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/r/cringeanarchy would love this
The horror
Why is it always with the fucking children's franchises?
oh no, how will Trump ever recover?
Is that a real photograph??
League would condemn her for killing an innocent.
God, I hate normies.
What?! WW is not an antisemite!
Only children are uninformed enough not to question. The importance of indoctrinating them can't be overestimated.
Comic books are a weird subject. The books and many of the movies themselves are no longer aimed toward children but people who want nothing but dark edgy story lines with sex and gore. But at the same time the characters are marketed towards kids.
Sooner or later these kids will cross into the comic book portion and see Wonder Woman being a bisexual roastie.
oy vey
>brown-eyed Wonder Woman
Holy shit he can talk in space? Truly indestructible, Trump 2020 MAGA.
Vs reality
>a fictional character beating Trump
you cant scream in space
Incredible restraint on the guy's part to last that long before striking back.
>those wild swings
That guy was drunk as fuck.
DCfags are truly enemies of the West
The best part of it all is that they never explain why they think hes evil. He just is by default. Even WW2 propaganda posters had to say the enemy raped or did X warcrime every now and then.
>Wonder Woman being a bisexual roastie
Confirmed for not knowing anything. Yes she is bi, she comes from an island entirely of Women what do you think would happen? But Diana is pure. Fuck you faggot
For real. Problem is, he'd still face charges and she wouldnt.
...and STILL Hillary would not be President.
>they never explain why they think hes evil
That isn't true. They say he's evil because he's "racist/ sexist" then they bring up his statements about Mexicans and the pussy grabbing comment as proof.
>many of the movies themselves are no longer aimed toward children but people who want nothing but dark edgy story lines
For DC yeah.
Somewhere they got the idea that "dark" equals "good." Dark CAN be good, but is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition.
Wonder women is a slut. Sluttiest character of Marvel, some super power having crack smoking nigga dick sucking whore.
I'm glad the left is giving up on democracy. Next thing you know, they might embrace divorce for nations, not just for marriages.
Wtf Iove Wonderwoman now
Best I can do on short notice
Sexism is evil? I remember in the justice league cartoon they kept the fact that a man saved her secret because they were butthurt a man could be strong. Sounds pretty sexist to me but ok.
The Amazons hate of men is portrayed as a bad thing. You are supposed to see them as bigots Diana always tries to show them that their ways are wrong.
One theory I've heard suggested is that these SJWs are fallen women but they like to remember the time when they had not ruined themselves with communism, dicks and pre-mixed drinks. Because that was when they were still feminine and happy.
That's why they obsess over Harry Potter. It reminds them of their childhood and adolescence, watching those movies.
I'm pretty sure no one actually obsessed about Harry Potter like that when those movies were still coming out.
I mean, kids looked forward to those movies but no one was treating it like a secular Bible, right?
>when you can't discuss policy differences like an adult or have the balls to punch people in the real world so you resort to using a comic book character made in the 1940's as a vehicle to impotently vent.
Post the unedited version
Confirmed for not reading Wonder Woman in the past decade and being a Sup Forums faggot who doesn't read comics.
Hell yea
Now, this is art worthy of the name DC
Truly, is there anything more /cosmicbrain/?
>Single Colors
>awful shading
>Just colors as a backround
>Thick fat lines to hide the fact that the artist has no understanding of how to do a straight line
>Dumb anatomy
>Traced over Wonder punch
>Not even an accurate representation of earth
Did a child make this?
All this virtue signaling and not a single argument.
>Illegal aliens wanting the host/native out of their own countries so that the illegal can make policies supporting their own kind instead
Can't make this shit up
thread should have stopped here desu
b...but jews are /ourbasedgoys/
Drunk on rage. When you can't hold in your anger after a certain point your swings go primal
Should just have clocked her right away. People wont suddenly change their mind about hitting you when you DONT fight back.
Slide thread BTFO by SAGE
>New Research Shows Guccifer 2.0 Files Were Copied Locally, Not Hacked
Manifest Ideas into balls of energy to fight each other and the better idea would win
next project after removing Jews