told you from day 1.
how can he say this. germany needs more engineers and doctors from africa.
>cow 2 POV
gtfo furfag
If Macron keeps this madness up he just might become /my guy/
Can I get a transcript of said speech?
trump effect
Le Pen would have been better, but this cuck will do.
so repugnant
In English preferably
Or, he is just a moron. Which one is more likely, hu?
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
Too little, too late. France is irreparably fucked.
What is his endgame, Sup Forums??
What kind of 9d chess is he playing?
just leave africa and let them die
wtf I love Macron now
Reminder that journalists are too stupid to comprehend his bantz.
Fucking love the all the mad blacks in the comments,
>here's my anecdotal story, SHOVE IT MACRON!
sounds like fausses nouvelles
Eating Chronos
How/why do you disagree with Macron's statement?
quick someone get my gets from the macron threads i told you le cunt was a penis based macaroni APOLOGIZE
We need to send africa smart sperm
The sperm will give them bigger and better brains, and eliminate stupidity.
With stupidity gone/reduced, Africans will be able to build a prosperous and stable society, and no longer have to flee to europe by the hundreds of millions.
Kek, last week he said a similary thing about migrants in one of our island in the pacific and leftist media lost their minds.
it means enough refugees have been let in, now to prevent complete societal collapse they switch sides so they can turn the flow of refugees off. (((They))) still got what they wanted.
I am now a #macronmissile
this. or speed it up with nukes. i used to care and get all liberal teary eyed, but they truly are subhuman savages that destroy everything everywhere they go.
Oh shit, I like macron now
Friendly reminder that leftists always say this, and they mean that Africa doesn't have enough """equality."""
Macron is a fucking niggerloving faggot.
>tfw modern day big banker caligula
i shouldnt have been so apprehensive at first... this is simply epic
what dis French fool be talkin' about?
Omg the clash of civilizations is becoming true.
Like him or hate him, he is correct.
Leftists just can't deal with reality.
This is the same guy that had all the Imams in France instruct other Muslims to vote for him.
Yeah, /ourguy/ my ass
This is probably how the Jews felt when trump attacked Syria
Can only hope they backfire harder into more sensibility.
He's still pic related.
>muh colonialism ruined Africa
Do liberals actually think Africans would've even invented the wheel without outside influence?
Le Macron for /ourguy/
another proof that macaron is not sane person.
[...] Countries that had their balance, their borders, their stability. The challenge of Africa is completely different, he is way more deep. He is civilizational today. What are the issues in Africa ? Failed states , complex democratic transitions, demographic transition which is, I said it this morning, one of the essential challenges of Africa.
When countries have even today 7 to 8 children per women, you can decide to spend billions of euros you won't stabilize anything
yeah and Merkel is totally against immigration guys...
I'll believe it when I start seeing Africans being rounded up in France
This basicly means that Macron will import them all to Europe, because Women with 7 or 8 Kids will be better off in Europe, not Africa.
>insert the first part of the Vince McMahon gif where he seems mildly intrigued as a reaction image here
>/my guy/
You won't get this one, Satan.
Nerve gas would be much more efficient.
The kind where he consolidates power by taking away le pen party members
Also note its a nog that got triggered by the 7 or 8 kids comment... lol
>tfw white and parents generation has 8 siblings
yaaaaaaaas dadddyyyyyy
No, he said that the cause of every problem is the climate. We need to fix the climate in order to fix terrorism, the overpopulation, and so on. It's his "complexe thoughts" in action.
don't believe this faggot
dog and pony show
calling out 7-8 kid families does not mean he suddenly hates immigrants or isn't going to still destroy france
why is Sup Forums filled with such fools who complete flipflop 180 their opinion from a single statement
i guarantee you will flip back again and be made to look the fool
Is the border closed... No?
Is France cutting down on immigration?
When he starts mass deporatation of muslims and niggers. Then and only then will he be /ourgoy/.
this exactly.
some people are so easily fooled by words.
Like when Merkel unironically did a 180 and said they would deport migrants because an election was near and she wanted to crush AFD.
Then the election passed and guess what? she went back to her typical migrant loving stance.
They can say whatever they want but until actions follow, its fucking nothing.
>uses the rothschilds to get into a position of power
>makes leftists and Muslims vote for him
>once in power turns into Sup Forums: the politician
>says he's going to govern like a roman god
>won't talk to journalists
>cuts taxes
>shrinks government size
>fires government employees
>closes borders
>says refugees that aren't actually refugees but illegal migrants have to go
>says Africans should stop having kids
>becomes buddies with Trump in the G20
Screen caps or it never happened.
theres no way this is a real quote
Wow, that nigger on Twitter is mad
I don't know how anyone can think it's repugnant to point out that it's a bad thing to have 8 kids you can't support because you live in hopeless poverty.
Bientôt avec Macron on aura des climatiseurs dans les cellules de déradicalisation
are people really going to pretend like this is wrong
Back this up. Show me. I want this to be true.
No telling me to google it isn't an argument.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cognitive dissonance is resonating in liberal minds, quick someone silence the dissenter and his unpalatable speech!
Politicians are starting to realize that Muslims aren't a group of reliable useful idiot minorities for the expansion of government power the way blacks and Mexicans are in the United States. They are not going to be grateful to the white government once they're the majority within two generations, they're going to take away everything from them and turn the whole continent into a shithole.
The USA's multiculti culture cancer is actually more dire, but our useful idiots stay useful.
What he said is completely reasonable and not right wing at all. Come on Macron. Dont let me down. I have a good feeling about you! Stay reasonable or even get a little right wing.
It will be great!
I thought he was going to hide inside and not address the public?
it's not that hard
Does anyone have a link to the speech?
You're all just babbling about the perceived ideological alignment of your opponent. It's quite ridiculous. No one actually cares for what Macron's point is.
Couldn't find a transcript but i did find an extremely butthurt Vox article
Did you really think these guys were gonna let us down?
Hey frogs, how are your lefties reacting to this charade?
I wonder what caused this...
that illuminati symbology, the salute is even angled up to the damnable eye of moloch there
Africa's problem is biological, not civilisational.
He was never a leftie, so why wouldn't he say such things. The election was between a conservative and a nationalist.
If I was wrong about Macron I'd be thrilled
gonna need to see some proof tho
This. It would decrease net suffering for everyone involved, including Africans. No more food and medicine for the African continent. Let them starve into equilibrium.
Pretty funny desu
Respect where respect is due. Naming the problem is the first step on solving it. Hopefully we also get such a poletician as our neighbour just did.
Though it is yet to see what follows the talk
>killed a million and half
LoL wut?
Anyway what's with those scumbags thinking their opinion matter on French politics?
Reminds me a bit of how the mob got JFK elected president and soon after he double-crossed him and did his own thing. That is, if Macron continues this type of rhetoric. He better be careful though (((they))) will try to eliminate him if he goes too far.
Daily reminder that those are quotes by him
>"The fact that the refugee crisis exists is proof that we do not have a shared political strategy for the protection of our borders, of development and humanitarian politics. And so we deal with the consequences"
>“If Europe had been able to formulate a coordinated plan to tackle the Syrian refugee crisis, including the first camps in Turkey and Lebanon, then we would never have had to deal with that first route from the Balkans which allowed millions of refugees to come to Europe.”
>“In French politics, this absence is the presence of a King, a King whom, fundamentally, I don’t think the French people wanted dead”
Sweet Macron is going full 1488 now , he is our guy Sup Forums
having children is natural, normal behavior
it's the West that is fucked up
Macron is a bitch
ask his wife
He isn't anyone's guy, other than banksters and globalists. He is indeed a madman, not in a good way, but in an insane dictator kind of way.
He belittles shitskins? So what? He absolutely loathes the people, everyone is a subhuman to him.
All leftist politicians actually hate shitskins, Hollande said in his book that he was fully aware of the problem of immigration and multiculturalism, but still went through with it regardless to further his own agenda and political carreer. That's why those politicians live very far away from the suburbs, don't take public transportation, don't walk on the streets, have got armed guards following them and send their kids to expensive private schools : they don't want to encounter a single non-white.
Race mixing, diversity and mulitculturalism is only for the people, what they consider the inferior masses.
now i really wanna know what he was talking about with trump.