What's with all of the FEMA camps? Are the commies planning to use these as gulags?
Hey guys?
They were. Preparation for a different timeline.
how would that timeline have played out user?
That's the Hillary winning (((stealing))) the election scenario. Even most trump voters don't realize how bad it was gonna be.
I'm thinking an assault weapons ban followed by an arbitrary list for no fly/mentally ill/certain viewpoints/online hatespeech being generated to essentially lump gun owners into a group and justify confiscation and use the camps to hold people for wrongspeak wrongthink and resisting the govt in general be it with guns or just acting out to try and stop it. Our vote literally did what it was supposed to do in keeping that from happening(if that's what was gonna happen). Now we will never know.
>the Emergency Relief agency has locations all around the country
It would've been much slower than that, but it would've happened maybe 10 or so years from now. We literally dodged a bullet though.
Plottwist, it will happen anyway, check my d*gits
I don't why people think the US military would lead their own citizens to die in camps.
That literally would never happen.
They kill civilians like its nothing
It'd be a generational thing. Pump more womminz/minorities into the military overtime, push the "Progressive" rhetoric, and make Conservatives the enemy in the eyes of the American public through a complete media monopoly backed by strong censorship.
>this is what Sup Forumstards actually believe
kek I worked for FEMA setting up sites like these
These camps aren't prisons, they are just a bunch of prefab shelters and storage areas for necessities, plus a bunch of other shelters that can be set up quickly if they need to be.
Wildfires, tornados, floods, etc. all have the potential to displace a ton of people quickly, so having emergency sites for housing is a good idea until things can get fixed.
There might be a chain link fence set up to keep out animals, but I wouldn't say that any site I worked at even had the smallest capacity at security of any type, nor were they constructed with that in mind.
AMA I guess
Why do they have them set up now? What does the Seattle area need these camps for?
Read up on this. I understand it sounds rather paranoid. But if millions of Americans feel this was a possibility, are they really just paranoid?
I'm guessing these exist in the case of nuclear war?
Then why does the barbed wire face inwards? Tell me about your cousins at Sandy hook while you're at it
Tell us about the Ayys
I can only speculate at the type of natural or human disasters that could happen on the west coast, since my region was the south and south east.
If there were some sort of terrorist attack, massive civil unrest, prolonged power outage, earthquake/tsunami something that severely fucked up day to day life for many people, the idea is that the camps would provide for the needs of the most vulnerable demographic such as elderly and children, while capable adults would be asked to help set up the rest of the shelters to expand the camp if needed.
You probably remember the total disaster that bringing people to the stadium during Katrina was, right?
Having camps set up with supplies ready means there possibly wouldnt be such a mad and destructive scramble to find temporary housing for displaced population.
FEMA tries to maintain the capability to set up emergency housing anywhere in the USA quickly. The camps are a stop-gap measure in the initial stages of disaster relief, till larger housing complex can be set up.
>what's with all these FEMA camps in all of these areas that are vulnerable to natural disasters
They're obviously there so President George Hussein Trump can round up all the (insert ethnicity here) and kill them OP.
>Then why does the barbed wire face inwards?
There was no barbed wire at the sites I set up. Though if the possibility exists of vandals or looting, I can imagine that a fence-topping might be put in place to discourage such activity.
If you think a single chain link fence, barbed wire on top or not, is going to be suitable for a 'prison', then I encourage you to closely re-examine your thought process.
Illegal aliens are housed in actual government internment camps prior to being deported. Almost every state in the USA has one or more facilities for detaining immigration law violators.
Wew gotta keep those pesky looters "out"
Nice stock photo.
To be perfectly honest, I wish that the camps really were concentration and extermination facilities for retards like you. But they aren't.
Reality is boring.
>wishing death upon your countrymen because you can't shill hard enough to trick them
See this boy's? This is the enemy
> this guy is crazy, he keeps ranting we're going to take his gun away and put him in a FEMA camp!
Sounds like he could be mentally ill, sic the IRS on him, remove his gun rights, put him in a FEMA camp
>Are the fascists planning to use these as death camps
While I don't doubt that FEMA has some weird stuff going on, the idea that their large number of plastic coffins means that they're planning on enacting some large-scale kill off is stupid.
People don't realize just how many corpses a natural disaster can produce. Having corpses laying around in rubble in the streets is terrible optics and makes the administration look incompetent and 3rd world. What do you want them to do? Collect the corpses and line them up in fields like the result of some genocide execution while they wait a month for good looking wooden coffins to be produced? They need somewhere to put the corpses, and it's better to be prepared than not.
That's right. I'm a FEMA shill. My job is to monitor Sup Forums and respond any time FEMA is brought up, I sit here 20 hours a day in a small cubicle ready to shill just in case FEMA is mentioned.
That's my job, you got me. Well done, vigilant patriot.
Lol. That other guy really should be sent to a death camp.
>Muh redistribution and forced cooperation
(You) have no idea what liberty or tyranny mean, no wonder you're a flagcunt
>Need I remind in you, in the case of a national emergency FEMA has a list of six million Americans who will be transported to detention centers? Your tabloids call it RX84.
A fucking christmas tree.
Plastic burial containers are needed in Federal Emergencies to stop disease. Quick burial is the best defence against disease.
It's rational and logical for a federal emergency division to have such items en mass.
That's terror
Damn right, bucko
These aren't "camp" locations. These are all of the FEMA offices located in the US.
Here's your hat. You'll feel better once you put it on.
Mommy made your bed for you kiddo. You'll be safe from the gubment in here.