What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Their existance
>says the larper
>says the larper
>says the larper
>says the larper
>says the larper
>says the larper
Saudi Arabia stopped bribing Erdogan so he closed the borders and let the moderate terrorists face the Russians without help
>says the larper
>says the larpers
>says the larper
>this is what you two LARPERS look like
Russia and China realized that they were tricked by the west on Libya, so they vetoed the war on Syria.
Custom flags were a mistake...
>says the larper
>What went wrong?
>the jihadi neckbeard larper typed out as he admired the photo of himself and his love once again.
This is the flag, fagistani.
>the nazbol faggot who masturbates over the Strasser brothers
>all this larping
>hi pot meet kettle
>the first worlder white jihadi cretin who masturbates over al-Baghdadi and ISIS
>hi kettle meet pot
Why are all converts gingers? Inferiority complex?
nice thread
allowing white ppl
Poor FSA never stood a chance desu.