It's only fair for white people to die out after so much death and suffering they brought to the world. Don't expect me to feel bad about "le white genocide". You are getting what you deserve, pigskins.
It's only fair for white people to die out after so much death and suffering they brought to the world...
I didnt do nuffin.
maybe my ancestors. but thats a long time ago.
no guilt for me and my fellow europeans, bruh.
so we gonna get u all killed and solve the problem this way. whites are too smart to die.
it feels so fucking good to be white,
ARYANS must be send to the blood refineries. That is their only use.
Slide thread. More antifag shilling.
>when you're too brain dead to realise that half of the Native American "genocide" was due to Natives fighting each other, and fighting alongside American soldiers during the Plains Wars and that settlers had no respect for Natives because when they raided houses they threw white babies into the air onto their knives
I din du nuffin
Genocide doesn't exist.
The planet earth is a theater for human struggle. One does not need pity, one needs to SURVIVE and PROSPER.
I love that feeling
>It's only fair for white people to die out after so much death and suffering they brought to the world.
If it weren't for whites you'd be a hunter-gatherer in Africa with an extremely brief lifespan.
>le blanket meme
>only 100 million
Try 1,000,000 gorillion, bigot.
Nova scotia here where you still get paid for indian scalps then arrested.I love the colonial period if these woods niggers could have figured out a few more of life great questions we wouldnt have steamrolled them back to I want to say stone age but that lasted pretty much till the end of their history God Save the Queen! Subjugate in her name!
die freie schweiz: furchtlos und überlegen seit 1291.
As a Native, why must we continue to believe that modern day whites are at fault, they literally have nothing to do with this. Why must you continue to go to the store to buy liquor and abandon your children? Why do you neglect them and encourage their "Whites did this to us and you must hate them" narrative? They must you let them turn into thugs that hate whites needlessly? Why must you keep the cycle of retardation alive?
GTFO of here with that shit. Also, we always fought among each other as it was in the past and did the same shit to each other as the whites did to us. Why aren't you bringing that up? Miss me with that victim narrative.
Mi'kmaq And Metis Excluded from my Rant Love those wood niggers so much
The logic that should be applied. user, you're a wonderful person.
>does not know "Indians" or " Native Americans" were raping and killing or even engaged in cannibalism long before the white man showed up
either would be too few.
the white people that caused the Indian genocide are dead now, the white people of today have nothing to do with that, but keep dreaming of a "white genocide."
>proof niggers are inferior, demonstrating a highly simplistic neurology and capacity for reason
you belong in a zoo and I'm working to ensure people know you're nothing but a smart animal and should not be allowed to roam free in a civilized society.
Alternately you can kys to pay for the crimes of the murderous niggers who came before you and we'll forget this whole, moronic idea of yours. Your choice: kys for the crimes of your forefathers, or get into a zoo because you don't understand even the basic tenets of civilization.
kys or zoo, nigger. not even fucking kidding--are you fit for society (kys), or fit for a zoo (post about crimes of the father.)
Fuck you. We travelled the globe overthrowing tyrants and educating savages and this is the thanks we get. Tell you what Big Chief Sitting Cunt, we'll pull out all those of Euro lineage from America (Nogs can go back to Africa or you can exterminate them, your call), along with all their wealth and resources and equipment, and you can go back to getting high all day fucking your sister in a teepee made of twigs whilst living off a few squirrels a week and tell us how great it is in smoke signals, you faggot.
What about the Ethiopian War?
Why did white cucks count the bodies?
It implies the subhuman redskins are worth something.
>Skin color literally the same as dirt and shit.
>calls other people Pigskins
huwhites literally look like pigs though. they literally sizzle in the sun like bacon strips
lol they're just as weak today as their ancestors were
Get shit on weakskins
Blaming people for things that happened before they were born. Seems fair and rational.
What thread is being slid though?
The same BLM poster wreaking havoc
Communists killed far more than 100 million. All communists should die.
Lolz. Might makes right.
You groids exists at the whim of your masters. The day comes when whitey takes a look at the bill for your monkeyshines and we might decide to cut our losses.
The Saxon has begun to hate.
Nice feathers Sitting Bull. Want to bring them to Wounded Knee?