An idea for dealing with antifa, use sock accounts to push real accounts to follow extreme hashtags for example #DownWithGayPride (about how gay pride is offensive to muslims.)
#PrideIsWhite (About how gay pride should be stopped because it's disproportionately white) #GayPrideIsIslamophobic
I think this could do well at breaking the media narrative that antifa is anti fascist and peaceful.
An idea for dealing with antifa...
Other urls found in this thread:
I was actually thinking the same thing. We could create fake antifa gatherings and piss them off. Give quotes from Hitler about anything not related to white people and maybe replace Jews with Israel. Of course on the page itself unless you feel like taking it really far.
Why are the most effective militias fighting against ISIS leftists (the Kurdish YPG/PKK) and why is there no significant right wing militias fighting against them?
Why is the right only concerned with the muh free speech of autistic college geeks who like to "praise kek" and love shadilay XDDD?
Why is it not concerned with Germany's censorship of Kurdish symbols such as the YPG flag?
Why is it not concerned with the freedom of people like Josh Walker, who risked his life to fight ISIS, and is now being prosecuted in the UK under terrorism charges for merely owning a copy of a book?
Why is democratic confederalism the only ideology with a real chance of stabilising and democratising the middle east?
Why are you still a capitalist cuck and why haven't you taken up the rifle against ISIS, The State and Capitalism?
Call yourselves nationalists? The Kurdish are the only real nationalist on earth right now.
Fuck ISIS, Fuck Turks, Fuck Capitalist Imperialism.
Pick related is an actual group fighting Islamic fascism on the ground.
Why is the right doing nothing? Why do they have no answers?
Someone should drop a hint to local football/sports hoolicans how easy it would be to infiltrate Antifa mob and attack them from within their own crowd.
Harmless, justifiable and non-punishable (cops are busy) recreational violence fun to be had outside sports season.
And you are protecting your own town's businesses from outsiders looting and destroying them.
why are you pro ISIS?
Every middle eastern group fighting for autonomy in Syria right now is simply a different terrorist organization that will use their newly acquired autonomy to destabilize the region in the same fashion that isis did. America just needs to make places like syria and Iraq vassal states and hold the territory until they submit to the American way of life.
>why is the far right not dying for sand nigger socialists?
really activated the ol' almonds with this question
>fighting against Islamic terrorists in order to establish a democratic confederation
Are you really a fucking American? What they are essentially doing is 1776 but for the 21st century.
>vassal states
when has that ever worked in history? This is what you retards tried to do all through Latin America and look what happened, you fucked it entirely and its a cocaine fueled hellhole with all the countries on earth with the highest murder rates (bar Cuba, the only country that managed to resist imperialism, which has lower crime rates than the US)
So you are pro Turk Roach and Pro ISIS then? Okay Ahmed whatever you say, but your pro Sharia, cucked, pathetic faux nationalism deserves only the bullets of the AK 47
When did he say that
the enemy of my enemy isn't my friend. it's a shame they can't both lose.
We all know the tactics of destabilization. They have been effected against us. Why not apply them to others?
your system of unspeakable suffering and misery doesn't even deserve God-tier 7.62mm bullets. i hope you get the icepick (like uncle trotsky)
>tfw thread has been derailed
If you are not supporting those who are fighting ISIS and those who support them I.E Turkey, I.E international capitalism mainly through Saudi Arabia but also with US sources of funding closely related to Hillary Clinton, then you are pro ISIS
What reason do you have for the Kurdish people to be your enemy?
Name one time in history when Democratic Confederalism has caused "unspeakable suffering" and not national Liberation from Islamic fascism?
You're Turk mod bumplocked by thread so I decided to jump in on this one
They know each other in the mob if they see a person they don't know its mostly one warning if you don't leave the mob they will attack you , of course you could do that if there is a big demo but then it's probably 500 antifa vs a few hundred anti antifa members so yeah it wouldn't work like this ...
The antifa in europe is organised it like the tranny faggot America antifa
Once you get enough accounts someone could false flag a fake bomb tip about antifa, then make it viral to get some outside attention
and yet, you get stomped by this horde of trannies every time, and every time it is daddy state that has to protect you.
Just like in Kurdistan, only daddy state protects and funds the Islamists
see, all you have is false flags, pretending you enemy is something they are not.
Sounds exactly like the kind of work the CIA have done all over the world to destabilise sovereign governments.
and here was me thinking Sup Forums was supposed to be anti establishment?
lol, this place is nothing but neocon retards
Let's say i am a proper Nazi from Germany, who works as an informant for the police.
Let's say i get paid 250€ to dress up in black and join Antifa protests, to take pictures of them, and see where they live.
Let's say i am a well accepted member of Antifa, who is collecting massive amount of information, that will lead in people go to prison.
Let's say, that alot of Antifas from the Hamburg protests, will have their home stormed by the SEK.
Hey Ian, viel Spaß im Gefängnis!
Hah, you kids don't know anything!
For germans and germany right now: focus on their violence, looting and the parties supporting them, namely SPD, DieLinke and Grüne.
CDU also finances them but it's not wise to try to bash CDU with this since the party still has a conservative image and people won't easily believe that they have ties to antifa.
Also, point out how leftist media and MSM either do not report on this, downplay this or even blame right wingers... yes, they actually do that.
Do NOT overdo it, do NOT push shitty pepe kekistan trash memes on them, if you overdo it, you will lose the normies.
Ridicule antifa and leftists, point to their hypocrisy, attack them out of their comfort zone, never leave your comfort zone, stay civil, let them make the mistakes.
>where are the right wingers fighting ISIS
ISIS is the equivalent of the right wing of Islam. Its ultra conservative and by default forces other more moderate conservative muslims to side with these largely left wing coalitions to fight them.
Because like the far leaning political left, who view people who dont hold their extremely liberal views as nazis, ISIS views those who dont hold their exremely conservative views of Islam as false/non believers. So if it seems like there arent right wingers fighting ISIS its because the most extreme of them are in ISIS while the more moderate have joined normally left leaning groups to fight them
science-fiction novels from the 70s have already covered theories of population control of the future which is terrifyingly close to home. The governments want to enable homosexuals, trannies and degenerates and then make heterosexuality a mental illness so they can control breeding, being straight will soon be outlawed because the population of the future is full left and retarded that let the commies get into power and become the fascist.
Friendly reminder that this is the real antifa:
>show up in Lucca (italy) to protest against capitalism and imperialism
>march carrying a makeshift fence-barrier thing.
>start chanting like spartan warriors from the movie 300 and taunting riot cops.
>police charges
>their little improvised anti-cop shield falls after 10 seconds under a rain of truncheon blows
>they start running away like little bitches, despite outnumbering cops 10 to 1.
>cops keep chasing and beating them for half the city, arresting anyone who falls behind from the main group
And I laugh at Lauren Southern, after she went to g20 and was all convinced that "Hurr American antifags are babies, European antifags are the real deal, scary and dangerous".
There is no such thing as an antifa that isn't a giant drunk limp-wristed clown. They act all mighty when they are facing law enforcement agencies whose hands are tied due to shitty legislation that prevents them from subduing protesters through lawful force. But when they are up against a police force that doesn't have to worry about silly bullshit like police brutality or excessive force, they run like little scared chicken.
The next g20 is going to be held in Buenos Aires. I'm really looking forward to it.
>What reason do you have for the Kurdish people to be your enemy?
They are not white.
silly gommie, /ourguy/s Assad and Putin are fighting Isis
also the kurdish leftist meme is overstated, they are mainly in it for ethnonationalism which is alright by us
>get paid 250€
>steals kindersekt