Redpill me on the Confederacy, was it all about "Muh Slavery" or was it more?
What does it mean?
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Rich democrats wanted to keep slaves and monopolies on cotton and tobacco
Majority of Southerners either didn't care or wanted slavery abolished
Rich Democrats tricked southerners into thinking it was about "state's rights" and Washington were tyrants
2% of the population at that time owned slaves.
It just makes perfect sense for the 98% who didn't own slaves to want to lay down their own lives for the rights of the 2% to own slaves, yes yes that explains it perfectly.
Anyone suggesting that it was about states rights and better representation in government is a racist shitlord
Slavery was the main issue yeah. But it was symptomatic of the divide in the same way a civil war fought over gun rights would be. North became more industrial, south remained agrarian and over time the south came to feel that they did not get adequate representation in Washington. Slavery was the last stand for the old southern way of life
But didn't the south have most of America's plantations?
Surely Washington didn't profit from ending slavery?
I'm genuinely interested in it but all I find is just horrible propaganda or deleted comments on long dead forums.
It was more...
"What the fuck, yankees? Do you want to command us? FUCK YOU YANKEES!"
As some one who lives in Georgia I'll say this, most people here still support states rights. Rich or poor, black or white, hell even some of our Democrats. I wasn't around during the civil war so I don't know if that's really what it was about, but based on modern day southern beliefs I'd say it's likely. I would listen to my Governor over my president if it ever came to it, and a majority of other Southerners would do the same from my experience.
Could you explain further?
What rights did the south have that the North didn't beyond slavery?
Muh slavery and also muh state autonomy
Basically slavery had to go eventually but I say the US should have gone the route England did in 1830 by just paying off slave owning families to make the transition after abolition. I'm sure it was cheaper than a fucking war.
I say that because
>2% of southerners owned slaves
>War kicks off and southern farm boys have to fight over blacks
>They lose
>In a shocking twist they are bitter as all fucking get out and don't like the blacks they had to suffer over
>But also a bunch of northern men went through similar
>Thousands come back with nightmares and missing limbs over blacks that suddenly show up looking to take their jobs they lost over said lost limbs
>Racism in northern cities set in place
>All because we couldn't just pay off plantation owners and ease our way out of slavery.
By the 1860s over 50% of the US's millionaires were in Natchez Mississippi.
You think the jews would let that persist?
Faggots loyal to Britian at the core of it. Anti-freedums. Needed to be destroyed. The south will never rise again.
>faggots loyal to the british
>location of the only successful defense in the war of 1812
pick one you fucking nigger lover.
Battle of New Orleans was one of the greatest defenses of the 19th century. Worlds best navy versus some niggers, prisoners, and pirates under the charge of Andrew Jackson
That was a state by state issue at the time. It wasn't that the south had MORE rights, it's that the south feared over representation of urban, industrial states which would drown out any argument over what issues should be decided by the states and what should be imposed by the federal government. All of this combined with the fact that which level of government should decide on the legality of slavery was a hot topic.
It was a "country" formed out of paranoia. When Lincoln was elected, they feared that he would abolish slavery. This was caused by previous statements he made in the Presidential Election at the time as well as smaller Elections, which usually revolved around "there must be a single policy on Slavery". Considering the usual Republican platform on slavery at the time, which was usually abolition, the Southern states feared that Lincoln would abolish slavery, even though he never expressed any idea to do so before. When he was elected, they feared for their "rights", causing them to secede. Had they chosen not to do so, it was likely that Lincoln may have kept slavery.
tl;dr the CSA was formed from fear
It was mostly taxation without representation. The union was just taking and taking and most southerners were left in the dust behind their money.
Hitler Was Right
Aren't most things formed from fear? Any modern conflict over globalism would start before any big moves were made. Best to strike before your adversary takes away your economic means to resist.
>battle of New Orleans
Frogs fought that, not Dixie-inbreds.
Basically, it was controlling who had the balance of power and how the economy would be managed.
Banning slavery meant the end of the souths agricultural economy meaning the north would be in the driving seat of the US.
Fuehrer Lincoln added slavery to his list of causes three years after attacking the south for taxes, after jailing nearly a million Americans without charges, etc. SLAVERY WAS AN ADD-ON....blacks had enslaved eachother sold each other to Muslims who brought them to West Indies, Bermuda, Haiti, etc to work on sugar cane plantations and gin mills owned by American northerners...a small percentage of them were brought to America by Jewish slave migration did not end in 1865 and most blacks are NOT descended from slaves.....
>Democrats are the REAL RACISTS
There's a difference between rational and irrational fear. The South's fear of Lincoln was irrational.
I'm a yankee so I can give my own perspective on this.
It was over slavery because that was the South's economy, though many who fought were not even slave-owners and resented those who could buy their way out of serving the CSA.
By war's end, the South's spirit was broken and its lands pillaged and destroyed by elements of the Union Army, and I can understand why the Stars and Bars are flown
the GOP was formed purely for northern interests, it was the first party to do so. Why the fuck would the south stay.
Do it again Uncle Billy
correct, still are.
>If you deport illegals how will the farms function?!
>No, we won't pay new workers fair wages instead. That would be absurd.
Something else to keep in mind was the rapid demographic changes occurring in the North. Cities such as Boston and New York were being flooded by Irish and Germans, the original mix of English and Scots Irish were quickly drowned in the migrants. Perhaps another factor were differences between this new crop and the Anglo-Saxon stock of the South?
It was about the states' right to own slaves and the refusal of the federal government and norther states to recognize the laws of the southern states.
Read literally any of the Declarations of Secession from any of the Southern States and tell me I'm wrong.
There was a lot of talk, but it all ties back to slavery. It was the chief source of conflict between the two groups.
Because Lincoln expressed no real interest in abolition beforehand nor did he express any during the election. The party doesn't always define the candidate.
>But didn't the south have most of America's plantations?
Yes, but most of the rest of the country thrived on cheap immigrant labor
The North and South were pretty different too, with the exception that the wealthy families intermarried quite often. We had different historic colonial narratives, pretty different religious background, and were settled separately and in proportion by peoples from different areas. We almost definitely should've never Unionized together in the first place, these issues existed before independence, in terms of acquisition of labor
Euro Jews knew that the whites in the south were making too many shekels from cotton picking. They then pressured the yanks into doing the (((moral))) thing by coming down here and murdering their own kind to free the savages. I'm an anglo but I've never understood their fascination with niggers and jews. The civil war was a blood sacrifice to the bafomet and luciferian circles, paving the way for the masonic heirarchy that was to follow. Circumcision is the mark of the beast.
Literally talk about how it's to maintain the fact that the white is superior to the black in their fucking secession speeches.
You never fail to amaze me, Norgebot.
the north:
>muh liberty (imo for votes like the left is doing with illegals now)
the south:
>muh economy (you can't just 'free' my nigger without compensating me)
>proles have never been conned into dying in wars that only benefit the elite
Use your search bar and go read some shit.
Fucking lol
Slavery is to civil war as 9/11 is to iraq
I'm from new orleans, it was certainly Dixie.
Sherman donated the cannons from Fort Sumter to my university because he fucking respected us.
t. Dixie resident
The north will usually say it's because we are racists pieces of salty shit and it was all about slavery and we should just get over it.
The reality is that slavery was just the catalyst for a long-standing bunch of problems that led up to the war.
Think about it like this, if trump made it illegal to have any illegal immigrants tomorrow do you think California would listen? How excited would the idea of rolling into California and stomping their liberal faces in sound to you? Is that JUST because you really hate illegals? No, odds are there are many things you don't like about them which would push you to go to war with them.
Another example is guns, if the government banned guns tomorrow how long do you really think it would take for civil war 2.0 to kick off? We might not win but you can bet if we lose historians will call us "those stupid racist gun nuts", just like the south is treated nite regarding slavery.
If you think the war was purely over some niggers then ask yourself this, would YOU send your sons, and an ENTIRE GENERATION of young men, to die (yes, they ALL died) in a war for some niggers? Alternatively, you think California would do that just for some beaners? Or would they actually just wave their cock around for virtue points and give up later because no one really cares that much.
What does it do?
>The south only seceded because of the threat of abolition
Archives nearly all "news" links
What said
UN flags were a mistake
>He can make up quotes
Robert E Lee, in his own letters written in his own hand, stated that not only was slavery reprehensible and the Union should stay together (but that he could never fight against Virginia and how regrettable it was that Virginia went with the Confederacy) but that Slavery was the singular driving force for the war.
Everybody in America believed in white supremacy during the 1860s you dolt
>I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause] ... I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.
>Abraham Lincoln
>All because we couldn't just pay off plantation owners and ease our way out of slavery.
Lincoln HATED the south for the civil war and wanted to DESTROY them. After literally burning the major cities of the south he completely destroyed the plantation system by freeing the slaves with NO preparation/assistance for either owners or slaves. Lincoln was assassinated because he was the most HATED man in America at that time (he FORCED northern men to fight with a draft and destroyed the southern men militarily, and economically).
The south wanted more states' rights and a smaller federal government.
The slavery aspect was included later by Lincoln as an attempt to lessen the support for the Confederacy during the war.
Let it be known, The South did fail, but you know what?
Everytime these faggots californians talk about "haha lets secede !! calexit!!"
We had the fucking balls to do it and we took our lick like goddamn men.
>tfw my godmother's great great great grandfather delivered alabama's secession speech
>US flag
slaves were considered to be "the Greatest Treasure" because their whole economy was based on slave labor, not money so much other than to buy slaves who could do so much for having cost mere bullshit dollars for decades, like a horse only more versatile
They literally think actually having slaves you can beat to death is okay for all concerned since they do not consider slaves to be people at all
there are slaves hidden away even now i bet
never freed, not even during the fake 'reconstruction' - i betcha
and did someone black disappear forever bodyneverfound? maybe they are in chains somewhere in the basement of some fat southern fucktard who loves torturing children and anyone just fine
the confederacy was armed treason, a violent attack on the whole nation to overthrow it and become a festering pit of slaves and pus-brained owners who would be the only ones allowed to do anything.
ownership society sound interesting now rite
The historical background has been discussed to death - but as for what the flag stands for in modern times, that's a little easier to say.
The Confederate Flag is the emblem of the armed forces of a defeated cause - the blood stained and bullet marked flag of a desperate few who held off for 4 years in the face of a tyrannical central government that would deprive them of their rights. It's the flag of men who stood and took up arms for their homeland and their heritage; proud individualist men of a military tradition who fought with honor. But in the end it was the flag of losers, for the lost cause of the south was swept away in a torrent of blood never to be raised again.
Why then, would anyone want to associate themselves with such a flag? The answer is simple, just look at the people who do - poor whites trampled on by a progressive government, the factories their families worked in for generations shut down and outsourced to foreigners, leaving them with only food stamps and opiates, Polacks from a poor country being pressured by the EU to surrender their country to mass, middle eastern immigration, Sup Forums users too redpilled for their own good, social outcasts with no friends not to mention girlfriends, but all too aware of the immense threats facing Western Civilization.
The Confederate Flag is the banner of those desperate few, the ones facing impossible odds who still have the courage to raise a middle finger to the tyrants who would oppress them, who will fight past all reason; men of honor and chivalry, but in the end, men who know that they have already lost.
hes right....
the democrats/north were the ones who wanted slavery the most btw, your idea of a southern slave owner is propaganda, as much as your idea of nazis being evil is propaganda
my girlfriend and I got into a rip roaring arguemnt over this.
she said anyone should be able to see humanity in another person. I on the other hand had stated that it was clear why they thought the africans were helpless savages.
We agreed to disagree, but I have studied and read a lot more on Confederate military strat and generals than she has
>my girlfriend and I got into a rip roaring arguemnt over this.
You are a fool... your woman is for fucking not discussing world politics... you are right, she is wrong, and your dick gets no playtime
I consider myself well read on the subject of the civil war, but until a few years ago I did not realize that the emanicipation proclamation did not apply to places like Maryland and other states that had not seceded.
The fucking jewish textbook writers dont want you to know that the emancipation proclamation was an after thought only put out to hurt the states that seceded. Lincoln didnt give a shit if you had slaves, so long as you were loyal to the union
The south should've won. What kind of retard doesn't see the logical conclusion of what freeing the slaves would entail? Obviously it would eventually lead to their complete social equality with whites and their constant murder of us.'s almost like all the Southerners of the time warned us about just that...weird..
Lel no wonder nazis and confederates have so much overlap. They are the biggest losers in recent American history. Lazy dumbfucks that either blame entire races for their personal problems or use them as cheap labor.
She certaily did not appreciate my hypothetical, I'll greentext it for you
>Be Dutch Trader
>leave glorious country that is civilized and magnificent
>fuck it lets hop in our boat and go on down to africa, I heard the local warring tribes have some new captures
>roll on down in our ornate beautiful ship that has been financed by investors
>dutchmen "whats up, we have some niggers for some basic commodities and maybe gold?"
>nigger tribes men "ya sounds good I got 1000 niggers where these came from"
>dutchmen "alright pal, dont forget to cook the meat we gave you. dont wanna get sick!"
>goes over to USA
>dutchmen "$5 a nigger pls"
Its not like the union didnt keep blacks legally and socially enslaved for the next 100 after the civil war.
The North just constantly lied in order to advance itself.
>Hey niggers you can have some of the land youve been working on if you revolt!
>Hey niggers we'll give you 40 acres and a mule!
>Hey niggers we are gonna occupy the government of the south for a couple decades and make sure shit works out for you guys!
>Hey niggers we are gonna give you guys voting rights!
>Hey niggers we are gonna give you the civil rights we were just joking about since 1865 (t. LBJ)
100 years is a blink of an eye in terms of niggers having been subhuman animals for thousands of years and in that short window getting complete equality.
You say that, and it is a pretty caustic statement to many people's ears.
The other day I was walking through a study area and I saw a young black child with a puppy and a ruler.
I watched him slap the puppy repeatedly with the ruler and I fucking stepped in and told him not to do that and told his mother what he was doing.
There is something in the black mind that does not permit them to have sympathy and compassion for small animals.
Fucking niggers. I've been on Sup Forums way to long to deal with anyone who doesn't hate niggers. If they're still that delusional they don't deserve to live tbqh and probably won't for very long with their naivety.
Want to know how to deal with them? I've lived in New Orleans all my life and never had a problem.
Have a big fucking dog and treat them kind. We've lived in the heart of the city right at the bend of the mississippi. We've had rottweilers, neopolitan mastiffs, pitbulls, and a rhodesian ridgeback.
civil war was anti slavery republicans vs pro slavery democrats.
>Toothpaste lost his "empire" to nips
Yankees were learning on the south to feed their industrialization, and tried taking maximum advantage where ever possible. this lead to taxation without representation issues and the south backed out. the north said nuh uh and maintained a military foothold which lead to a skirmish which lead to a war.
>mfw I saw someone flying a Confederate flag in a highly Jewish suburb of New York
Which one of you is it?
>Surely Washington didn't profit from ending slavery?
Look into the economics of slavery. By the time the 1860s rolled around, it was not considered a highly profitable model. Slaves required more investment and were higher risk than workers who were completely replaceable and responsible for their own ability to work. Slaves had to be taken care of when young/old/sick/injured/etc., workers did not.
yeah real "honor" in being a backstabbing coward who sees NOTHING WRONG in being a traitor who betrays every trust even to the point of holding another human being in a fucktard prison of slavery
coward traitors have ZERO fucking honor period
Were you in Brooklyn?
“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” Robert E. Lee
Well shit, now you did it, I want my slave treasures! I'll be rich with a gaggle of 70-80 IQ Kangs.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
1860a document 2 pg 10 and 1860b document 8 pg 64
The main issue was states' rights. The main issue pressing states' rights was an individual's right to own another person. So few people actually owned other people that the circumstances of the war seemed implausible, but that's how it works. Very few people cajoled half the fucking country into a war that only benefitted approx. 5% of the southern states' population.
It's almost laughable how a bunch of grabastic farm-boys nearly decimated the "union" which was far more advanced in industry/machinery/organization. Robert E. Lee was a tactical Einstein for his day. Had Gettysburg went another direction, we'd be living in a very different USA right now, and would have likely shipped a lot of Africans back to Africa in the end. Instead, we got HUD in the 1960s under LBJ, basically ensuring the black vote for dems for the rest of eternity, even though it was always Republicans that voted in the most progressive ideas, essentially changing the nation for the worse.
wtf i hate republicans now