1-Bulgaria 545 years
2-Greece 363 years
3-Serbia 539 years
4-Montenegro 539 years
5-Bosnia 539 years
6-Croatia 539 years
7-Macedonia 539 years
8-Slovenia 250 years
9-Romania 490 years
10-Slovakia 20 years
11-Macersit 160 years
12-Moldova 490 years
13-Ukraine at 308 years
14-Azerbaijan 25 years
15 Georgia 400 years
16-Armenia 20 years
17-Cyprus 293 years
18-Northern Cyprus 239 years
19-South Russia 291 years
20 Egypt 459 years
21 Libya 439
22 Tunisia 308 years
23-Algerian 313 years
24-Sudan 397 years
25-Eritrean 350 years
26-Djibouti 350 years
27-Somali 350 years
28-Kenya 350 years
29-Tanzania 250 years
30-North cad 313 years
31 Nigeria 300 years
32-Mozambique 150 years
33-Morocco 250 years
34-year West sahra250
35-Mauritania 250 years
36-Maliki 300 years
Senegal 37 300 years
38-Gambia 300 years
39-Guinea 300 years
40-Guinea bisv 300 years
41-Ethiopian 350 years
42-Iraq 402 years
43-Syria 402 years
44-Israel 402 years
45-Palestine 402 years
46-Jordan 402 years
399 years after the 47-Saudi Arabia
48-Yemen 401 years
49-Oman 400 years
50-b.a.emirlig 400 years
51-Qatar 400 years
52-Bahrain 400 years
53-Kuwait 381 years
54-western Iran, 30 years
55-Lebanon 402 years
56-Poland 25 years
57-Gritany to 25 years
58-Albania 435 years
59-Belarusian 25 years
60-Lithuania 25 years
61-Latvia 25 years
62-Kosovo 539 years
63-Voyvodiny 166 years
COUNTRIES in the Ottoman domination
Now count the years those countries haven't been under ottoman domination, t*rkroach.
Countries that are in the Ottoman domination now:
>buttblasted diaspora incoming
Have you paid reparations yet? No? Would brag about it so loud.
I dont know whats more pathetic, a roach boasting that their "empire" consisted of sandnigger nations or its current state where its own government cannot stop sucking eastern and western European cock.
Is "Ottoman Domination" T*rkish for "Gay Rape"?
The T*rkish Ottoman Empire was among the first nation to decriminalize homosexuality, in 1858
>[source]: en.wikipedia.org
The T*rkish Sufi "mysticism" cult included the "sema" ceremony, in which Sufis would sit in a circle and contemplate "beautiful boys". The rite was also known as "boy gazing".
>[source]: hurriyetdailynews.com
The Ottoman T*rk Army, even during the First World War, was infamous for homosexual rape, with officers and even common soldiers routinely raping the young, the good-looking, and the weak among their ranks, and even prostituting their comrades out to other soldiers
>[source]: “Off the Straight Path: Illicit Sex, Law, and Community in Ottoman Aleppo" (Syracuse, 2008), Elyse Semerdjian
The famous Turkish proverb "women for breeding, boys for pleasure, and melons for sheer delight" speaks for itself.
>[source]: "Islam and Homosexuality: Volume I", pg 33. (University of Western Sydney, 2009), Ed. Samar Habib.
Is sodomy a T*rkish tradition?
how retarded are you?
living under the fridge doesnt count as ruling
Seriously when you fought real countries with name and empires like the english, or spaniards and the portuguese, you got your ass kicked.
Turks truly are the masterrace
No other ethnicity has enslaved slavs, greeks, arab sandniggers and chinks
Ottomans never owned Andalusia
Sounds like you got a lot of reparations to give, then.
Or is it just a white people thing ?
>we enslaved the subhiman slime that mixed with us
no shit. you fuckers never can beat the anglo
idk about the others, but slovenia was int your shitty empire for 250years, where did you get your stats?
There is nothing more pathetic than a has-been country bragging about shit that happened millennia ago.
British Empire and Soviet Union faggots are going into the same category.
Oh, i guess T*rk bois can't even beat Italy, the biggest joke of a military in Europe at the time HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And as if that wasn't enough, you got raped by the balkan league right after, i swear you mongol rape-babies just can't stop losing
>ottoman domination
judging by pic related you were indeed "higher up" in the hierarchy
heh heh
out of all countries in the world, the Turks are the most autistic about their past and the funny part is that other than occupying lands they did jackshit
>1-Bulgaria 545 years
Are you a fucking retard. You roaches did us in the 15th century and got ourselfs out in 1879. How is that over 500 years.
opinion discarded
idk but with almost every Ottoman war a portion of their enemy's die because of a disease, do they poison their food or something
"European" control i think you mean anglo
>thinking this is real on any perspective of history
it means "Dutch"
>Western Sahara
>Southern Russia
> south russia
lmfao roacho, what kind of damage control is this?
did you forget to mention that you have lost EVERY SINGLE WAR against russia or something?
they have before. faggot.
Do you realize just how bad turks smell?, imagine their normal everyday stench combined with the smell of their rotting corpses, and top all of that with the fact that you're probably fighting them in a sandnigger shithole where the coldest day in the year has a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius
Impossible not to get sick in those conditions
And yet you get blown up by pkk. Sad!
Sign of inbreeding (beeing a Turkroach)
-Disturbed perception
-Fanaticism due to lack of impulsive control
-Aggression due to disturbed brain functions
-Increased sexual urge due to the genetic bottle neck
-Increased persistence due to the lack of further development
-Increased criminal energy due to lack of self-reflection
when the fuck did they manage to conquer china? That's the other side of the continent