What does the left of Germany have to gain from letting all the refugees in?
What does the left of Germany have to gain from letting all the refugees in?
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God damn this was dystopic
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Read Germany Must Perish. Their entire identity is being ground into dust in the pestle of Talmudism.
I wonder who makes all the movies ?
If only he chose to be king
Is that a seal pepe?
they just feel like they're morally superior to any country that doesn't take them as they feel they're more humane and therefore more "civilized".
They try to import the "revolutionary subject" to use them as the army for their coup.
A warm fuzzy feeling for helping poor, disefranchised refugee children.
They get votes also creates more debt which means the (((banks))) win again
Divide and conquer.
>not metro goldberg mayer
Germany? Nothing
Jews within it? Destruction of the Aryan race
Not so much the Left, but the elites get a decent stream of refugee children to rape.
Population growth. And if it weren't fucking Syrians or Africans, shit would be fucking dope as fuck. But the German state is simply too highly taxed for actual good immigrants to want to come here. If we got some serious tax cuts, I'm sure we could attract elite families from central Asia and stuff. Fucking taxes. They're at the root of all this stupid shit. We need to automatize the state.
My god
Fear , they just don't want to be called racist
Now those in charge pulling the strings?
A mixed mutt race of 80IQ dumbfucks, just smart enough to be a good working slave but too stupid to fight back against the elites.
>A mixed mutt race of 80IQ dumbfucks
Completely unrealistic. This has never happened anywhere in history.
Helping people who have been fucked over through no fault of their own in the hope that they'll contribute to the country.
A way to manifest their self-hatred into reality. An extension to the brainwashing propaganda they receive from kindergarden.
have we been forgiven finally?
Brazil is a failed state.
the beginning of the end
Replacement migration for an allegedly dangerously low birth rate, or something.
Even though replacement migration is widely panned as inefficient and destructive to the home country, and that's before you take into account the fact that all the "refugees" are inbred illiterate savages.
Yes, please prime the gas-chambers for the kikes and rapefugees.
The high taxes going to other EU countries are meant to keep us down. The whole EU project and 1990 treaties are. Immigration even from high performing places would be little improvement anyway, they're not noticeably better than the native population and tend to play their own little identity politics.
Holy fuck. That's some serious propaganda going on there.
the lefties just have their sights set on destroying conservatives and right leaning patriots in any way they can.
They don't think that far into the future that if the patriots are gone, replaced with immigrant islamists, the culture war will only turn more violent and destructive than ever imagined.
Just very efficient brainwashing and basic stupidity is the mixture that german lefties are made of