When will yall white people just go extinct?
Every non white is waiting for it to happen in glee
When will yall white people just go extinct?
Every non white is waiting for it to happen in glee
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Is hatred towards white people universal and taught in every school?
Never happen brownie. We're getting fed up now, and all hell's going to break loose within the next 15 years. After that, white topia.
American history classes focus only on atrocities committed by whites.
Thank fucking God for being born in a +99% white country and rejecting kike multikulti propaganda early in the elementary school. Never liked non-whites and with each passing year grew more resentful and distrustful towards them. And now these fuckers show their true colors, they eat that kike shit and think highly of themselves by openly celebrating our slow death.
Yet still I can't hate them more, than treacherous white scum.
Do they not understand that the death of white people means the end of the gravy train? That they won't be able to ride on our coat tails technologically or economically?
im ripping my eyeballs out so i dont have to experience this hell we're in anymore
Too bad nigger.
Guess you'll just have to wait til we leave you niggers behind and head to Mars
They are in for disappointment
That's great, we non-white Slavs can thrive to stay black and we remove white London and Paris.
They've been conditioned to believe that we would be space kangz but white people keep getting in the way. That's right. These people honestly believe that mankind would be more advanced if there weren't white people.
No they don't. It's remarkable really. Even with real world examples such as Zimbabwe, they can't grasp the concept. Just goes to show how stupid niggers really are.
We will take the whole fucking world out with us.
>more than treacherous white scum
Friendo, treacherous white scum (the generations before us) paved the way for our situation
I honestly can not wait for it to happen either. It will be quite funny sitting in heaven watching the chaos happen below because these sub-humans are incapable of creating civil society without taking it from the white man.
I honestly don't get why blacks and browns think they can run a country.
They're also delusional of they think the power vacuum left behind by whites will just be theirs to play with as they please.
These people are going to get raped in every conceivable way by yellow borg that can't even pronounce affirmative action.
No they're indoctrinated by our antiwhite school and media and most have literally the knowledge of history and politics that we have at 10. Imagine being a confused retard walking around in a strange land who knows fuck all about your past or situation but know one group has (the illusion of) power over you and the only thing your simple mind has learned about history is what atrocities theyve committed.
Yes, everyone, as they grow in numbers, grows in boldness - muslims, non-white people in general. Well woke white people are growing too not coincidentally. And we still outnumber them all, even in 56% land.
I really think that we should let them have this planet.
No only in West countries, and Africa. Indians in India dont even think about whites at all, most muzzies link whiteys to infidel so there you go.
>map shows the last remaining white people in the americas
It's funny watching democratic operatives trying to push the same shit your side projects as an act of slander and "I told you so". Naa, were good. We'll just keep letting you show yourselves for who you really are. So when you make "the move" and we fucking eradicate you, we'll be of sound conscious.
>Here, have a shekel....faggot
Nigs dont think ahead like ever
>non whites
>having the intellectual capacity to plan ahead and perceive consequences
Pick only one.
Yeah this. It isn't about space kangz, they just can't imagine the world being any other way. Even with the Zimbabwe example. I bet they'd think something like 'well that's Zimbabwe, that's in Africa, that's not America'. I bet it's at bottom a magic dirt theory, or more likely they don't think that far and instead it's 'nothing will change, only, we'll be on top'.
That's what hard-pushed equality gives you. Trying to goose reality always has a downside, you usually just can't see it until it's done.
What pisses me off is that the downward slide will happen slowly, so that people mostly won't notice, blacks least of all. We whites will never get a "We told you so" moment.
I can't wait to see them collapse quickly after they realize they're just dick riding whites.
Not sure what you mean. You mean our ancestors who bled and died for us, their descendants, to have the best, most peaceful and prosperous ever created in the human history? Or the actual scumbags, who in this day and age despite the overabundance of all kinds of information keep eating that kike shit up and and refuse to do research on our race, culture, nation etc out of basic sense of duty?
I meant that kind - the lazy NPC trash that allowed themselves to be brainwashed and get degenerate. I really dislike this "brainwashed" meme, because we all do, but people like us here told kikes to go fuck themselves. We made a conscious decision not to swallow the blue pill, yet they did. I'm told that I should feel sorry for them and try to red pill, but frankly my only wish is that they get burnt in hell for enabling this madness. Fuck these gullible morons.
Godspeed then. I look forward to fixing this shit in your country. Low IQ animals really forgot their place this time.
Eastern Europe, too. I grew up there and never ever thought of race as a concept at all, because there were no niggers or chinks there. And now, starting in mid 2000s, I kept getting fucking BOMBARDED with this obnoxious propaganda. I never could believe if these propagandist fuckers were for serious - did they really expect me and my people to believe the bullshit about immigration?
The best thing about White Genocide is the schadenfreude from watching the reaction from cucks and centrists when POCs start to go in South Afrika mod on they asses.
Much like Mozlems with homos in Europe.
Can't wait desu.
When faced with cuckery and smug civic nationalism, just spam PRO-whitegenocide memes.
Show them their country overrun, POCs hating them , their sons and daughters blacked etc.
Yes. Except maybe in Oriental Asia.
Can anyone give me sauce on this "Wife with a Purpose" thing?
Nigs cant understand equality.
Equality to a nog is another word for black supremacy. Desegregation was a ploy to force black culture on white people by jews.
>Every non white is waiting for it to happen in glee
...and proving their intellectual inferiority for all 7.2B of us to see in the process.
Thanks, Shitskins!
Yeah, it's early, no race war in sight yet, but Jared Taylor has an interview where he says that whites are waking up (ok, asks if they are):
(haven't listened though, for all I know it could be a nothing burger), but then yesterday's Fash the Nation says that Tucker Carlson (mainstream media guy), said "no-one wants Somalians living near them". It's becoming more ok here to face reality and to be negative toward refugees and by extension, brown people, which isn't nothing.
Can't wait to see their despair. I want them to realize that they can't live without white people.
> Show them their country overrun, POCs hating them , their sons and daughters blacked etc.
Yes, bring the future 'home', make it a little more immediate.
Not sure what you want - she's Mormon, a happy (and pretty) wife and mother of 6? 8? kids. Very trad wife. Popular because she's nice, happy, and pretty.
if that happens, nogs will be in for a big surprise...
You just described most white people in america. Well done.
Maybe you don't understand the level of stupidity we are dealing with here. Understanding cause and effect isn't something nigs understand all that well.
This is typical nigger behavior on twitter.
Everyone always talks about white racism, but racist niggers on twitter are more common than you think. Just lurk more...
Can you blame them? With white people gone, they will no longer be inferior.
How do we show this to normie whites and activate their defense mechanisms?
I don't understand why this is making Sup Forums so upset.
Sup Forums advocates for genocide all the time. You need to realize that this is a quiet, cold, cultural civil war. It might get hot when the power goes out, or when there is no food on the shelves, but until then, this is what they really think of you. And me.
They are your enemy. And you are theirs. Why would they have anything nice to say about you? We clearly have nothing good to say about them.
This is like getting upset that Al-Queda or ISIS is calling for the death of you and your family. You are their enemy, and they are yours.
So make sure you stock up on food and ammo.
Why is this post so obviously by someone who isnt from here?
Asians, Arabs will still exist...
Is she naive or what? The current narrative is about destroying white culture as it is, nobody really gives a shit about the black one. Again - she appeals to non-whites as if we have a rational dialogue about our race/culture and through arguments we can come to a compromise and agreement. What is up with these gullible alt-lite goofballs - you do NOT appeal to anyone for preserving your culture, you take an offensive supremacist stand towards and FIGHT, or you'll be annihilated.
Honestly, have you ever seen a nog create anything other then a fucking spear, if they get rid of the whites then civilization as we know it will be fucked completely.
> Daughter: Hmmmhmmmmm
> Dad: Yo nigga watch yoself mofucka
> Mom: HmmmmmHmmmmm
>not multicultural
it originates in the family long before the kids go to school
>Is she naive or what?
>we did it guys, the whites are extinct!
Imagine how shit Earth would be.
>hahaha fuck white people
>white people plz kys
>wtf white people stop being racist to people of color
>what did us people of color ever do to you? :'(
really fires up my ovens
Did you ever think of what we will do about those fucking spicks coming into our land and fucking our daughters, Trump is not fixing it. We will have to.
>They are your enemy. And you are theirs. Why would they have anything nice to say about you? We clearly have nothing good to say about them.
THIS, that's exactly what I mean. White people shouldn't argue with non-whites on race/cultural issues, because there can be no arguments, compromises or any sort of agreements. NGOs, UN and globalists openly call for our replacement, there are documents in public access that declare full blown "replacement migration" for Europe. There's a sinister major power that will not stop, until we're a mongrel degenerate monorace of slaves for them.
You serious, nigga? WifeWithAPurpose
Once you read these comments and your ovens fire up, throw those retarded cucks on this thread into it.
Even if we did get a "We told you so" moment, it would be in vain. They would lack the moral capacity to accept the repercussions of their own actions and would simply say that it's someone else's fault.
Honestly you were right when you said they didn't have the capacity to think that far ahead. There is great evidence in the field of anthropology to attest to this. Just looking at other parts of the world that are more developed and have been so for many, many more centuries than the modern non-colonized parts of Africa.
A plethora of empires have risen, fallen, and given way to new civilizations with revolutions in creed, ideology, agriculture, technology, industry, etc.; all the while the same mud and stick huts were being built in Africa for generations dating back further than the Romans and Greeks, without the slightest trace of innovation. Up until the influence of other races in the region, the people indigenous to the region had still forgone inventing simple things such as the wheel, the plow, or virtually anything to improve quality of life. The thought of training a beast of burden to do their work/help with their work never even occurred to them outside the realm of subjugating their fellow man into slavery.
Exactly. There is no gap to bridge, there is no talking to be had. This is a enemy promoting their own propaganda during wartime.
Just like we do. They are just advocating for their own side. To get upset over something like this is retarded.
Whites will always continue to exist in the genes they passed on when they raped your ancestors.
Stay mad shitskins, you'll never get rid of us.
all of you gibs guys don't understand that they only need the gibs because they're being kept down by the man. Otherwise they'd all have cadillacs.
"The man"
You mean Lord Chanka?
I wonder how Genocidal the Chinese any other Asiatic countries would be the moment America has a majority black population
Like would they leave some alive or just wipe them out
>make white people extinct
they made a movie about it
Then why my family, classmates, friends, myself - basically everyone had a neutral for the most stand towards non-whites? Why are we born peaceful and tolerant, whereas the rest of the world hates us?
Not a kraut, temporarily here.
Did you know that in Africa they are actually
putting white people in the slums? Read about it, we should invade Africa and put those nogs in the slums. They do not deserve their own country.
Because they have no foresight because they're niggers. You look at Rhodesia and the shithole it is now. You look at Haiti and the shithole it is now. These things will always happen because running a civilized country is something niggers simply haven't evolved to do yet.
Whites (not leftists) are unironically the only people who seem to have foresight (slanty Asians too, but to a much lesser extent). Leftists do what sounds good instead of what works. Jews have multiple scenarios running parallel for when their current scenario fucks up and then they repeat the process over and over. Niggers don't seem to understand day and night cycles or that there's a thing beyond "now".
Whites built the world and it's that simple. Asians made some decent discoveries of their own, it's just they weren't really worth a shit until the white man showed them their real power.
A world entirely made of niggers would die or live caveman style. A world of leftists would die without even reaching caveman style. A world of Jews would die because a parasite can't live without a host. A world of whites (with no leftists) would have evolved (technologically at least) way beyond where we are now. Same with Asians. Though they would probably need whites around to show them how.
These are facts.
>being this autistic
saying extinct is implying that non-whites aren't humans.
Pick one.
China doesn't allow blacks to settle in the country, except one city in the south. Of course if you're some rich black business man you can, but other than that...
fucking BASTE
see Sup Forums, non-whites are our friends
more Latin than blacks in america and they hate niggers. learn Spanish
>ore Latin than blacks in america and they hate niggers
They hate gringos more
>tfw the final enclaves of whites are rescued by Chinese invasion
>mfw I would join them and gladly accept Chinese rule if it means we get to live in relative peace
>Relative Peace
Asiatic countries have a universal hatred of each other
Once they off the majority of shit skins and start strip mining the earth they'll genocide each other
It's the way it always was
And always will be
>whites go extinct
>no one to stop chinks from eradicating shitskins
They have all that nigger space to enjoy their societal collapse in already, why do they need more?
you dont breed enough you never have the British empire failed because they did not breed when they conquered
in the US the 1965 immigration act paved the way for mass immigration and demographically doomed us. it's the whites in 1965 who sat on their ass when this occurred (and other things) who are ultimately responsible for this and whose mess & inactivity we have to make up for.
while they were having sex and taking LSD and proclaiming "peace and love, man" the jews worked behind the scenes to doom this country into absolute crisis in the future my migration and propaganda. they let their guard down in angsty confusion and lust and degeneracy like adult children.
Hello Ramon. Your 85 average IQ is showing.
Are you legal?
white features are the hottest
but im glad it won't be only white people running the show anymore
all the good jobs are held by white people here...and they would never let a muhammed or a patel or a chan or a gonzalez get the positions.
but if your last name is white, suddenly you get every job ever wanted.
>Every non white is waiting for it to happen in glee
Not true faggot.
Kill all the stormniggers, let the good whites live in peace.
Only (((they))) stand to gain from a race war.
Fuck you OP.
t. shitskin
>shitskins unironically proving the White Genocide conspiracy to be fact
Keep tweeting you little Aidsfricans, we only gain in numbers.
yeah im american and your mad and think im Latin for telling the truth.
Prepare to be asias bitch.
fuck off retard
I dont hate white fellas, neither do I wish they go away.
Ahhhh, nice one. So original. What gave me away?????????
Have a (you) you cringy autist.
you understand stormniggers exist to protect ourselves from people like in OP's image. you understand your post is self contradictory.
nope, as a latin I can say I hate niggers 10000x more than whites.
whites are even welcome sometimes, we intermarry with them.
blacks can all die tho
Over here yes
>tfw grew up in LA
To be fair, that's because white history is the only history worth teaching. We're the best at everything, including war and slavery. When we feel like it, anyway.
Can't wait to kill all nonwhites.
don't worry my shitskin friend, pic related is me
No, they don't understand that. Why are you even asking this? You damn well know they have IQ's a standard deviation below ours.
Of fucking course they don't understand what will happen to society without white people.
It's not the mudslimes you need to work to convince though. It's the idiot, self-destructive, and suicidal whites who are collectively allowing this to happen who need to be convinced it's a mistake.