Ask a Pole anything

Ask a Pole anything

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is that real

What ? Is this even possible ?

should of shot him in the streets

2nd part is, 1st - isn't. Every year we have the March of Indepence and because of lack of niggers he painted himself black. The funniest thing about this is that later he was sued by some based negro for racism

He's a transnigger you fucking bigots

>jewish white man
>white man

He wanted to do a report about muh racism amongst nationalists

How often do you see non whites in your country?
Which race do you dislike the most?


I live and study in Warsaw, so it is definitely a little bit more cucked than the whole country (nothing surprising about the capital, though) - in the city center around 1-2/day, in suburbs - 1-2/week

Niggers, they are not humans. Arabs were at least capable of creating some form of a civilization and a culture, so were poo-in-loos. Niggers, gypsies, jews and abos are the same tier to me - oven tier.

>based negro
Do all poles use BBC vernacular or just the cucks like yourself?

Do you like white Americans?

>white Americans

no such thing

What's the opinion on mixed race people in Poland?

>white Americans

Hispanics arent white

dude, all jokes aside, he is based as fuck. I still think that he should gtfo to Africa, but I can't complain much, in fact.
1) he is handicapped
2) he can't have kids
3) he has phd in theology (christianity)
4) because of his disability, he likes to go to the feminists pro-abortion movement and troll them
5) he sues leftists

sure, unless you are a fat and stupid (that's typical stereotype about Americans in Poland)

white-asian - half-bad
white-latino - half-bad
anything else is subhuman and will never be accepted by society

To be quite honest it is so rare that i used to play a game with my friends in which we would count every one non-white we see and by the end of the week it was like 4 - 2 or shit like this. In Warsaw. Although I can hear hohols every time to the degree that I actually understand most of ukrainian/russian and taught myself cyryllic

Jews did have civilization and so did Ethiopians.

rest is true.

You can probably achieve that with Melanotan.

the jews are the lowest form of life
they are like rats

Jews are parasites. A Man Builds, a Parasite asks "where's my share?"


There's that BBC vernacular again


Purge it.

So what word would you use to describe him?


How to aproach a polish qt 1.34?

go to her and tell her that youre from italy,spain,france,america and then fug

You don't, all Polish qts are in the UK, trust me on this one

What country do poles hate the most?

are they redpilled women or is just a myth?

some of them are, but most women are fucking stupid just like in other countries

Russia. Might be Germany now, with all of the "take shitskins or else" bullshit, though.

t. ethnic Russian

no, they're dumb and extremely whorish

Personally - Germany
But on average - Russia

>redpilled women
no such thing
women are all the same, the rest is up to the men

How are the winters and summers over in Poland?

its fucking cold m8
its fucking hot m8

How cucked is the young generation? I saw this with English subs, and looked at the comments, and it is very worrisome.
It seems to me like you're about to enter the (((1965))) era of civcuck "nationalism."

I hope it's just that most Poles on the internet are the lefties, rather than the population as a whole.

I'm a fucking idiot and forgot to provide link.

But the top comments are good, whats the problem here?

Basically this Summer is up to +39 C
Winter, from the other side -20 C

>How cucked is the young generation?
> era of civcuck "nationalism."
You have a point, there are nationalistic, that's for sure, but I am not sure whether this is based upon a race. But huge majority of people do not want any nonwhites in the country. Also, pic rel.

As for this negro - welp, 1 nonwhite kid out of 500 in this room and his speech was pretty good. But I am sure as hell that he had a hard time in schools

Ourselves. Some Poles have serious self hate thing going on.

Leftists have a quite hard time in there, so they retreat to the net. Do you have deja vu too?
In general younger Poles appear to want more capitalism and less dependency on other countries, which I consider good as long as central bank is nationalised.

They were all "BASED BLACK MAN"-tier. I saw people saying "leftists are the real racists" and retarded stuff like that. It's where my country was 50 years ago, before the influx.
Good luck maintaining that, then. I don't think I could mentally withstand seeing Poland fall to this insanity here.
Also, KORWiN seems amazing.

Id rather have this "BASED BLACK MAN" than the leftists

it is better to have le "based black man" than the fucking hippies like you had back in the 60s. Of course the perfect situation is to be 100% white and thankfully our society is slowly, but still, turning into fascist state. But it will take time unless shit hits the fan in the West

But leftists ARE real racists...
Anyhow, Janusz Korwin-Meme is roo radical for communist nostalgia geezers, but I hope he'll make it. He's redpilled as fuck.

Maybe one, sure, but if Poland is 50% BASED BLACK MEN, you're not Polish anymore.
Politics can change with time, but a loss of identity is irreversible. Take me, for example. I started out as a centre-left normie, born to two white parents of the same political beliefs. I'm now an ethnonationalist. If my dad was black, though, I couldn't will that away.

Don't get me wrong, on a personal level, I could tolerate redpilled minorities far more than a leftist. But as for what constitutes a nation, that isn't negotiable.

Out of 3 schools that I attended (~1800 students), in Warsaw there was not a single non white. And I am 23 y.o. In my entire life I've seen maybe 10 nonwhite kids in the whole country

Why did donald Trump call poland the center of europe when the center of europe is here?

I am sorta-kinda civic nationalist (except very xenophobic), but in general middle easterners and africans, in general, aren't a problem so long you don't allow them to breed without consequences. Just look how much help niggers in your country get... Housing, food, money. Niggresses don't need to work to be sustained and presumably niggers too. Additionally they can steal what they don't have... If you cut all the gibs nig and spic populations would fall spectacularly.

What's your opinion on Poland?

korwin-mikke is the absolute shitshow in person

Are there any entry-level jobs in Poland for Americans? Is it possible to even live there if you're a poor American or should I not even try?

Language is not a problem, I grew up in a Russian-speaking family.

In school I was told that it is somewhere near Warsaw

btw, what does average Belarussian thinks of the Commonwealth?

Polands good. Have more nifty things than here but I enjoy the nature here. What you think of Belarus?

>Language is not a problem, I grew up in a Russian-speaking family
So you not only don't know polish, but you also know russian? You'd be double fucked here dude

Its easy to be civic nationalist when your ethnic group is an absolute majority. At that point ethnic and civic nationalism are the same thing

Sounds like a potential paradise. Don't know why anyone would risk 'diversifying' it.
You're honestly telling me that seeing a white woman with a niglet doesn't revolt you?
Damn, I wish my dad spoke Russian to me when I was growing up. But they don't particularly like Russians.

Polotsk is the center of Europe. You should come visit. One of the oldest towns in the recorded history of Europe.

> Are there any entry-level jobs in Poland for Americans?
I don't want if there are specifically for Americans, but there is a huge need for truck drivers
In middle-sized cities you won't have a problem to find a job as a native speaker

How is to be based?

Russified brothers

I meant as in learning a new Slavic language, you kurwa. Now answer the rest of my question.

Your best bet is Russia. Most Belarussians go to the Russia for a work then come back to live here cuz money better

I honestly hope that you don't hate Poland because it was bigger once and also I regret we didn't demand your soveteignity in 1921. Present Belarus... I hope Russia won't swallow you.

Sure, if I recall well we can enter Belarus for 3 days without any visa, will have to go there. What about the language, though? Do young people speak English?

Oh, I know. You could work in private language schools that will have Russian-English courses, since we have shitload of Ukrainians here

Yeah I gotta say I laugh everytime I see some burger saying that were not europeans.

If the father has >130 IQ, works, knows Polish, has no criminal record and assimilates, I have nothing against it.
Don't meet any of those requirement and you're out or dead.

I am a Russian citizen, so it would make sense for me to live there if shit hits the fan here in the States i.e. a commie being elected. I just tend to like Poland more because I had a beautiful second-generation Polish girlfriend a while back :DDDD

Idk if youve made this thread before, cause I didnt get a right answer from the last one. But my cousin was stationed in Poland when they did training exercises together for the Army. He wanted to know why the fuck you are either 6'4 or 5'5. He said theirs literally no inbetween you are either a manlet or tall as fuck

Answer: As an american you should not aim for entry-level jobs. You should instead learn polish and work as a translator, or a language expert for some big firm, whatever. You could bullshit about your work experience too since nobody would check that.

Manlet commandos and giant regulars. No idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Are dogs normally this big in Poland?

>russia will get rid of a buffer zone

Poland, my friend Germany is inching up very close. I dont hate Poland. Didnt like the whole Nazis throwing us into barns then lighting them on fire and killing a quarter of all the males. Also if you look at our Demographics we still havent recovered the numbers from before the war.

Lukashenka is a good leader. Its more stable I would feel than most non- EU eastern states


is that john malkovich

>nobody would check that


Can't do much with translating myself, I'm half deaf and I have to wear hearing aids. Clearly there doesn't seem to be much in the way of work for an 18 year old. Can't work as a farmer or mechanic either because I'm a city boy and nobody taught me these things. Feels bad, man.

No, it's just the houses are really small. Being poor sucks.

Google translate is wonderful. Although be sure to be able to read cyrillic alphabet. If you know russian youre good. People talking Belarusian here is kinda like irish that still speak celtic in a way

Poland sounds fun
Does Argentina Works too? What if I pretend to be Messi?

That's a small house then.

whose a big boy

You try building a house with $300 a month salary.

that's a middle size house in Poland

Because they know shit, for them EU == geographical Europe.

If I think about that, he is right. I am 185cm, 6'1 most of my male friends are +- 5cm, while the rest is like Messi


> read cyrillic alphabet
Had Russian for 3 years in school, cyrillic is the only thing that I've learned.

> People talking Belarusian here is kinda like irish that still speak celtic in a way
yeah, this is interesting, that 80% of your population speaks Russian instead of Belarussian

Argentina is white, right? Besides, you have the largest Polish diaspora in South America

dunno, but we'll get right on it

that's been pol vernacular for years, where the fuck have you been?


$300 a month? WTF I earn that in a day.


So basically a unicorn? OK.
Still, I like the white aesthetic and think it should be preserved. Can't stand seeing a walking turd passing on its genes, even if it's a smart turd.
Are Belarusians still openly racist?

>Ask a Pole anything
I love me siemas like a half-brother I never had, but boy, most siemas I meet (hiking, mind you) have literally no manners (even less than us Pepiks!). Littering, shouting, not greeting, stuff like that. What gives?

Prices are also much lower.

Heeey Welcome to Eastern Europe buddy. But he did exaggerate that, minimal is 400$

I lived in Warsaw for a year in 2009.

When I was there is was incredibly hard to spot a Muslim or negro. Often times in center I would see young Vietnamese who spoke perfect polish. I once saw a young hooligan in broad day light scream and harass some Muslim at the train station

I returned in 2016 and it's completely different, in one afternoon stroll through Warsaw I counted dozens of blacks and even Muslims in full towel gear. No one said anything to them.

Have you noticed a change this quickly or is WWA always been this way and I just noticed it more.

>even less than us Pepiks
You know that in Poland "Pepik" is not very polite term about Czechs? Something like Pollack in English

> What gives?
We are constantly pissed off and we do not like small-talk

Then you'll remain. Huh. Well, let's hope he'll die after we go full fascist and maybe this time we'll be able to protect you. Sorry if I sound bossy, I just have some kind of geopolitical big brother syndrome towards Belarus, Ukraine and Lithuania (even if latter two are ungrateful bastards).
Why can't you remain in US, then?
>Poland somethingsomething Day
Is that true in Argentina?
Since he's hacking, not him!
We earn approximately the same number as you do.
Except 1zł=3,7 dolla.
Yes, basically a unicorn. Why the fuck would I need common ape nigger?

That's pretty funny anyway you look at it

yea, I've noticed the increase of nonwhites in Warsaw, but you had to be extremely unlucky to see something like this. We have 25k nonwhites students in Poland

>Argentina is white
No we are not and yeah we have polish diaspora in misiones if you want to visit your cousins someday .