just behind the glans like a real penis.


the fug

>having to shave the tip of your dick

Oh god n-no.

>that stubble

Just get laser hair removal you prude.

Don't you want them shooting lasers at your dick tip?

Don't these things get infected I mean look at the fucking state of it how does the body even accept it?

Why not go for a fucking 3ft dong? Fuck these pussies

Op is mentally ill for saving that image and posting it. What a horrible life he must have

It's made out of other bits of her body.

Which is worse?

brb purging my drive

God has forsaken us.

JUST end this thread

Jesus returns or WW3. Whichever comes first.

>it's just a piece of a thigh

I'd kill myself if I knew that and had that done.


are those teeth? what the fuck is that

you guys are ruining my brain image at image

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! I shouldn't laugh because this person is clearly fucked in the head, but given the state of everything and how proud these freaks are to attack all that is good in this world, fuck it. I can only hope that it takes out as many of its supporters as possible before killing itself.

>be me
>be FtM
>get HRT
>finally save up enough sheckels for SRS
>finally go on date with qt3.14
>she thinks my beard is handsome and my eyes are pretty
>go back to my place
>she takes off my pants
>starts screaming "WHAT IS THAT. WHAT IS THAT."
>"A cock!"
>"I am NOT putting that INSIDE of MY body!"
>roll my eyes "How can you be SO transphobic"
>she stops crying when she realizes how bigoted she is
>push her onto the bed
>"Don't worry. I tried it out before they sewed it on me. Feels like a corndog with the meat on the outside."
>can't get tried for rape because people are afraid of being transphobic
>finally a man

makes me want to fuckig vomit. Nothing ever get's to me on this board, but that does.

Anyone have the thread cap where the guy finds out that his """""gf""""" is actually a post op tranny?

>chp wants this for turkey

Fucking hell.

at least we can take solace in the fact that almost all of these "people" are genetic dead ends.

>hair on dick

isis videos are easier to watch

W-why does this make me hungry ?

>hair in gina

Somewhere out there, there is a mentally ill man who paid some Jew money for him to cut his dick up into...that

they didnt end there because of their genetics, they can still adopt and pass on their cancerous ideas


hourly reminder that jews started the trans shit in the 1920'ies



>sexual intercourse at least twice a week
As if these trannies can actually get laid. Haha.

I'm surprised I haven't seen some videos of men cutting their dicks of with Hatchets on Sup Forums.

I stumbled upon that website when I was 8 or 10.
Parentanons, make sure you filter what your kids do on the interwebs.

>or dilate

>he doesn't want to stick his dick into a gaping wound that has to be dilated so it doesn't close up
What are you, some sort of faggot?

>implying theses freaks dont cryogenically store their sperm


Can it get hard? What about balls? Where is that vein attatched to? Why is the glans the same material as the shaft? Is this like an extendoclit?



Disgusting shit, I bet this is in Germany

that's why i said almost.




Jesus christ. This level of degeneracy is more than even I can bear.

Wait did they cut it off or reverse?

Jesus Christ is that pic legit?

>get ill
>go to hospital
>need surgery but you're put on hold because there the surgeons are busy putting fake dicks or vaginas on mentally insane people

I can't help but laugh at it every time I see it.

No. This is how we know and repulse the world.

Also I didn't sage just forgot to take the namefag name off


It's the """penis""" that a Jew doctor fashion's from the skin and flesh on one's inner thigh for a mentally ill woman
As far as I know

There is no or.

It's dilate or let that wound close.

You think a dick can't tell the difference between soft, supple pussy and this monstrosity? Haha

welp that's it, I can't tell the difference between trans and normal now

I think they have a separate button to activate an erection but I'm not sure.

Absolutely disgusting

I've found a new level of disgust with these people that I didn't think could be achieved. This is some frankenstein shit, how can they look at this or this and then say it's normal? What the actual fuck is going on?

looks like an empty eye socket


B-button? What do you mean..

like this but with fake dick

>intercourse a minimum of twice a week for the rest of your life
>The rest on your life

I've never been more proud of my little guy

He's all natural!

>intercourse a minimum of twice a week for the rest of your life
only about 5 years or so

can't they be happy just being faggots

fuck you...

atleast you can take confort in the fact that these faggots will essentialy sterilize themselfes when the get their surgical wound by docter goldberg.

Because they kill themselves after 5 years?

That was my reaction.


What I don't understand is this.
If you are gay and you want to fuck men why do you mutilate yourself?

>gay men won't fuck you because you look like a woman
>straight men won't fuck you because you look like a men

same shit for lesbians, gay people should strive to be as attractive as possible for other gay people.

Here is a cute gif of a crab eating a cherry

fyi you can break your dick and need to get one of these to get hard.

We truly are living in the end of times. Please Lord, burn it all down. Start that demon/alien/zombie invasion already, or is it that we are already in hell?

The pissing Scene made me hard.