Daily reminder, the "alt light" is full of shills and controlled opposition.
Daily reminder, many members of the "alt light" have been found to be selling out members of the new right.
Daily reminder, the "alt light" is full of shills and controlled opposition.
Daily reminder, many members of the "alt light" have been found to be selling out members of the new right.
yeah the Alt-Light are fucking retarded
Hate them so much, but they do help get people from the left to righ
Molyneux and Hyde are both alt-right
Yea that guys a pedo for sure.
IS Sam Hyde the chosen one sent to unite the alt-lite with the alt-right and form the alt-reich?
Sam Hyde is just a guy that wants to fuck around and make jokes
hahahahaha, he makes videos on race and IQ all the time
Can confirm
t.totaly not Sam
>alt right: trailer trash beta whites who have a tiny following of fat LARPers on Sup Forums
>alt light: normal every day Americans who stand up for values and use inclusion as a tactic to spread their idealology
Alt right is a fucking joke and has absolutely no future. Alt lite is the one doing the leg work, spreading the memes and getting people elected while you omega males sit on here crying because white women won't fuck you. Sup Forums btfo. /thread.
>normal every day Americans
Hey Isabelle, hope we meet again
More American than a bunch of nazis and antifa punching bags kek. Most of the alt right hates America since all they do is bitch about how bad it is.
Nah he's light. However strong intellectual arguments, brings normies to the side of truth and he hasn't been shown to be a cuck or a sellout yet.
The alt lite is the one who pushes the normies down the rabbit hole, then varying degrees of harder alt light push them farther down, and Molyneux is a perfect tool for us in this regard. He makes normies question narratives and most importantly, he doesn't attack others. That is key. If the alt-light bases us hard they are an enemy. Cernovich and Milo are this, their value is extremely limited, and may even be a net negative. Cernovich has also been shown to attack people on the alt right.
What the fuck. underrated
This is seriously the most retarded thing I've seen. "I disagree with you."
"I disagree with you!"
"Let's show each other our assholes and yell like children."
It's just a matter of time before shit slinging is an acceptable form of "debate".
>Stefan Molyneux
>constantly speaks about race realism
>shows the disparities between nigs and whites
>alt lite
Well, actually it kinda does make sense since he hasn't named the jew yet, so i give them that
you mean antifa protesters don't count?
he also only advocates fighting with your words
Molyneux is almost fully alt-right
Lauren Southern is heading towards the alt-right
there's something off about spencer
So the difference between alt light and alt right is just white nationalist "Please do not racemix!!!!" emotional garbage and the patient, logical values of conservatism?
Sign me up for the alt light senpai.
That and he is also a Jew. Molyneux is by far the best of the alt-light, but he's only as far right on the race issue as you can be without being any flavor of NatSoc(advocating separate nations, etc). He's still a civic nationalist
First: They're mostly Canadian besides Milo, who's British.
Second: The amount of complaining one does is not equal to how American one might be.
Third: The alt-lite complains about America as much as, if not more than, the alt-right.
Fourth: American Antifa is a fucking joke for the amount of times they've been btfo, even by le Kekistan larpers.
The alt-light is a gateway drug. It serves the purpose of initial red pilling of the normies. Then over time they become full on white nationalist.
You can observe this by looking at baked alaska or southern who have recently come out full 1488 or "concerned with the future of whites in europe."
Daily reminder that the alt light is celebrated while the alt right is getting punched in the face.
Go home.
Molyneux was who turned me from a lolbertarian to what i am now, back in 2008 or so.
Both sides are as equally villainized by the left, neocons and the entire media.
The alt-lite is probably villainized more often because of media stunts they try to pull.