Israel wants to block Soros


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You alone Luciferian deceiving faggots



Greatest ally strikes again, keeping America on track and the only democracy in the Middle East.
כל הכבוד

Truly the greatest ally

Can't you guys just take him out? Seems easier than passing legislation.

Yes goyim, we are totally against him!

You know your a bad Jew when even the Jews are willing to name the Jew.

One rule for jews another for goyim israel is pushing for hungary to stop their adds against him.

In my experience, othrodox and Israeli jews hate the amoral, western/cosmopolitan jew as much as we do.

>israel lawmaker
dumb kike publicity stunt.


Did you leave out the part it's only for israel? they did the same with "menm"

They know what i causes so they don't want it in israel, but any goy country is fine

The בלמפט hebrew means 'hoax'



They're not doing it for us. He's meddling in their shit now, so now they care. Greedy fucking kikes

Soros Law.

You guys were slow on this one.
We are lacking too.
And I doubt our actual president is willing to stop NGO interferences in everything conceivable.
After all, NGOs are a front for intelligence related work.
Knowing how Soros can go away with murder, he must have some dirty shit on a lot of countries.

The jews are out jewing the Giga-Jew?!
What a time to be alive.


Hungarian news site seems to be pretty interested in all this Soros Israel stuff, any Hungarian here can make sure it gets reported in your country?

What a goy! What a gent!


Stopped reading there. Socialist cunts.



How much a jewspiracy is this :thinking:

Fucking what?

Nice try schlomo

Permit me to doubt it .. it's just a other evil Rothschild trick.. they sacrificed their own kin since 1666 no problems..

There is no such word in Hebrew stupid bong.
He tried to type with Hebrew letters bump which would've been באמפ or במפ.

Faggots won't even apologize and still demonizing and defaming the honorable Miklos Horthy.

It was retracted

this is just further proof of it. soros funds leftist groups all over the west, and then tries to block their funding in israel.

if this isn't proof enough for all the kikelovers here i don't know what is.

Thank you

I'm sure it's some kind of stunt. Or if they name him publicly he'll probably cough some money up for their interests


We already did! Leave me alone goy

Soros is a world-wide criminal, he should be jailed and get his wealth confiscated.
It's so obvious that he has influence over several european and asian countries. Sickening.

so I guess we have now Star Wars?

this jewish trickery is fucking hard to understand

I don't know who jewing who anymore

Problem is I think Soros and Israel are trying to establish a precedent

Soros is the only person in history who should have laws that only apply to him to stop what he's doing

We cannot let them subvert this new law into a way to shut down conservative or NatSoc political influence because that is what they'll try to do

Maybe Soros was trying to force some kind of political influence law all along, one that only applies to his enemies because of course Jews will determine how the law is enforced

>prime minister of israel accused of anti-semitism

the left has lost it, they have sompletely fucking lost their minds hahahahaha


I wish Netanyahu hadn't retracted that statement. It would have redpilled the world on how retarded and nonexistent the concept of 'antisemitism' is

Don't believe it. This is a desperate attempt to quell anti-Israeli sentiment.

You only issued a retraction

playing chess?

i don't know who's jewing who anymore

>the bad guy's army turns on him in the ending scene, revealing themselves to be good guys
I love these episodes

i don't know who's jewing who anymore

Ok I aplogize

Dear dumb kike:

OP Can't bump his own thread. Also, lurk moar.

>Israel will become antisemite in our lifetime

Don't you trust greatest ally? :^)
Based blacks and Jews praise kek.

I really wonder what drives Soros

He is so Jewish spiritually that not even other Jews want to have anything to do with him

i don't know who's jewing who anymore

A reverse-black flag.

Only a jew to cause the problem and them have the ideia of saying that problem is affecting them as much as the goyim and do this.

Well done.

Yes 4D

I'm 6 million percent sure it's some sort of Jew trick but

>mfw Israel rises to stand with Aryans

Jewish power struggle? they already failed in russia pretty recently, maybe they are really in trouble with israeli PM right now.

Look up what happened with jews and putin, that will put the whole "russian scare" narrative in its place

Stop being antisemitic you fucking kike. Soros is right.


Hey I just moved to tel Aviv from the states and my Hebrew is pretty shit. Doing some Ulpan soon. Anyone live near there?

Soros needs to be held accountable. Hang the fucker already.

reminder that jews aren't the final enemy
>imba jew

> networking on Sup Forums

I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

It is called: devil retirement who is next start looking twinks

You. Cant. Trust. Them.

1 shekel 2 shekel 3 shekel 4 shekel 5 shekel 6 shekel 7 shekel 8 shekel 9 shekel 10 shekel

How to count to 10 in Hebrew


israel has a lot of european genes tho
i woudl'nt be surprised they consider themselves white, different from american jews who keep jumping between white/jew when they want

ואחה באמפ

Oy vey antisemi- wait what?

Sup Forums is so fucking stupid about jews. MOST Western ethnic Jews are not Jewish. They hate religion, and want to see the destruction of god in society. These jews are extremly wealthy and powerful, and are the main source of the leftist movement. They especially hate Israel and believe it should not exsist. A small percentage of Jews are actually Jewish, they believe in God, recognize their co-dependence on Christianity and the value of Judeo-Christian values, and are generally extremely conservative on all social issues. They are not a unified group, religious jews are a powerful ally against agnostic/atheist jews, and if you listen to them talk, they hate each other more than they hate anyone else on the planet.

Not all Jews are part of the international banking cartel, and I imagine there are quite a few influential Jews in Israel who're seeing the country succumb to the welfare state and the lefties who promote it.

I'm not networking I had a question about something I found near Givatayim.

>Sup Forums is so fucking stupid about jews. MOST Western ethnic Jews are not Jewish

אני מת לדעת מה הפרופיל של ה4צ'אנר הישראלי הממוצע. אז בואו תספרו על עצמכם פרטים בסיסיים
משפחה שמאלנית/ימנית

We see here the divide that Sup Forums seems to be almost totally blind to most of the time.

On one hand you have actual Jews, on the other you have Satanic global finance capitalists, and they are attacking each other. What happened to the global Jewish conspiracy? What happened all of a sudden to the notion that Jews are all in a secret alliance bent on eliminating the goyim? Here you have proof that there is a stark divide between Jews and the Bilderberg hyperkikes, not all Jews are your enemy, Hitler made this mistake before, don't make it again, realize that there really is a shadowy class attempting to seize control and realize also that it is not ALL Jews, nor does it entirely consist of Jews.

The longer it takes for us to realize this the longer it is going to take before we can actually get the people on our side, the longer it is going to be before we can change things.

what happened with the jews and putin

אני אתחיל דתל"ש ימני קיצוני מהמרכז משפחה ימנית מסורתית אשכנזית

Israeli Jews hate 'foreign' Jews quite a lot.

Jailed rich kikes, total no no

imagine if christian was also synonymous withe european, as well as meaning someone who believes in christianity.

that's the situation with jews. you got ethnic jews who are atheists, ethnic jews who are jewish, and non-ethnic jews who are jews

>What happened all of a sudden to the notion that Jews are all in a secret alliance
They probably were until one of them started spending too much money, I can see how that would cause a huge upset.

No really, they're literally all atheist humanists. I think the Nazi's broke them and they're trying to destroy the concept of god because of it.

>muh based zionist Jews amirite?

But that woman is a left leaning rat from the far-
left party from what I heard from my wife.

Boy this makes me rethink a lot of my antisemetic believes.
So (((they))) are just secular jews who have turned away from god?

But they don't exist

All Ashkenazi Jews are Left-Wing open borders and cuckolds

The old russian PM had to go, so the jewish oligarchs came up with a plan, they would take over even more russian industry in exchange for putin becoming PM

When he became PM he resinned the deal and threw them out, now they are butthurt about it and keep trying to sue the government

Here is a doc if you are still interested

Actually, Hitler didn't make that mistake.
He negotiated the Havaara agreement with zionists in the 30s, which saw the safe relocation of Jewish Germans to Tel Aviv until it was impossible to continue in 1941.
He employed hundreds of Jewish officers, totaling in about 160.000 iirc German soldiers being under Jewish command.

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told. It shines a different light on the situation back then.