Daily reminder that if you're not fit, you are not a true NatSoc/fascist and are doing harm to the movement by making us all look like fatties and 5 foot nothing lanklets.
Also general fitness and diet advice thread for Sup Forumslacks
Daily reminder that if you're not fit, you are not a true NatSoc/fascist and are doing harm to the movement by making us all look like fatties and 5 foot nothing lanklets.
Also general fitness and diet advice thread for Sup Forumslacks
Working out is for Jews, fuck off stupid kike
>5 foot nothing
tfw 5'11
I'm working on it. Does that count?
someone dig into thoise oil reserves it's a fortune lol
But I can't change my height
That's a big guy
Being physically fit and being a steroid junkey are two different things. Stamina and core strength is what makes an ideal fighter.
No, sir, you are the kike
Yes as long as you are sincerely working on it. Only you know whether you are or not.
The only good you could do for the movement is burn down your entire island, then move to Orlando like the rest of you and burn that down too.
How to be decently fit without going to the gym pls gib
Is there any good 5 to 10 minute workout that will just keep me from looking like shit
No going to a gym to learn to fight makes you an ideal fighter.
Fuck off you kike faggot. I grew up in NY, growing up the only """people""" who gave a shit about diet and all that stupid bullshit were the Jews. I refuse to be like Jews. I'm not out of shape, there is no point.
NatSoc confirmed for gay.
lazy much ?
>Is a Flag Fag
Kys you larping nigger
>want to get fit
>check up dumbell prices
>$50 for 20kgs
I wouldn't use 20 for a long time but jesus christ that's expensive.
>semi-interested in boxing
>bag is 100, reasonable
>gloves are 40~, I can see that
>metal thing to hang the bag on is >200
Fitness is jewy as fuck man.
>urges everyone to be fat and out of shape
There are no shortcuts, but you don't have to go to a gym. Cardio can be done anywhere and calisthenics can keep you strong. If you're too weak for calisthenics you can buy dumbbells and a cheap bench and do compound movements to build strength at home.
I agree, everyone on Sup Forums should lift
Postan some Klokov
pushups and pullups
seriously just do them, do them to failure, until your muscles literally can't go further.
Eventually you will learn how to maximize the usefulness of the exercises and doing like 3 sets of ten will be a good workout, because you are tensing your entire body in the correct way. It takes a while to learn this though. Do it every day, twice a day if you want.
You will never be as strong and big as a weightlighter but it is surprising just how much muscle you can build doing this, so long as you are eating correctly. You will easily pass the threshold where girls and guys who dont lift see you as 'big and muscly', because they are retarded.
Too confusing for my wee brain to be frank, somebody give me a tl;dr on how to gain muscle, I'm not reading that wall of text on /fit/
lanklets cannot be less then 6 feet.
Buy two 40 pound kettle bells and use those for everything until you get stronger.
>puerto rico
Being ultra /fit/ is going to make you the ideal fighter!!!
Except that it won't make you any more bullet proof or knife proof.
>I grew up in NY
I'm sorry to hear that
Why do you come here just to spread kike degeneracy???
>yes goy, work out.
>yes goy, buy these (((supplements)))
>yes goy, don't enjoy life, eat kosher like (((us)))
>no goy, that might taste good but don't eat it
>no goy, that food is (((bad))) for you
>oops sorry goy, turns out this food is (((bad))) for you
For you
I have done extensive research figuring out the laziest and most convenient way to to be relatively fit and strong: squats, rows, standing flys (because fuck staring at the ground or laying on your back), in that order, with heaviest possible dumbbells with which you can do 1 set of 20 reps. 5 minutes and done for the day, every day.
Im a non white fit leftist libertarian
>40 pound
Probably the same price as the dumbells. It's weight on a rod (a bent rod in kettle bells case), how is it so expensive?
Retarded argument
Lifting is not about being able to fight
Compound lifts 3 times a week. Eat enough and get your proteins
What are $10/month gyms?
Manlets please leave.
Daily reminder OP is a faggot
you have until September 23rd to get into the best shape you can
Not all of us will make it, regardless of fitness levels, but the more /fit/ you are the less of us will die.
So stop what you're doing right now, go to 10 pushups and 10 squats.
>not being /fit/
>only being proficient with a handgun
Good luck surviving when shit hits the fan.
even if you make chump change you can always buy new home gym equipment every month or so.
Working out increases blood flow to the brain, is capable of taking you out of depression, balances out your metabolism and insulin controls, increases testosterone and makes you better at not being a fucking pathetic excuse of a human being.
>Tfw 5'11.9
I-im 6
>eat enough
how much? I'm 5'10 and weigh 160lbs, I also burn calories in exercise
>get your proteins how much protein per pound again? I forgot
No, you're brown
Yesh, fascist fit thread. Lets get some additional lore here.
For him - >
I'm 5"10.5
I fucking hate everything
so close
yet so far
>Sup Forums user
fat burger detected
You're the fag, bro.
Use this
Probably because you live in a liberal shithole that's inflated to twice as expensive as the US. Don't blame me you fucking shitcunt.
it also makes you a better teamplayer
We're all gonna make it breh, just stick to your routine. What's better a tall Manlet that looks like a ball/noodle or a good looking one? Also, invest in your brain. Read philosophy or psychology
we did not invent computers with our muscles
>Tfw no teammates
I-il duce wasnt tall, h-he wont judge me
I have a 6 page book list and I still haven't finished the books I bought earlier this year.
They say 1g per pound of body weight but that's pretty damn excessive. Just go for about 70g a day. If you get protein powders then it's easy to hit whatever amount you want without having to restrict your diet to only high protein foods.
I'm 5'11 but i'm 6 in shoes
pour concrete into bottles and you have some dumbells
Sup Forums is basically /fit/ m8
Yeah run a mile. It works wonders
Good. I decided to motivate myself to read by walking 2 miles to the library with an army rucksack full of happening gear (80 lbs I believe). I gotta read or else I'll have to walk back, but I don't want to walk back so might as well read. It's been working great for the last week, also been losing weight.
Fuck running. Walk with a rucksack. More efficient
I'm not saying Sup Forums isn't fit, I'm saying Sup Forums wouldn't go to a gym. Too many monkeys and normies.
I'll try, I have a rucksack but I'm in california, it's a multicam pack, people might think I'm le ebil not-see taro-wrist or something
I workout at home, but I can't get much of a good workout.