Prove to me that you guys aren't just a bunch of Russians. I'll wait

Prove to me that you guys aren't just a bunch of Russians. I'll wait.

Other urls found in this thread:

Max cringe

Cyka Blyat

I'm sober

privyet, fellow american patriots!

Of course your average redditor is too stupid to figure out there'd be a spike in viewing of T_D after a major terrorist attack.

That spike happened on the day of the Orlando club shooting. It's most likely that the event caused a number of /r/The_Donald posts to go to the reddit front-page, which boosted subscribers.

>browser and language information

Back to fucking reddit.

Prove to me you aren't a Hillary shill nigger lover. I'll wait.

Trump is great :)

Take it up with that faggot shit screenshot, homo

>Pirate flag

Does it hurt that I put an extra space here?

At least I don't trawl threads like a little faggot looking for posts to mass reply too.

i am not currently drunk or on krokodil

Prove to me you aren't on your way to hell.

Take the Final Redpill:

All of this, ALL of it..Is a WAR on CHRIST by the (((Synagogue of Satan)))) :

Because CHRIST is the EMBODIMENT of TRUTH....The LOGOS made FLESH.

For YOU.

da ich bin ruski cyka blyat

I don't support Trump.

Putin is a pedophile.

How does a sub with 3000 people get 9000 upvotes?

Also go back to plebbit.

Prove that you are not from Reddit oh wait...

Holy shit. I just visited the leddit page. It literally resembles those shitty "illuminarti confirmed" videos from the early 2010's. It literally looks like satire.

>prove you are not a russian
my heroin addict mother never aborted me

Prove to me that YOU aren't Russian. I will wait.

>prove that you aren't russian
My K/D in CS:GO is around .66

>nigger can't into logic
just... deal your drugs, or your hos, or go back to prison, or whatever you animals do, Ja'Beemer. You need to leave the heavy thinking to whites and Asians.

And that spike was also helped by the reddit news groups deleting early reports about the Orlando shooting. Even deleting info telling locals where they can go to donate blood.

>"People from outside of America shouldn't be interested in American politics! We need Israel to dictate our policies because they're our greatest ally!"
>t. plebbit

Russia is not even in the top 20 when it comes to Sup Forums or reddit traffic.
Their participation is literally irrelevant.

Russians are low-tier humans, even below niggers.

holy fuck that top comment is pure autism


i can actually play dota 2

I'd be a Russian if i could be a qt girl (male)

Cмepть eвpeям

I don't like vodka.

I do like Van Halen.

Is this proof enough?

their argument is that they use vpns, so that traffic wouldn't show as russia. Literally conspiracy tier. In the OP screenshot, they're claiming there are only actually a few thousand Trump supporters in America

Prove to me you aren't shitting up this board with faggot threads

>says the nervous 18 yr old who is beginning to find out hard he has been played.

I get it. At this point, you've dug yourself a hole so deep that you cant get out and now you HAVE to play along with the "this is fake news" narrative. Otherwise, you will have to admit not only to yourself, but also to everyone around you how wrong you have been. That level of embarrassment is enough to make someone commit suicide. Just remember that political defeats dont mean you should end your life and if you decide to buy a gun to off yourself maybe think about putting it down and talking to a professional first. He might even diagnose you as delusional and get you the proper help you need.

The REEEEEEing is hillarious. For some reason whenever I read r/politics I picture the snopes people typing all mad.

Tpaхaть пeчeнь

>I get it.
Thanks for the ambiguous smug copypasta, faggot

This is why you constantly lose. You scream about holding some kind of moral and intellectual high-ground but your just a complete jackass speaking ambiguously about the future regret I'll never have.

God damn you libtards love losing.


howdy partners


So you're finally coming full circle.

We told you from day fucking one that Russians were feeding information, and beating you retards in propaganda.

You decided to plug your ears and keep marching forward #ForHer!~

You were defeated by an international coalition of truth.

I am sorry that it came to this, but you forced it.

why would I want to prove anything to random kike in the internets?

This translates to "to fuck a liver".

Lol, someone paid reddit money for that post.

Yeah, it's so easy to farm karma off them, they're formulaic as shit. Just think: "what would reddit want to hear?" Post that and there's about a 25% chance of gold.

at least 50 russian shills are present at all time on /ptg/ cesspit. all vpn fags.

what does that do anyway?

Oнлi 90c кидc хилл yндeгcтaнд тгиc

Gives the user who got gold a few extra features as well as access to a special subreddit for a month. It also gives them a little badge telling them that someone really really really liked your post. It's like a super upvote almost.

Which leads to more upboats because they're largely herd creatures.

so people spend real money on gold, then gift it to whoever they think should have it?

Yes, exactly.

Meanwhile in the real world all the anti Trump subs use mass botting to upboat their posts. Libtards sure do love to accuse their enemies of the exact same thing they're guilty of.

I hate borscht

You lot disgust me.

As an avid conoisseur and self-described enthusiast of the oriental female form and soul,I shall not stand and lend my ears to this ludicrousy without taking it as a personal affront.

Although I have yet to partake in the actual reproductive coital act with a female I have the sufficient and vast body of research under my belt (and growing) to ascertain to the fact of the asian woman's superiority over her western female counterpart.

Some of you differ, and ignorantly succumb to the fallacious reasoning of ascribing the western wench as the queen of femmes due to their oversized mammaries, puffed posteriors and mockable and unnecessary curvaceous forms. Don't get me started on their foal-like, unsensual limbs.
The oriental woman is stout, well-made in its petite stature. Crafted by conservative gods out of the earth's best cream-colored clays, spun serenely to the optimum culmination and accentuated with the most gentle feminine features of all of man's races.

The asian woman's beauty is in the simplicity (think of the superior flag of Japan). Do not be fooled by the materialist anatomic avarice of the western succubus. No more no less. Perfection. Asian.

I leave you with this appeal to your reptilian brains:

Would you rather have your spawn draw up the life-giving creams from the humble cherry blossom apices of an ethereal duo of Mount Fujis?

Or from the curd-filled death bogs, vesicles of poison and ruin of a long-dead Europa?

Will you take the red pill?

Jesus fuck

All the information about IP address percentages coming from Russia would be leaked if it were in the slightest bit true. Since we haven't been force fed these leaks and have only been fed a narrative, it's safe to assume the Russians are a very small percentage.

My blood alcohol level is less than .30
