
>hate Germans
>hate Russians
>hate Jews
>hate muslims
>hate niggers
>hate sandniggers
>hate gypsies
>hate fags
>hate transgenders
>hate communists
>hate marxists

Why there is so much hatred in Poland?

Other urls found in this thread:


They know better.

I mean, we even hate fucking Swedes almost 400 years after Deluge

Poland has been fucked over by their neighbors all throughout history, they are right to distrust anyone including us burgers, I love you poland just take care of yourselves.

You forgot
>hate poles

we love poles

And that's why everybody hates Poles.

Ok but why is there so much kurwa in your language?


Why do people always want to go to countries they know they won't be welcomed in? Its the same with Japan. Moron says japan is racist, wish they would be more tolerant, goes to japan gets treated like outsider, gets butthurt. If you know they don't like you stay away.

We love to hate

You and you're cuckold buddies aren't everyone.

because it is very universal word that can express 1000 feelings

we love to hate so much, we even hate each other!

>hate Germans
>hate Russians
>hate muslims
>hate communists
>hate marxists
For obvious reasons

>hate fags
>hate transgenders
Because they have God on their side

>hate Jews
>hate niggers
>hate gypsies
Couldn't really tell you why they hate these people, but they're commonly hated anyways so it's not surprising.

>be right wing dude in euro land, also russian
>very right wing, even have respect for poles
>go inna vidya (players unknown battleground)
>be always polite and play nicely, always try to cooperate, win more because of that probably
>encounter group of poles
>"so ugh you speek russian?"
>"kurwa, you gay, russian gay, all gay! Kurwa"

wat, how is there even a difference between the two people, both are drunk as hell, smoke their minds away and zealotlike hate mudslimes.

and yet still, the first response is just pure hostility, jesus. If there is no pan nationalism, there is multiculturalism with muds and niggers. Choose one poles.

Because we have the right to hate them.

Poles are quite cheap but somewhat lazy labour. Steal less than other Slavs but are twice as whiney to talk to.

I wonder do Poles hate Danes? Or are you just as indifferent as we are towards you.

it is not true that we hate asians (true east asians)

I don't think so, Poles hate Poles if there are none of the above available. Lucky all the occupations gave a good list of other counties to hate more

>Not sustaining yourself through pure liquefied hate.
Scowl harder fagets.


nothing wrong with hating any of those.
the world would be far better off without all these groups,

We dont really hate denmark, I myself like it

>Couldn't really tell you why they hate these people
>Couldn't really tell you why they hate these people,


Sounds like my kind of country.

Because they saved Europe, and all they got from it was the destruction of their country several times the following centuries.


I hate every country,only love Hungary and OFC Poland

australian here travelling europe. right now in berlin- was in warsaw and krakow before. poland may not be rich but it is a european utopia compared to this shithole.

>123 years of partitions
>55 years of communism
>constantly trying to russife the population
>murder Polish officers and elites during ww2

what a surprise

The only encounter between Danes and Poles in the history I can think of if the fact that you and Turks didn't legitimize partitions. No reason to dislike you. The only thing that we know about Denmark is Lego and hockey.

it was probably paki or afgan

Thanks, Skippy

Coz they got buttfucked by everyone of them.

nah we are just challenging each other all the time and on top of that we are stubborn and proud.

The biggest retards in Poland are neonazis

Why would you fap to a guy that wanted you deaad?!

Those opinions are spot on. What a shitty little country I happen to have been born in. FML

>not hating asians
Step up your hating game, Lukasz.

Ok I used to respect them but now they go on my hate list. Fucking little yellow bastards, all look the same.

We don't hate Asians so much tho.
No one here is complaining about our Viets for example, because they work and adapt.

By "Asian" the guy from the pic probably meant "sandnigger"

Probably insecure about losing all the time.

>most positive opinion on Poles by a Hungarian
>Asians supports Nazi Germany's actions
you can't script this shit

Here's a 17th century Polish soldier's account of Denmark (where he and his brothers in arms were sent to aid the Danes against the Swedes):

>The people there are handsome too; fair are the women, even too fair of complexion; finely do they attire themselves; but town or country - all wear wooden clogs. In town when they walk over the paving stones, such a racket do they make that a body cannot hear what is said to him; ladies of a higher station though, wear the same sort of slippers as Polish women do. Yet in their affections they are not as reserved as our women. For though they show at first uncommon timidity, after but one visit and the speaking of a few heedless words, they fall passionately in love and are incapable of hiding it: father, mother, rich dowry, she is prepared to forsake all and ride off with her lover, be it to the ends of the earth.

>Their beds are set into the wall like closets, and they pile them with plenty of bedclothes. They sleep naked as their mother bore them, nor do they see any shame in undressing and dressing in each other's presence, nor heed even a guest, but by candlelight they remove all their outer garments, and finally their underclothes too, hanging everything on wooden pegs; then, naked as ever they be, bolting the door and blowing out the candle, at last they crawl into that closet and go to sleep. When we told them it was unsightly, in our country a wife would not do that in front of her husband, they said: "With us there's no disgrace, and no point being ashamed of one's own members that the Lord himself created."

It's just the legacy of stalinism - it was pretty nationalistic homophobic and conservatism.

>As for their sleeping nude, they say, "my shirt and other garments have enough of serving me during the day and covering me; by night at least one should preserve them, and besides, what need have I to take fleas and lice into my bed at night and give them leave to bite me, thereby keeping me from delicious sleep!". Our lads played various pranks on them, but they did not break their custom.

>That diet of theirs is exceedingly droll, for rarely do they eat anything hot, but having cooked for the whole week various pots of food, they eat it cold, taking frequent mouthfuls even while they thresh - for their womenfolk thresh with flails like the men - scarce have they threshed one sheaf but they sit down in the straw, take some bread and, spreading it with the butter which always stands with it in a firkin, they eat it, then get up again to thresh, and so they work, by bites.

>When they kill an ox, a pig or a sheep, they waste not a single drop of blood, but draw it off into a vessel; they stir into it hulled barley or buckwheat, stuff the entrails of the beast with it and cook it in a pot; then on a huge platter they weave a garland of these entrails about the head of this same beast, and so at every meal it is placed on the table and eaten as a great delicacy. Even in gentry homes they do so; and they pestered me to death, offering it to me, until at last I said it does not befit Poles to eat it, for our dogs would turn against us, it being their dish.

>hate Poles
>love only money
Why else would you migrate?

>They do not have stoves in their houses, unless they be grand gentlemen, because the king takes a big tax from them; 100 thalers per year, so they said. But they have broad hearths with as many chairs around them as people in the household; and so sitting they warm themselves. Or sometimes for better heating of the room there's a small channel, like a little trough, in the center of a room; it being filled with live coals, they puff on them from one end, causing them to glow and spread warmth.

>The churches there are very beautiful, having been Catholic before; the service, too, is more beautiful than that of our Polish Calvinists because you see altars and pictures in the churches. We attended some sermons, since they had prepared them in Latin especially for us and invited us to hear them, and so circumspectly did they preach, without prounouncing the slightest word contra fidem [against the faith] that you would say a Roman priest is preaching; and they were proud of this, telling us: we believe in the same thing you do, in vain do you call us apostates.

>But, as usual Father Piekarski flayed us for being present: many another attended in order to see the lovely damsels and their ways. During their German [Lutheran] service, they cover their eyes, the men with their hats, the women with their veils, and bowing, put their heads beneath the benches; at that time our boys would steal their books from them, their handkerchiefs, etc. Once, the preacher observed this, and so hard did he laugh that for laughing he could not finish the sermon. And we, watching that, had to laugh too. The Lutherans stupebant [were stunned] that we are laughing, the preacher along with us.

>Afterward, he cited the example of the soldier who asked a hermit to pray for him: the hermit knelt down to pray, meanwhile the soldier snatched the little sheep who carried the hermit's bundle and fled. At the end of this story, exclamavit: O devotionem supra devotiones! alter orat, alter furatur. [He exclaimed: O devotion of devotions! One prays, the other steals.]

>From that time on, when the moment came to cover their heads, they first put away their books and handkerchiefs, but not without laughter did they do so, one glancing at the other. When I discoursed with them about what event they commemorated, covering their heads and shielding their eyes, since neither Christ nor the apostles ever did so, no one could reply; only one said that by this act they were remembering that the Jews had covered Christ's eyes and ordered him to prophesy. In answer to this I said: if you wish to commemorate fittingly passionem Domini, then someone should deal you all fisticuffs at the nape of the neck, while you cover up, for so it was done then; but no one would agree to this.

chill out PRZEMYSŁAW

>From that time on, when the moment came to cover their heads, they first put away their books and handkerchiefs, but not without laughter did they do so, one glancing at the other. When I discoursed with them about what event they commemorated, covering their heads and shielding their eyes, since neither Christ nor the apostles ever did so, no one could reply; only one said that by this act they were remembering that the Jews had covered Christ's eyes and ordered him to prophesy. In answer to this I said: if you wish to commemorate fittingly passionem Domini, then someone should deal you all fisticuffs at the nape of the neck, while you cover up, for so it was done then; but no one would agree to this.

>In no time, the Brandenburg Elector knew about this church service and when the district supervisor of Kaniow was visiting him, he says: "For God's sake, My Lord, send warning to the Governor from me; he should forbid Polish gentlemen to frequent th echurches, for surely great numbers of them will be converted to the Lutheran faith, because, from what I hear, so fiery is their devotion that the heat consumes the handkerchiefs of Danish damsels." The Governor had a mighty good laugh over that warning.

The rest of the account is mostly focused on the fighting.

Also I've kept the "supervisor of Kaniow" and "Governor" by the translator (Catherine S. Leach) but strictly he's talking about a Starosta (a royal territorial administrator) and a Voivode (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voivodes_of_the_Polish-Lithuanian_Commonwealth) respectively, the latter being the voivode of Ruthenia Stefan Czarniecki, the leader of the expedition.

Hundreds of years of involuntary buttsex and crushed ambitions. That's about it.

>the hermit knelt down to pray, meanwhile the soldier snatched the little sheep who carried the hermit's bundle and fled
This is how I know it's true. It is exactly what a Pole would do.

This thread is not about Russians.

I know that Russians are extreme faggots and like to fuck from behind, alone you are not so strong

KPM (kurwa per minute) is the most accurate way to mesure Polish excitement or stress.

Yea, it's about butthurt belt.

>In paper-based surveys, 6% of respondents self-reported same-sex attraction, compared to 12% of online respondents.

>United States
>1.7 percent of American adults identify as gay or lesbian

Poland was the first western country to have pro-homosexual laws:
>Poland was one of the first countries to avoid punishing homosexuality in early modern era. This was formally codified in 1932, and Poland introduced an equal age of consent for homosexuals and heterosexuals, which was set at 15.[1][2] Poland is one of few countries where sexually active gay and bisexual men are not legally restricted from donating blood.

Christians actually love homosexuality, Stalin tried to prevent this. All degeneracy in western world stems from Christianity.

>In 1933, the Soviet government, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, recriminalised homosexual activity with punishments of up to five years' hard labor.

>Soviet law prohibited the creation and distribution of pornography under Article 228 of the criminal code of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and analogous legislation adopted by other republics of the Soviet Union.

It has some cons, it has some pros

>>In paper-based surveys, 6% of respondents self-reported same-sex attraction, compared to 12% of online respondents.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I love when some retard comes out of nowhere and lectures me about my country.

You forgot to mention that in the period between wars poles made jew pogroms pretty regularly and the country was antisemitic in many institutions

gagagaga XD

Lots of people in the closet. You know, if you don't like homosexuality then ban it, if you don't like porn then ban it, if you don't like circumcision then ban it. Everybody can talk about how he isn't degenerate. Everybody can pretend to be a nationalist, but at end of the day all that matters is what your laws are, not what you say. Americans produce 99% of all gay porn and overall porn, but online they try to teach other and blame Commies for porn.

>Lots of people in the closet
You would know.

srsly tho, I work with a bunch of poles and I barely even can see any difference between them and russians.

>both smoke to excess (most slavic nations have super high smoking rates)
>both love the booze way too much and even invented it, and had their legacy attributed to it
>both violent and narcissistic as fug (the violent thing is good though)

so the jews have used us as war slaves to bully you, big whoop, look at what is outside now, the current power balance and political allignments, and the struggle. I am all for your independence but the whites at large wont survive if you choose to hate other whites too much.

>One of the largest countries in Central Europe, Poland is known for its many cultural heritage sites and an up-and-coming gay scene.

We. Don't. Care.

We will let the west die since it sold us out many times. The arab hordes will purge it of degeneracy. God wills it.

please just don't call me a homo!!!! it's too much!!!!

reality is that people who kvetch about fags all the time are just closeted homos who use this tactics to disguise their hidden urges

So your brilliant end plan is for the jews to nuke you when there are no longer any nations left to be neutral to you and to help you sometimes in disputes or whatever?

Because that is what will happen. Only because some last vestiges of what is white are still remaining in power right now in europe, there is too much actual opposition to the jews and their desire to murder us all. Arent you going to help us in this game of jew removal? You want to become like korea and whine like a bunch of bitches?

Because they lived through communism. I like their hate, it gives them strength. They are not the current, weak and pandered Western Europe thats falling over them selves to be the first to commit suicide.

So help me god if they start attacking poland.

Quiz question: why did Poland build thousands of gay pubs, hotels, saunas, dance clubs if you are so anti-gay? I am not saying you are a homo, i am just stating facts that Poland was/is the gayest country and also the most Christian one. Kind of reminds me of USA.

I will live 70 years max, I really don't care for the future, I just want to see germs curb stomped in broad daylight.

>why did Poland build thousands of gay pubs
to manage the growing slovak population coming here

> thousands of gay pubs, hotels, saunas, dance clubs
Are you stupid? I've read that 30% of fags from Poland moved to the UK

Yea that is totally not a defeating and proper way of thinking. Well there are probably other poles who do not share your views and who want to actually live and thrive. Seen plenty of jew naming with your football hooligans, so its alrite, die if you want pole but your countrymen probably dont want to all follow you.

>i was trying to help by gassing milions of poles
he helped by killing himself, actualy, after that germs went cuck overdrive

It is a fantastic word, I want to learn Polish just so I can understand it's many different uses.

user, you make us look bad. He is Slovenian

That explains a lot, but you were pretty pro-gay back in 30ies, one of reasons why you didn't liked Commies, of course they also occupied your land, but then again Anglo and Germans did too.

Granted he was a shitty leader for attacking poland and killing whites, be he also kinda made white birthrates surge besides the fact that he was fucking shit at war.

I don't care. The fate of the west is settled. Deus vult.

You forgot Ukrainians. There's so much butthurt towards us from you lately.

the 1 good review is from another eastern european, proving that poles are kind to their friends and allies but only mean to subhumans and degenerates.

good ppl

>he also kinda made white birthrates surge
this is not an argument by any means

t. pajeet

same here. Now explain why you think it's a bad thing

Maybe if you lay off the booze and smokes you could actually become non depressed you know, if you also eat well lol...fat, drunken, smoking alcoholics, so much like the russians...

literaly a failed country

a playground of kike oligarchs, you are worse than many african countries

Well that's mine wheres yours?

Ukrainians are lowering the salaries of Poland, good thing is that you aren't niggers, but still. You could say Poland will build up more defenses against niggers when their salaries are lowered. Maybe we should thank you for keeping Poland white.

nice strawman

Wrong about germans, jews and moderate fags. I hate "people" like the OP, he has the mentality of tracksuit-wearing bydło.

> but you were pretty pro-gay back in 30ies
lets say that 30s is total chaos in Polish politics, we had a lot of hardcore leftists back then

I hate bandera-ukrainians, normal ones are rather ok. At least those, whom I've met in Poland. Besides, I don't need to hate you. Your own government has been doing that for the past 25 years

> same here
yea, we even got "Poles" on both lists
But I do not think that this is a bad thing, but it is very unique think in Europe

they are not bad migrants, but I wish they were better educated instead of just a simple workforce. But they assimilate very quickly and the language is fairly simple

>t. Szechter

How so? Bodily health directly relates to mental heath. Your lifestyles, along that of russians and many other slavs make you more depressed. If you actually dropped the booze, stopped smoking, and started eating more healthy, you would get more testosterone, and in turn it would give you more happiness.

You are basically just giving yourself bullshit excuses with history, when you are now in the EU gibs projects and have a better life still.


You should probably sort yourself out before you start to angrily lashing out at things.


keep on strawmaning

Hardcore lefties in Soviet Union banned homosexuality, but you re-implement it. Besides that Socialism doesn't has left or right, it has only one political party. 2-party system is invention of Americans, it's like good and bad in Christianity where evil changes and plays good and bad cop.

>oh gee I wonder why the poles are so angry and shitty, its like you wanna be the little russians

What do Poles love?

Now I'm convinced you are a closet homo.

This thread is the best proof why we need EU. European nations HATE each other, without the EU and liberalism Europeans would have been at each other throats again.
That's what we did for centuries.

Remember that old Jewish lady, Barbara Lerner Spectre, who said that Jews will play instrumental role in making Europe multicultural?
I used to hate that statement, but now I finally understand THE MEANING of it.

The fact is:
THE JEWS ARE SAVING US FROM OURSELVES. Thanks to them we aren't killing each other again. Jews even know that we will hate them for bringing peace (as Mrs Lerner Spectre said) and won't appreciate their effort.

Jews are making us civilized and saving us from the nuclear armageddon.

wtf I love the jews now


I uironicaly support this. Without the EU germs would fuck us up again but they instead take loads of sandniggers and give us a lot of cash. I love that gig.