Gleeful Styx relishes in the death of "legacy stores"

What is his problem?
Saw a video about how the death box stores is inevitable because of the internet and this mother fucker was so gleeful at the prospect of people losing their jobs because muh internet muih legacy commerce.

Honest Styx is such an objectivist that I fine him so fucking unbearable. This and the joyful tone in the girls from the UK being turned into Kebabs.

Styx is a Satanist no regard for life other than his own. He lacks compassion for his fellow man. I unsubbed after the Otto Warmier video were he because show no compassion for his torture

autists have no empathy

Judging by your flag, you're obviously a socialist faggot.
>muh jobs
>muh box stores
Gain new skills and adapt.

>implying most of Sup Forums showed any sympathy for Otto after that ordeal

You shouldn't support Trump then faggot

We need to get rid of these fucking normies flooding this board with feelings, empathy, and thoughtful consideration of other human beings. What happened to the board where assisted suicide was encouraged for minor character defects and gas chambers were the best invention of mankind?

thats . . . um


That Board died when Sup Forums became flooded with Kekstani cringe from Sargon

Styx only cares about himself he plans on having no Children while being a civic nationalist in an all white state.

We should create a new board that restricts users to only posting if they score high enough on the aspie test. Normies can browse, they just can't post.


Get fucked, work a job that people actually want.

Yes have people shift and change completely from what they trained to do. So simple

Yes, do so.


I don't care if box stores go under. People who work there are subhumans anyways. They can do some other shitty job that does not require education, creativity and thinking.

stop promoting e-celebs

But Styx is our prophet.

I work at a lowes and I wouldn't even mind it going under.

Can't tryx the styx

>working in a box store
Are you talking about monkeys or actual people?Because these jobs are as basic as they get.

Any oldfags remember botany101?

Is that the sequel to wizard 101

Styx is a hypocrite remember when he cried and said he wasn't going to make videos for a while because his girlfriend broke up with him. He took a day off and he was back. He was practically begging for sympathy/Empathy Now that others suffer he doesnt give a shit because muh legacy I hate old things. What a faggot

Styx is a fag lover

He's just a giant 14 year old. His shtick was kind of interesting during the election but watching his videos now and seeing what he spams on Twitter ("organized religion is for sheep, I am the master!") it's obvious he was just that weird kid in 8th grade who took Marilyn Manson seriously then never grew up.


Styxhexenhammer666 is a completely respectable adult, I can't believe you'd say otherwise!

You better just hope he doesn't cast some satanic magic spells on you!

my goodness, how will shelf stockers and the "it's not my department" people ever recover?

this guy is an autistic retard anyway, not sure why you would watch his videos

I agree with OP.

Computers will cost thousands of jobs. They reduce time and costs of calculations. Stuff that now needs 50 people that trained all their lives for it... their jobs will be gone WTF

Styx is dick slobbering the internet because it allowed him to make money without leaving the house. That's why he is doing damage control for Amazon like a good goy.

He's a pagan.

Hello CTR/shariahblue shills. You sad your stocks are failing as the internet cripples you?
