Is Sup Forums ready to ROCK?
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"In an interview with GQ in May, he spoke about how he would take on Trump’s policies, adding that he would like to see better leadership, responsibility and “poise” from the Oval Office."
We need more poise, pol.. you can't deny this
A reality tv star vs a movie star. I want so bad for this to happen, I wouldn't even care what the outcome was the entirety leading up to the election would be fucking golden.
>running on the Dem ticket
>winning ever
Honestly, they'd be better than 90% of politicians.
It will happen... people are too stupid for it not to.
The Rock would be too big and low-bro for the pretentious beta-cucks and the stuck-up SJWs that make up the left. I hope they go for it.
doesnt that stat suck in Dark Souls?
Would he run as 3rd party? I feel he would be seen as too threatening for libs
>46% elects another nigger
What political party would he be in?
The rock is likely the Dems best shot at a win.
But it still won't happen. Dems are commies. And commies can't stand people who are obviously superior to them.
I concur... he's not pure enough. The left went too far on the SJW bandwagon, and they won't go for anyone who's not a full-blown Marxist.
The odds of them unifying together under one candidate is too far-fetched to consider a possibility.
Nicely stated
Holy shit, he's actually doing it?
AND he's already announced?
It's gonna be a LOOOOONG 4 years isn't it?
He is a registered Republican though.
Is he?
pics or it didn't happen
It'll be funny watching libshits, the same wankers that gave the right shit for Trump not being a politician (despite being a world-renown business man)... try and rationalize their support for the fuckin' Rock.
An 'outsider' would definitely be their best bet, but it'll take a lot of constant media indoctrination to get them to jump on the bandwagon. Then again, we all know how impressionable these people are.
If that's the case, that'll only add more ammo to his arsenal.
The whole "I used to be one of them" shtick. But now he's older n' wiser, and only THE ROCK can stop the evil 1980's super villain that is Donald Blorpf
Article says he's registered independent.
We would all vote for him anyway to get rid of Trump.
He is a registered Republican.
They are impressionable, but I will say the Dems have NO ONE right now. Clinton is still trying to get involved in the mid-terms, Obama who should be in retirement for the most part is out there talking about how great guys like Macron are and how bad Trump's policies are because he's all they have. Biden is the only person that stands a chance at beating Trump but they can't go back to a "FUCKING WHITE MALE". They have no one right now.
Trump's the last liberal we had since Kennedy you fucking retard.
Read a book
I think he's be a sane choice, at least. If he ran Independent, the Dems would definitely lose, and if he runs as a Democrat, the worst case is we get a watered-down conservative, or more likely 4 more years of Trump
Fake news.
Literally her only response when asked if she thinks she should/could run/win. It'd be hilarious.
In 2024, I'll vote for him. Now the emperor needs to finish MAGA
No wonder they're priming The Rock...
Also, don't forget Chelsea! She's just like Hillary, but younger and more hip!
>the rock
Can you smell what the Rock is losing?
link says he's registered independent and that he spoke at both Republican and Democrat events in 2000. (I used the archive, don't freak out)
After 4 years of seeing how he isn't the worst, no one will beat him. Unless (((they))) pop the bubble and destroy the economy, which is going to happen at some point soon.
lol, this is why the Dems are fucked
He also did the USO show, loves the troops
oh God...
I actually feel bad for Chelsea. She has no idea what kind of world they seem to be thrusting her into.
He's also the most payed actor in (((Hollywood)))
The Rock is conservative, though.
I think Trump is guaranteed eight years due solely the people in this country getting off on the mass asshurt of the left.
the rock is a fucking casual
Lol hes totally going to take a dive for trump.
Anyone who thinks he could realistically beat trump in a general election believes wrestling is real.
The Dems know how much America loves its celebrities. I was confident that Trump would pull it off based sorely on that fact. The likelihood of them pushing The Rock is quite high, I'd wager.
Sorry for being pragmatic but if there is not big changes in tax cuts and Obamacare it will be harder for Trump to win in 2020
>the rock
> nigger
That, and don't forget the crack down on voter fraud coming up and all the deportation and self-deportation. The Dems are losing so many voters that in order to win they're going to have to shift towards the middle and come back from the SJW-tier garbage they have now, but that won't work either because that ship has sailed.
Democrats are effectively done, unless they get someone like a Rock or something like that. They need someone with the banter the Trump has just to stand a chance, which I don't think they will be able to get.
As long as his running mate is Kamala Harris.
we dont need another nonwhite in office, nigger lover
you're degrading the meaning of that word
>The Rock
Pick one
Can someone tell me why modern politics seem like some parody?
Pls make it happen for the most memetic election ever.
Also I want to see him get suplexed by Trump in a wrestling match.
The memes write them selves.
If Don feels threatened he will run Ivanka against Dwayne.
Dwayne will lose to Ivanka.
Either way, Donald will call ina favor with Vince McMahon and Dawyne Johnson's "pharmaceutical regimen" will leak, likely with video evidence of his doping.
Dwayne has been bought and paid for by the Jews. Why would he agree to say these things?
*Modern American
Anyone have the desperate tweets from him about his RAUNCHY baywatch movie?
I agree, the ship has most definitely sailed, and their not going to give up on their crazy bullshit any time soon.
The Rock would be an insult to what they perceive as their intellectually superior beliefs. He would be a hard sell.
So he's figured out he has no career as an actor, then I take it?
>The Rock
>Able to perform as a wrestler
If you want to see a nigger, just drive to a no-go zone, Sven.
>not "working as intended"
>Mr Johnson, could you elaborate on this decision you've made regarding gun ownership?
It would be hilarious watching these two have a go at each other and it would destroy whatever credibility politics have left.
Well of course. It's only a matter of time till this happens to everyone.
You can't make it big in Hollyjew unless you sell your soul.
this faggot thinks he is wayyyyyyyyy more popular then he actually is
all his movies are stupid flops, no one cares about him outside of a few stupid wrestling fans anyway, and those people are all in Trumps camp anyhow
We live in fucking (((clown world))).
No one cares. Every day someone new is added to that list.
>Clinton (again)
>Bernie (again)
It's just throwing gasoline on a fire at this point.
Politics has credibility left?
>Implying liberals are able to perceive anything past face value
They'll go with him because the old ass lunatics on the left will unironically think he'll therefore be the 'cool' candidate.
Now it fucking does. Heavy armor protects you literally as well as a wet paper bag vs. stagger. Cause that makes sense.
The base isn't going to give up the crazy shit, but the establishment is going to have to if they have any hope of not falling apart and just not existing in 8 years.
then they will lose again
people are voting right because they are tired of what the left are doing.
the only one who can beat Trump is someone even more on the Right than him
>Trump is just a Hollywood actor! He would make a terrible president!
>Nominates the rock for 2020
lol exactly.
Trump runs the biggest real estate empire in the world. He chose to star in a reality TV show and he was very successful at it. He chose to be president and he is equally successful. You can't stump the Trump. SHADILAY!
He's half Samoan half black. Dems love mixed browns.
2020 is going to be a shit show
>mfw Jim Webb was too masculine for the new democratic party
>he has no career as an actor
He's the highest paid actor right now, user.
Yup. We elected Trump to PUNISH the Democrats and Washington. By their attitude and attempts to destroy Trump, it is apparent that they haven't yet learned their lesson. So we will reelect Trump and when he's finished we will keep electing dickheads to punish politicians until they get the message and start working for us again instead of for these fucking anational elitists. We just want to see their world burn at this point. We don't give a fuck if Trump is a Russian spy or the Antichrist or what, we just want him to fuck up Washington.
False, Trump didn't get elected on promising to lower taxes and repeals Obamacare, he got elected to punish Washington and Dems. And the more they resist his agenda the bigger his reelection will be.
Unless she dies between now and 2020, Hillary Clinton WILL run again, she will never accept defeat, she literally owns the DNC and no one will stand up to her because they are all legitimately terrified of getting killed or jailed. Look at the shitshow Bernie Sanders is about to endure, Hillary blames her loss on Bernie because of the Bernie Bros, so Bernie and his wife are getting hit with that Felony shit for Burlington College and the dems are going to take his senate seat from him in the next primary so they can send him to prison to make an example of him, thereby ensuring that no one challenges Hillary in 2020. I can't wait to see what sort of knives she puts in the backs of Feinstein and Kamala for having designs on the election themselves. Hillary will lose again in 2020 of course though, and probably suicide immediately afterward rather than give another concession call.
They are going to run Clinton. Why the fuck do you think Trump hasn't locked her up yet. He knows. And he loves it.
Since the creation of nuclear weapons, every year more and more rational realities died from a nuclear Holocaust. Only the ridiculous ones remain, where for some reason the same crazies who will take over entire governments are also sane enough to adhere to mutually assured destruction.
Our time is coming though. Muslims and Lefties don't do what's good for themselves, once they have power in a real conflict we're all dead.
Kanye vs Trump is the comfiest
America is ready for a pro wrestler in the white house. Let's take that last step towards idiocracy.
>Democrats are so far removed from reality that they genuinely believe Donald Trump won the election just because he was a "reality TV star", and so nominate a Hollywood action star and former Wrestler in an insulting attempt to win over white, blue collar voters.
Democrats really are the walking, living, breathing embodiment of Idiocracy. This has to be one of the dumbest and most ignorant political strategies I have ever seen in my life. What a bunch of incompetent retards.
Intangible BS.
Because our politicians burn christians alive in churches, kick ranchers off their land to give foreign owned uranium mining companies land to mine and overthrow strongmen who know how to lead arab countries. We may as well elect a guy who wants everyone to be rich so they can afford to go golfing and stay in his hotels with gold toilets.
>Hillary Clinton WILL run again
>They are going to run Clinton
THEY won't run Clinton, Clinton will run Clinton, but I can't see them letting her run unopposed again. They can't handle a defeat like that again. Bernie also and technically did beat her, they'll have no problems finding SOMEONE to run against and beat her.
But with that said, I almost want to see a round two between Trump and Clinton, it will be hilarious. Like, I'm in tears just thinking about it. kek
Don't you remember after Trump won and Kanye went to Trump tower, they did the photo-op then Kanye tweeted something about 2024. Trump cucked Kanye.
I still want Kanye to be named Press Secretary.
This will happen. The Dems are that crazy.
If Dwayne Johnson runs as a Dem he can kiss his career goodbye.
>He is a registered Republican though.
Fake News.
I see the movie Idiocracy is finally coming into play here.
Sadly, I see your points.
Although I can't imagine that Hillary could possibly be able to run again due to her health. There aren't enough babies in the world for her to vampire off of at this point.
the rock is a typical gib seeking brownie. he knows jack shit about global politics. this should be fucking funny.
It might actually work. I always thought they should have talked George Clooney into running last year instead of Hillary, but might be hard for him to do so since his wife is English and they live over there a lot of whatever.
I think The Rock would be a good choice if he had been full-time wrestling up until a few years ago, but he's pretty far removed from doing that full-time.
That would be sad. 12 years to develop a candidate (from the time Obama was elected) and the best they'd come up with is Hillary.
They need a young centrist white cismale. They don't want that, but that's what they need if they want any chance of beating Trump in 2020.
That already happened with Trump's election.
"The Rock"
Trump Jr.
This looks like a good mix of presidents.
Dems will blast her in the primaries. They won't forget what she did to Bernie.
Also, each time they dust off that mummified carcass for a run, America hates her more than the last time.
>Implying the rock is not a nigger
He's half Samoan, half African American. He's more of a shitskin than Obama!
We gonna be President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho soon.
True, I think Trump would run circles around him.
...then again, anything and everything he says to criticize The Rock will be slammed as WAYCIST.
........then again, Trump can't say ANYTHING without getting attacked. So people will tune-out all the anti-Trump rhetoric, much like they're already starting to.