Ok Sup Forums, I’d like to get your opinion and collective wisdom (all your banter too, just keep it stylish) on something that's been poking at my mind the last few days. I didn’t take this to /adv/ bc as we know, it’s bland. So I met a girl. She's white with green eyes, so that's a very nice plus for me. She's 28 and I'm 32, which is also good. She’s an actress (red flag I guess). She's somewhere around a 7. I was somewhat excited at first but that excitement has quickly worn off as I’ve gotten to know her better. She is definitely a lefty and a feminist, but at least denies being a hippie and claims to dislike feminazis. She doesn’t smoke cigs or weed, but drinks (don’t really know if excessively). In the few dates we've had so far, she has revealed to me a turbulent past of drug use, bad relationships, and some other bad choices. Says she’s not so interested in the partying lifestyle anymore, and that she has learned her lessons regarding poor choices that led her to bad experiences, but I'm not 100% convinced. At this point I don’t know whether I want to just dump her before things progress any further, wait til I at least bang her a couple of times, or stay just to use it as a learning experience (for example, the idea of banging feminist pussy hard is appealing – seeing how much I can dominate her in bed. Some anons here claim that the more of a feminist a chick is, the deeper her desire to be taken hard is too. Also to try to correlate her past behavior and personality to what kind of a relationship she has with her dad, and what kind of a guy he is. In the past I just tried to avoid parents, but after browsing Sup Forums for some time and going through threads on women and feminism, I am now actually interested in meeting them).
Female Psychology
Pt. 2... I guess I’ve given up hope of trying to work something serious out. But keep in mind that in my social position and circle I have slim chances of meeting the nice mannered, conservative, homely, feminine girl a lot of us here in Sup Forums long for. And white girls here in Shitico are not that easy to find. I guess what I'm saying here is, before you write me off as a degenerate for even going out with this chick, consider my options are limited and I’m no Chad thundercock myself. Hell, I might even get dumped first. I’ve now given you context, so let’s get to the issues: First, why the fuck is she revealing all this unsavory shit from her past, with literally NO prompting from me to do so?? She has just inserted all of this into the conversation. She has to realize none of these things are a turn on, right? (there is reason for her to believe that my lifestyle is more akin to hers because of the friends in common that we met through, but still). Is it one big shit test? Does she just want to get it quickly out of the way? Or should I take it as a fair warning? Makes me feel I might be walking into crazy.
Pt. 3...Second, she has also given me the "it's great to do whatever you want to sexually / "it's great to build a relationship based on virtue and have a connection with the person you have sex with", “I liked you as soon as I saw you / I never thought we would be like this when we first met” contradictory crap. Please shed some light on why women do this. I guess we could call it the "I'm a slut / I'm a virgin" routine. They could say nothing and keep you guessing, or go for either of the two, but for some reason they throw this two-headed beast at you. I guess it might just come down to insecurity, as in they want to entice you with a suggestion of wild, dirty sex (that they want too) while at the same time pretending they’re not total sluts, and they want to let you know they like you, being the emotional creatures that they are, but they don’t want you to think they’re easy. But what’s your take? Anyway, the first point is obviously much more worrisome to me.
TL,DR: just another guy rattling his brains over women
Bang her a few times and bang her well. Good dick will turn even the most hardcore SJW's around. And if not you still fucked. Give it 6 months, if nothing, cut sling load and move on.
you stupid spic
To answer your question: pump and dump
I consistently find the most insightful info on women here in Sup Forums
You sound very intellectual
why yes, I'm a true 'mexican intellectual'
All women are sexual objects, and see themselves and their peers as such.
They all invest high amount of time and energy improving their looks, because it also improves their main source of power on this world: Seduction. All women were wired by evolution itself to be Chad dickhunters and Beta golddiggers.
So they see themselves as objects of art, fighting for male resources. They judge themselves by their seduction/beauty power, and they compete and validate themselves as such too.
There is no thing as a moral women, or a 'exception'. All healthy women think like that, act like that and believe those things instinctively.
They all play the CHAD game, 24/7 24h. All women are whores for Chad.
So they do anything to avoid their perceived image to lose value in the eyes of their male prey. They will pretend to be chaste, they will pretend to like the same shit you do, they will pretend to be the one you want her to be... But in the end, all women really is, is a CUNNING MEAT DICKBOX, obsessed with their beauty, and obsessed to beat other dickboxes in the CHAD GAME. They don't want the dude, they want to win against other females. They want power over other man, and more leverage than other females.
All women are immoral dickboxes.
>Says she’s not so interested in the partying lifestyle anymore, and that she has learned her lessons regarding poor choices that led her to bad experiences, but I'm not 100% convinced
OP I want you to look carefully at this picture
I remember you. You're the one that debated the Hungarian user in another women thread recently, aren't you?
>Says she’s not so interested in the partying lifestyle anymore
Dont do it user it's a trap
I repeat
It is a trap
Gtfo out of there now
PS. I don't mean the kind of trap with a dick
This ∆
she's getting off the cock carousel and wants you to be her piggy bank
>Says she’s not so interested in the partying lifestyle anymore, and that she has learned her lessons regarding poor choices that led her to bad experiences
Top kek, translation:
>I am rapidly approaching 30 with no prospects for a husband and want to settle down with a provider that would lick my germ infested pussy as the thirsty virgin he is, despite said pussy's past experience as a cum guzzling chad devourer
It doesn't matter what you think you can get out of the board pendejo, what matters is what you have to offer. This is not Sup Forums related you imbecile Reddit summerfag. Sage.
Yeah, I've seen that one. And I don't want to be that chump. She told me she's toned it down, not quit altogether. She knows I don't have money, but I could still be her emotional safe shore I guess. I don't know if I should give her honesty points
If this is her first foray at not being a slut
She will dump you in a year or so.
Can't fuck-to-unfuck-fucked-in-the-head.
Rail and bail; or keep your seed and create something.
Which is less degenerate? Also; I have a place in Mexico.
Small town vibe will get you burned if you slay too many sloozies.
>only toned it down
She will 100% cheat
Do not enter. She's telling you about her troubled past hoping she can bait and hook an unfortunate provider to feel bad for her and support her. She's an actress mane, she doesn't make jack shit. Do not get involved, and god speed you bean eating mother fucker.
All women behave as their natural instinct command them, OP.
Wake up to the bigger truth, and see that female identity, seductive power and cunning are all aligned in them, to slave you away.
No exceptions.
There is a lot of truth to the things you say, however you have to admit there can be exceptions, however few. Not saying this girl is one of them. Are you MGTOW?
She is looking for a provider, as everyone here said. If you want to understand women you have to accept their hypergamous nature, it's an undeniable part of them even in the nicest girls.
Even if you are looking to settle down I would avoid this girl. Women who have fucked loads and guys and abuse drugs have serious mental scars, they aren't able to pair bond properly and you'll always be second best to the Alpha males and drug dealers she used to fuck.
Get a younger girl, below 25 and isn't a party type.